Diep.io Wiki
Diep.io Wiki
The subject of this article is no longer in Arras.io! Please keep note while reading that this feature is archived and cannot be done/played/seen in Arras.io anymore.

The Flamethrower was a Tier 4 tank in Arras.io.


The Flamethrower features a very wide trapezoid, with a short barrel on top of it.


It doesn't work exactly like a flamethrower, as the fire rate is pretty slow, but the bullets it fires will actually begin to grow in size and damage other things around it. This may reference the fact that fire can spread.


  • Strong against: Basic tanks, close range tanks, rammers, tanks with low movement speed.
  • Weak against: Long ranged tanks, tanks with high movement speed and/or fire rate.

As the Flamethrower[]

  • It is a good against the close range tanks Smasher and its branch, especially if they're slow.
  • It is recommended to upgrade bullet health to get bigger bullets.
    • Pairing that with higher bullet speed makes this tank even more dangerous.
  • Since the fire rate is pretty slow, it is recommended to upgrade the reload to make it efficient.

Against the Flamethrower[]

  • There is a good chance of being able to take down the tank easily by directly shooting at it as a strong Machine Gun tank, since the Flamethrower, despite its name, has a slow fire rate, thus giving a bit of time for the player to attack the user of the Flamethrower.
  • It is best to upgrade the movement speed to escape the growing bullets, especially if the tank has a high bullet speed.
    • It is especially best to step away from the bullets at the first couple seconds, since the bullets are in their smallest size.


  • This tank experimented with the use of growing ammunition, something extremely unique compared to other Arras tanks.
  • This tank was previously accessible in the early Mockup builds of Arras.io, before later being removed.
  • This is the only mockup-exclusive tank to have not been reworked into another tank or added in some form to Retrograde.