The Necromancer
Drone tanks are very difficult to use, but the Necromancer makes, say, the Overlord look easy. Tanks with high rates of fire or powerful bullets can quickly wipe out the Necromancer's drones, leaving it defenseless. And unlike the Overlord, the drones don't instantly start to regenerate.
I, however, was in awe of its massive drone army and potential for power. So, I upgraded to it. My very first action was a disaster. I sent my drones flying into the face of a storm of bullets. Needless to say, they were soon incinerated and I quickly followed the same fate. Lesson learned.
But I don't give up easily and only a few days later, I tried the Necromancer again. This time, things were different. Unlike the previous time, I was using a tried and t…
Booster: Speed Demon
Well I felt like writing today so whether you like it or not, here I go...
Today I will be describing and voicing my opinions on Booster. I might do a few more of these if you guys like it or I feel compelled to write again.
Imagine, you've just entered an FFA match. There are pentagons a plenty and squares galore around you. Everything seems calm and quiet... Too quiet. You get some levels and upgrade your stats and all of a sudden BOOM! A tank comes out of nowhere in a blurr killing you. After awhile pondering what happened, you realized it was one of the fastest tanks in the game Booster.
When upgrading to the Tri Angle branch, it seems as if you've turned into a fighter jet. As you rocket around the Diep arena, making big swoops and dive…
Some Statistics
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Welcome to Comparisons Part 1!
Captain's Opinion: Episode 1
- 1 Hello Diep Community
- 1.1 So this week's topic is... SURVIVAL MODE!!
- 1.2 Surviving the opening seconds
- 1.3 The Final Two
Today is the day I finally decide to start a weekly series, Captain's Opinion. What this series is based upon is my personal opinions on game modes, shapes, tanks or updates that come to Enjoy!
At first my original opinion of this game mode was negative. Instant deaths and many minutes spent waiting for the game to load was taking it's toll but recently, I started to play some more and it's really quite exciting.
One of my personal favorite ideas about this game mode is the constant XP gain as the match ensues, allowing everyone to upgrade fast and get their builds ready for the final showdown. However this is an extreme…
Medic Classes Suggestion for
Nobody but SM is allowed to edit this. You may suggest changes in the comments below or on my message wall for me to review. I will certainly be adding more content to this over time, but for now, what you see is what you get.
Please view this blog in source mode - it makes the formatting better since this wonky formatting is for reddit to interpret correctly.
Before I begin, I would like you to take the time to read another fine-quality post I made about how to change Spawnrooms and make them much better overall in the game. (There's other things besides Spawnroom changes, but the majority is just about Spawnrooms)
[The post about Spawnrooms can be found here.](…
Class Specific And Gamemode Specific Strategies
This blog post serves as a guide for specific tanks in the game, as well as some strategies for all gamemodes except sandbox.
- 1 Tank Strategies:
- 1.1 Triplet:
- 1.2 Triplet Tips:
- 1.3 Overlord:
- 1.4 Overlord Tips:
- 1.5 Necromancer:
- 1.6 Necromancer Tips:
- 1.7 Ranger
- 1.8 Ranger Tips:
- 1.9 Tri-Trapper
- 1.10 Tri-Trapper tips
- 1.11 Booster:
- 1.12 Booster Tips:
- 2 Gamemode Strategies:
- 2.1 Survival:
- 2.2 Survival Tips:
The Triplet has its barrels aligned in a streamlined position, giving it the advantage of having focused fire. Your focused fire is a vital component of both your defense and your offense; You can either use it as a shield/wall (given that your bullet speed is at minimum) to stop and protect you from stray bullets and drones, or you can max out bullet speed to quickly damage e…
Extreme Challenge No. 1
An extremely difficult challenge that requires setting up stuff using Console before starting it.
This challenge puts the player on how long can he/she survive in an environment where almost all things are black, including himself, along as how much points can he/she acquired before death. Health and Stats cannot be seen, as well as names and other texts that might reveal the enemies. You can't even know whether you can upgrade your tank class. Summed up, it looks like the player is in "blind state".
Type and enter the following codes in game Console:
ren_background false
net_replace_color 0 0x000000
net_replace_color 1 0x000000
net_replace_color 2 0x000000
net_replace_color 3 0x000000
net_replace_color 4 0x000000
net_replace_color 5 0x000000