Diep.io Wiki

AnsonXLGaming AnsonXLGaming 12 August 2016

300 Edits in a month record!?(I know 1 person that beat my record tho)

Holy smokes, 300 edits in a month ? That's crazy! And considering that I have to do 20 pages of homework a day and some chores I am actually kinda proud of myself. Apentashot! I know you are giggling!!!

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AnsonXLGaming AnsonXLGaming 11 August 2016

"Best" Luck Ever

I just got Ditched by 3 staffs in a row in chat . Tonn Lenk , Then Akkaviv, And now Miss Lovey Dove ? Will Zathus or Ziga be next ?

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Auto Destroyer Hybrid

It's a simple idea!

Just like the Hybrid, instead of a drone, Its an AI cannon!

That's it! :D

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  1. I have an idea for the trapper

It's for a lvl45 upgrade, i still dont know a name for it.

It can only shoot 1 trap but it can control the trap. The player can switch views from the trapper and the trap.

The trap's size is like the mega trapper's size. (you guys can change it)

It's weakness is when the player controlled the trap far away, the player will not notice if his/her tank is being attacked or not.

So thats my Idea!

Another one is a mixed Stalker and an Auto tank.

This tank has 1 auto cannon and (any amount) of cannons.

The auto cannon only appears when you stand still. Standing still makes you go invisible.

Its REALLY obvious for other players to see you because your auto cannon is visible, thats the problem.So the auto cannon must fade a b…

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Apentashot1274 Apentashot1274 6 August 2016

Applying for staff

Ok, i might apply for staff. Im a bit nervous though. I'll do a poll to see if i should apply or not.

You guys decide.

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AnsonXLGaming AnsonXLGaming 6 August 2016

I h8..



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ProGamer22-fduser ProGamer22-fduser 17 July 2020

Green Squares

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FiveDots FiveDots 6 August 2016


After the July 31 Changelog Post which proved that the Wikia had got the tiers system wrong, all the pages about tanks had to be updated. Most of this updating has been done by other users, but I have found a few pages which haven't been updated. I have already sorted out those pages, but could users reading this please help check the pages about tanks to make sure that all the pages show the correct tier number? Thank you

For your information:

  • Tier 1: Level 1 tank
  • Tier 2: Level 15 upgrades
  • Tier 3: Level 30 upgrades
  • Tier 4: Level 45 upgrades
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Apentashot1274 Apentashot1274 5 August 2016

300 EDIT CRAZE!!!!


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GunnerTeam GunnerTeam 5 August 2016


Read the title.

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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 4 August 2016

What if the Pentagon nest is protected by a dominator

What if the Pentagon nest is protected by a dominator

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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 4 August 2016

Make a new Pentagun

pentagun can shoot bullets and pentagons

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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 3 August 2016

make Shield Tank class

shield tank has a shield and two double guns:

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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 3 August 2016

electricity shooter

electricity shooter:

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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 3 August 2016

new tank idea

  • New unnamed class, branches off twin

 * The bullets are crossed  

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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 2 August 2016

new tanks ideas

New ideas for Diep.IO

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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 2 August 2016

make a new prison tank

if a tank is in, you can close the hatch to kill him

made by my little brother

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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 2 August 2016

Game defender

make a new game defender in a new game mode

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ZeusGamer369 ZeusGamer369 28 July 2016

Green Square

Me and my Friend were just screwing around on TDM, then we decided to head over to the battlefield. When all out of a sudden, a square appeared. just like any other square, except it was green. for what I could tell, it took the same amount two pentagon took to kill it (with a level 32 sprayer with max BD). I just became lvl 32,and when I killed it, I leveled up into a really advanced lvl 35. anyone else seen this? and what is it? maybe a glitch? anyways, be on lookout. and message me if you find this weird object.

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Gabriel theuns 2006 Gabriel theuns 2006 24 July 2016



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Gabriel theuns 2006 Gabriel theuns 2006 24 July 2016


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Gabriel theuns 2006 Gabriel theuns 2006 24 July 2016


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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 24 July 2016


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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 24 July 2016

All tanks

these are all the tanks:

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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 22 July 2016

Make a new drone

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Jeremia theuns Jeremia theuns 20 July 2016

Make a new tank

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Miss Lovey Dove Miss Lovey Dove 16 July 2016

Bureaucrat PARTY!

Ok guys, so once Zathus becomes a bureacrat or whatever the name is which he TOTALLY will, liek there is no reason for him not to, we all meet up in Diep.io in a game mode the day Zathus becomes bureacrat and all team up with each other, yes all of us! We will defeat all of the other people and try to go in the top 10 and if Zathus shows up we should try our best to make him the top one, not saying we have to though. If you guys want, because I do, we can also meet up in Agar.io instead of Diep.io and team in party mode because, to be honest, when was the last time you guys played Agar.io now that Diep.io is out? So do you guys want the party? Also when you comment and you want the party comment agar.io or diep.io and also say what time yo…

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Akkaviv Akkaviv 8 July 2016


Although Zathus is Admin, and will soon be bureaucrat, the wiki is still pretty unorganzied. Also, the normal editor does not give a lot of options (only a few fonts, etc.). As you may have noticed, I am turning all the pages into templates, making them more organized, and also allowing people to use other fonts , make the text coloful, and so on. For example, the Diep.io Fan Ideas Page, used to have 50 + lines of text, making it hard to edit. Now, the entire page can be accesed by typing {{Fanideas} (with one more braket) , which is a lot shorter of a way of doing it. Hopefully you like the changes :P

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Puffyy Puffyy 1 July 2016

Chat Rules

Note: Receiving three kicks total results in an instant ban, although certain infractions result in an instant ban. If you are banned from chat, you will also be given a Strike.

  • 1 Rule 1
  • 2 Rule 2
  • 3 Rule 3
  • 4 Rule 4
  • 5 Rule 5
    • 5.1 Avatars
    • 5.2 No Gore
  • 6 Rule 6
  • 7 Rule 7
  • 8 Rule 8
  • 9 Rule 9
  • 10 Rule 10
  • 11 Rule 11
  • 12 Rule 12

Spam will result in a kick.

What classifies as spam is:

  • Three or more lines of the same text
  • More than 6 lines of text without other users posting between them
    • It is allowed if it is genuine conversation.
  • Posting Zalgo text

Keep it civil.

If you are causing a lot of drama that is bothering users, a staff member will decide a punishment for you.

Generally the punishment for causing drama should be a kick, but if it is more extreme, a ban may be necessary.

Do not post l…

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Akkaviv Akkaviv 30 June 2016

Edit Farming

I appreciate the new acheivments, but there is a terrible problem: edit farms. People are now edit farming, and therefore cheating. RCD2400 has made 50 + additions to the polygons page, one word at a time:

This is considered illeagal, and is now a big problem. Zathus, if your reading this, please put an end to this edit farming. 

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RCD2400 RCD2400 30 June 2016

My booster build

Thisbooster build is very tough and strong but lacks bullet speed and movement speed: the build is 6,6,0,0,7,7,7,0 and this build really works here's a picture of me getting 557,000 score with it

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Adasba Adasba 26 June 2016

Adasba's Strategy Guide WIP

Hello! It looks like you have found my strategy guide. This guide goes from the basics, like controls and how the upgrades work, to advanced high-level strategies! It is designed to quickly turn players who can’t get past 1000 points into ones who get first place in the leaderboard regularly.

  • 1 For Starters:
    • 1.1 How do you control the character?
    • 1.2 What are the bars on the bottom?
    • 1.3 What are the bars at the top right corner?
    • 1.4 What are those shapes?
    • 1.5 What are those bars in the bottom left corner?
    • 1.6 I see pictures of tanks in the top left corner, what does that mean?
  • 2 Basic Tips & Tricks:
    • 2.1 Recoil:
    • 2.2 The Element of Surprise:
    • 2.3 Dealing More Damage:
    • 2.4 Where you are the Safest:
    • 2.5 Find Off-screen Tanks:
    • 2.6 Identify Tanks:

This guide assumes that you h…

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TanksForNothing TanksForNothing 24 June 2016

Using the Fighter

This has been one of my favorite builds of all time. 3,4,0,2,7,7,7,3. The high reload and penetration boosts you, as well as creating a formidable bullet shield. You can outmaneuver overlords as well as destroy octotanks. As an added bonus, you can dodge dominator bullets while shooting them with your sideguns.

If you want extra speed, go for the booster. It helps when killing drone based tanks.

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Puffyy Puffyy 22 June 2016

List of templates

Here I'll list some useful templates on the wiki.

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TanksForNothing TanksForNothing 17 June 2016

Boosting around the enemy base

Since Team DM was introduced, I have always wondered about the enemy bases. Why did they not put them right against the corner of the map? Can you go around them? Well, a few weeks ago, I tried to go all the way around the base using the grey border without dying from the guardians, using the destroyer, right? The fastest tank in the game, at the time. I used this build: 5, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 7, 7. I got to about the corner behind the enemy base when the Guardians pushed me against the wall and vaporized me. 

I tried this experiment using the booster yesterday, it being much, much faster than the destroyer. I made it all the way around the enemy base and was escaping with about 1/10 of my life... when one guardian came back from messing up my o…

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Zathsu Zathsu 19 July 2017

I Am... Wow

Points addressed in this blog post:

-My user page becoming protected.

-New admin election.

-Thoughts on the vandal problem.

-Future plans should I win said admin election.

-My modesty about said admin election.

-Who I consider worth Moderator or higher and why.

  • 1 User Page Protection
  • 2 New Admin Election
    • 2.1 Thoughts on Vandalization
    • 2.2 These Are My Steps For World Domination... I Mean The Wiki
    • 2.3 Why Am I Acting Like This
    • 2.4 People I Consider Good Enough For Stuff

I actually found this hilarious. Honestly, I didn't know user pages were editable by anybody to begin with (every wikia I've been on is rather friendly and really has no problems), so I'm just glad that all happened WHILE I was off. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It appears that people are actually voting for me. …

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TanksForNothing TanksForNothing 14 June 2016

Hybrid is overpowered

The hybrid is my favorite tank. 2,2,1,7,7,7,7,0 is my favorite build for it. You can rip through any bulletspammer's barrage. You can destroy an alpha Pentagon in 8 shots. Heck, you can stand in the middle of the pentagon nest and work on just defending while your overseer Doritos destroy the Pentagons for you. Just don't be too successful, or the game admin head honchos will nerf it. : ) I'm new to this wiki but I've been with Diep.io for a long time.

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Monke flip Monke flip 22 September 2020

Diep.io's Tank Signal Language

This is the blog post for a former page that is soon to be deleted. If the page stays, ignore this post. I have some thoughts on adding extra signals.

Tank Interaction refers to moves that people have found, using them for fun, for teasing, for commanding, etc.

  • 1 Spin
  • 2 No
  • 3 Go here

Performed by spinning in a circle moving your turret. People use this for interaction and for team building while others use this for teasing mostly Snipers and other tanks. This is also a battle combat move used with bullets.

Performed by moving your turret side by side as a no. People use this for teasing other Tanks like they couldn't or shouldn't kill them. Some people us this when the Director move is used as they tell the Director that "No, there is a problem ther…

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GreenPotato GreenPotato 12 June 2016

New Administrator

As you may know, our current administrator is inactive since the first day of this wiki. He did a total of 7 edits, but now we don't have any use of him.

This wiki has been griefed several times, and there was no one to protect it. We also need to delate many spam pages, so we really need to get a new Admin.

I asked for permission to name a new Admin on the Community Wikia, and they said that if we choose a new Admin and everyone agrees with that choice, he can become Admin straight away. (In most cases you need to give the old admin 60 days chance to come back but they made an exception)

So if you have any suggestions for the new Admin, post them in this Discussion. We can have election for the new Admin from all suggestions at the end.

I'm s…

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Puffyy Puffyy 11 June 2016

Diep.io wiki logo

Here's a logo that you could use for this wiki, if you ever need to.

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Meettal Meettal 28 November 2019

Be ready for 2 new classes that branches off the Tri-Angle

It's unnamed and you could name it right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diepio/comments/4mc3ns/class_tree_2_new_nameless_classes_suggesting/

Don't make a page about it though, wait until the new classes has a name.

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Leonardo G. Leonardo G. 27 May 2016

Why Diep.io doesn't work for me

Diep.io is a game that is semi-recent and has become very popular. It has a unique concept and I really like the level-up mechanism, and how you can upgrade your tank to many different types of tanks. It's a good concept, but honestly, it just doesn't work for me.

Slither.io is a game that caters to everyone, big or small, and you can win no matter your size - just get a snake to run into you, and that snake's dead, even if you're smaller or bigger than them. I like this concept even more than the agar.io or diep.io concept, because it doesn't favor bigger players even more. It treats everyone equally, instead of like "o u be big, u get to be praktikly ovar powared".

However, diep.io is a game that can be quite chaotic for you unless you don…

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