Greetings! It's been a while since the last Wiki Update and a ton has happened since... from a host of Changelog Updates to quite a few bold innovative new projects, the Wiki (or is a Fandom?) has been changing in so many ways, so start reading!
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Factory: Overseers
- The Battleship and Necromancer are exempted from these strategies.
Overseers, how many times have your runs ended like this? The most efficient way of dealing with the Overseer branch may be to simply blast one’s way to the tanks — easier said than done, the Overseer branch still makes for Factory’s most difficult matchups. A lot of the skills necessary to fight other classes are also required to fight this types of tanks.
- Notes
- The Factory’s DPS ensures that it can respawn its drones faster than they can be destroyed. And the strategy should revolve around it. However, complementary skills normally associated with other tanks are important, as to ensure one can deal with these classes in the most efficient way:
- Players must exploit the Factor…
How Many Builds are in
One of the core features of is the ability to customize individual aspects of each tank, beyond the premade classes. One can upgrade health and body damage to ram enemy players, or bullet damage and reload to become a hurricane of death. However, just how many different builds are there? It's a difficult question to answer, with seemingly endless configurations of 33 points into 8 different stats. However, there is an elegant way to calculate it formulaically through mathematics. In this blog post, I'll explain this method in detail, and why it works. Note, however, that this method assumes knowledge of basic algebra, utilizing polynomials and exponents.
There isn't an easy way to simulate the ways to pick stats with typical grade-lev…
Things That Annoy Me In
Welp, I got my other two blogs deleted for shortness, so instead of episodes in Annoying Things, there's just gonna be one alpha. Ok, the first point is the glitch that occures as soon as you spawn. It causes you to start firing without pressing anything. This thing is actually pure evil. It sucks because you have to start upgrading your beginning points without the 15 second shield. And in 60% of all cases, you end up dying. I'm not entirely sure this is a glitch but it most likely is. My theory of it's reason is that the game takes a few milliseconds to catch up and if you had Auto Fire on in the last game, then diep recognizes it before catching up. I know I'm probably wrong but whatever.
The second one doesn't annoy me as much as it cre…
Shifting Gears
Hello everyone! It has been a while since our last WU, but our Wiki has not been idle; Staff Members rise & fall, Projects abound, a Sandbox gathering is in preparation, & the great machine that is the grinds ever onward as its s labor to improve its function amidst the many new things coming from FANDOM. Dive in, & see what you have missed!
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hi quick post about interesting builds to try
cringe lmao i can't stand the thought of this still existing so i removed it
The origins of the name ""
Many have wondered about just where the name “” comes from, as “Diep” is a seemingly random word with no clear meaning, unlike other games such as (agar is used to cultivate biological growths like the blobs in-game). Some have theorized it originates from the during World War II, given that tanks were a key part in it. But why would the developer name a game about polygons and circles shooting each other primarily after a failed Allied invasion?
However, there is an alternative and more likely explanation, and it has to do with the history of the game itself — or more specifically, its roots in a classic Flash game: , released in 2011 and followed up with a sequel shortly after. This simple game featured a basic tank who had t…
Factory: Bullet-Rammers / Fast Melee tanks
- | It refers to tanks from the Tri-Angle branch, with 0 to low Bullet Speed, as well as their GLASS builds.
- | And low Bullet Speed builds of other classes.
Tanks from this branch can marginally outdps the Drones’ Bullet stream with theirs. They will be unable to destroy them fast enough to matter. But you’ll be unable to damage them too. Exceptions aside, most builds also won’t have a big enough momentum to afford speeding through more than one drones.
In consequence, a matchup between these classes becomes more of a “Who can sneak shots at whom?” and Factory’s extremely high burst damage but lack of AoC vs Tri-Angle branches’ forward Speed and maneuverability.
- Strategy
- Since the drones are slower than the Rammer, the amount of space they can move…
Factory: Rammers
- It refers to tanks sporting high Body Damage builds, in exchange of un-upgraded bullet stats.
To anyone wanting to know how to kill rammers as Factory- the easiest way is to lure them- by ignoring them altogether. Letting them get close by attacking another user. Or Far-Repelling 3 or 4 of the drones (preferably) where they are going to get destroyed. Making them think they’ve got the advantage — but ramming drones into them at the last second.
- Why does it work?
- Rammers normally try to lure Overseers into overextending their drones — so they can get the kill before the drones can be retreated.
- A factory however always stays close to its drones. So they gotta try something else — to outmaneuver them or catch it in 1v2.
- Overall the factory always…
Factory: Destroyer branch
- The Skimmer and Rocketeer are exempted from these strategies:
Due to the Destroyer branches’ recoil — this is the one case in which the spreading and Far-Repelling of the Factory’s drones is more effective than fighting in close-range.
- Why does it work?
- Similar than with other Overseer branches, it’ll let you attack the tank from multiple angles at once. Making it so that it can’t just destroy the drones on one front and retreat in the other.
- Moving your cursor from side to side whilst right-clicking (whilst maintaining the drones outside of the orange orbit), Making the drones enter the orange spiral for a few secs. Or alternating between Far-Repel and Far-attract — will maximize the spread of the bullets and focus the fire on the enemy when po…
Factory: Spammers, Snipers and Trappers
- The strategy against this tanks should consist mainly on moving with the drones and clicking ahead of the tank.
(Again, so as to keep the drones outside of the blue orbit). Predicting if the enemy will try to move sideways and correcting the drones aim appropriately.
- Why does it work?
- Bullets are faster than tanks, if one aims the drones at the place at which the enemy is going to be, there will be a much higher chance of the bullets actually making contact.
- All the focused spammers can outpace the drone’s spawn rate.
- Notes
- Because of this, another layer of protection is needed when fighting these tanks. The Drone’s Bullets can make a pretty good job protecting the Factory’s drones. The Bullet DPS acting like a 2nd Drone-Spawner.
- However, the Bul…
Factory: General
- | More advanced information is depicted on the following tabs.
The Factory requires a lot of concentration and control. Its Drones are rather slow, but they are extremely durable. Because of this, the most effective way to use this tank may be as follows:
- Players should keep their Drones to themselves at all times.
- When they’re not attacking anyone: Moving with the Drones in a star formation and keeping 2 drones in front of the tank itself will protect players from incoming projectiles from almost all classes.
- Hiding their Bullets (and thus their location) from people in front of their tank. (Which can be useful for ambushes).
- And keeping non Tri-Angle branch glass tanks from boosting in their direction and chasing it.
- Depending on the build and i…
About the Generals...
I am asking you to VOTE via Google Forms over whether or not I shall add more bosses like good ol' Dodragon. You will vote over whether or not I will give the disciples generals, similarly to Dodecantar's general Dodragon. There are also memes, so that's fun! I also inquire you to make a draft of a wiki article in there so that I can see how one would structure these articles, and how Wikia wants these to work.
That is all I ask for you in terms of this wiki, but there are other, more notable things. First off, I also plan on creating a special wiki, to document major events on every wiki. I will try to get various wikis to work together to document various issues within various communities, and to encourage people to try new things…
A Wiki Update in the literal sense
Good day to everybody reading this, and welcome to June’s first and possibly only Wiki Update! Between this WU and the last, there were massive changes to the wiki itself, its users, its mobile applications, and its covered content, making this an update for the wiki in the truest way possible! Now let’s stop myself from blabbering on, and actually have a look…
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Fanon Patrolling: Regular User Edition
s are the main patrollers of , who often look out for what’s happening in the wiki’s articles, as well as maintaining and enforcing , particularly the on pages. However, there are times that they may have missed something, especially those Fanon pages that were created much earlier, even before the Great Merge. If you are just a normal user, and you happen to end up on those pages, you can still do something to help maintaining and enforcing those Fanon Policies.
- 1 Normal Users are Still Versatile
- 2 Helping in Moderation
- 2.1 The Infobox is Missing/A Different Infobox is Used
- 3 “I didn’t understand what to do.”
- 4 The End
- 5 See also
While there are some special tools that normal users lack, they can actually still move pages. It is only that redirects …
Fanon Patrolling 101
As a , one of their jobs in the Wiki is for the maintenance of it. One such example is the enforcing of , the general standards required by every pages to meet. But what to do when some of those pages failed to meet those policies? Here are some of the guidelines that can help.
- 1 Knowing Your Rights
- 2 Maintaining the Policies
- 2.1 The Infobox is Missing/A Different Infobox is Used
- 3 The End
- 4 See also
The main things that Sentinels are able (and needed) to do in order to handle Fanon pages are as follows:
- The ability to prevent leaving redirects after page move;
- Marking of pages as ; and
- Editing of threads and messages.
Normal users do not have these user rights, but most of other ranks do. If you want to help, but are not currently a S…
WUs are back
For the moment at least are back on track! Hopefully this’ll be just the beginning of continued regular Wus & Sandboxes, but that depends largely on the activity of other Staff members.
Without further ado, let’s finally get back into the news ;)
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A Changing of the Guard
Hello ! Before we get into the news, I would like to personally congratulate everyone who has stepped up to the plate and been eager to join the news team! You have all done an outstanding job of covering all of the new from the Changelogs to Under the Hood. I remember back in the old days when it was just Ursuul doing the updates but now we are DEFINITELY heading in the right direction.
If you would like to personally join the news team, please contact . He will give you all of the information you will need to get you started. Anyways there is a TON of news to cover, including a new leader, chat bridge and more!! So dig in folks!
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Technical Conceptions for the Wiki Update
Hello there and welcome back to... no wait this is the news, not Episode 124 of PewDiePie. There's quite a lot to cover on the technical side of things this week, with the glorious god Panzer theme getting a big redesign, some art remasters, and the Third Conception Tournament finally getting to its end. Other things have happened too, and I'm doing this on a potato, so I need to publish this now if I want to spare it the ultimate fate of the Third Conception Tournament...
There's my intro humor fail out of the way, here's the news for you.
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Artillus Automaticus (Description to the Auto-Gunner)
Since made one, I just couldn't resist making one on my favourite tank :3
Same format, different tank, different advice, more scientific names.
"A master annoyer, it'll track you and annoy you with tiny bullets, then dump a whole load in your face, and before you know it, you're gone! Simple and effective."
The Auto-Gunner is quite an innovative tank. The first of the Automaticus sub-species of tanks, it inspired an entire new generation. Many see this tank as the Triplus Barrelus (or the Triplet)'s rival, and they're quite right. The Auto-Gunner is an annoying bullet spammer. It's also one that you'll rarely see being used, because so many prefer the Triplet. Expect the Triplet and the Auto-Gunner to both have their devoted users who never …
Big Sandbox, Big Election, Big News!
As you can see, I am back making Wiki Updates! There's tons to cover this week as far as events and tech news goes — the 6DIIep restyling project is close to completion, and there's plenty to discuss theme-wise! We also had an April Fool's joke this year, mainly due to main page "changes", 's craaaZY theme and the rise of that malignant and deluded , who thought he could SIMPLY RISE TO POWER and EXPEL ME AND MY BOT WHILE CAUSING WIKI-WIDE CHAOS AND IGNORING URSUUL, ZATHSU, ME, PATRIK, DRONEDES…
Erm, anyway, there's tons of news … dig in!
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It's aliiiiiive!
Hey lads! The wiki is ALIIIIVE once more, from the return of Arras, to Fanon cleanup, to the Senior Admin nomination, to an upcoming Sandbox, to even more theme updates! All in all, it's an exciting time for the wikia (or is it wiki?).
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New and Improved Editing Tips
Avoid bringing your own opinions into an article. Adding factual information is a vital key to success when it comes to editing and formatting articles.
When the way you view something is changed by your opinions or experiences, you are biased. Bias makes an article much less genuine, and often misinforms the reader. Don't say something is bad in an article just because you don't like it. Instead, look at it from an objective point, assessing the true mechanics and bare bones statistics rather than relying on opinionated information.
Example: You have trouble fighting the Booster, so you write in its article that it is the most overpowered tank in the entire game.
The Visual Editor (VE) is the default way of editing set for new Wikia members.…
I have noticed this recently, and it's been happening again and again. In, I keep finding 3 players, all of whom have the same name, are the same class, and move exactly the same. I am not sure how this is accomplished, but it's clearly some method of cheating. I've seen people do this with spread shot recently, under the name "[HERO]diep", and they completely decimate the server. It's horribly cancerous and makes the game nigh-impossible. I have also seen it before with triplets, and I believe once it was pentashots.
What should we do about this? I think we should potentially ban users on the wiki if we have proof of such mockery.
Feel free to post your thoughts in the comments.
Big Events!
This month, while a bit slow, has witnessed a great many important events many of which will have serious implications for the future of the Wiki. There are big decisions to make & much to discuss, so let us dive right in!
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At long last, it's out! What with Ursuul being sick and everyone being busy, this Wiki Update has been lengthily delayed, but it reinforces the fact that we need more people to help with Wiki Updates—now's your chance to stand out. Meanwhile we've survived the code apocalypse, begun the 3rd Conception Tournament, and improved the wiki in a number of minor ways.
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Be My Valentine
Or am I?
Recently I have been thinking: What in The Void's name is a Saint Valentine? I heard people use the word Valentine all day and have looked it up only to find HERESY the reason behind this. And it got me interested... in this day of love.
But why love each other when you can love Panzer instead, OH HO HO? I have deemed this a worthless day of masked remorse where all the people here on Wikia (that aren't my followers, because don't worry guys you're all dear to me), like the INSOLENT BANARAMA sit alone in a dark room only lit by their computer screens, crying, eating chocolate from their families in heart shaped boxes becaus…
Leadership is a word that will always be debated. Many people will support and other people will hate a leader for the first time but, after seeing the actions they do, one can determine what a true leader is. Going forward, I feel that leadership on this wiki is struggling to stay afloat. Of course we have an amazing collection of staff (myself being a privileged member of it) but, I feel the most important area of staff has recently gone neglected for many months now: the Bureaucrats.
As you all know, we have to main Bureaucrats, Ursuul and Zathsu, who have both commited their heart and soul to this wiki. Ursuul is a God here. He is so involved and leads in one of the most unique ways, often letting community input decide changes. With n…
It goin’ down
I am back to posting WUs my lads with a smexy new pfp too, & this week has been especially roller-coaster-y. It started with an initial victory regarding & a successful , but then it finished off with a boatload of complications with FANDOM JavaScript Reviewers (see Tech) & an impending legal issue with FANDOM’s legal team (which may be covered in more detail next week).
All told? Best be headed to your local , because it goin’ down >:)
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It’s the new year but things haven’t quite begun as planned. No more updates to, no more for a long time, and (as you probably noticed) no January until now.
But not everything is gloomy. We still have lots of engaging work to do; we have a new ; we have loads of new ; we have a redesigned theme; and most importantly, we have a this Sunday! So while the year may have had a poor (to say the least) start, there’s still hope for the future.
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Smashus Automaticus (A Perceived Description to Auto Smasher)
"It shoots and rams, mostly both at a time." ~ Gelly's tagline on Auto Smasher
The Auto Smasher, a level 45 tank known for delivering a new way of strategy it brings upon (despite it not being announced on a Changelog), isn't just what you think as an underrated tank. While many somewhat think it as a waste in the game of, it still got something to prove...
- 1 The Basic Things
- 2 Choosing Your Strategy
- 2.1 Best Thing to Remember
- 2.2 Building Up Your Stats
- 2.2.1 Rammer Type
- 2.2.2 Glass Cannon Type
- 2.2.3 Other Types
- 3 Best Training Grounds
- 4 Dealing Up With Enemies
- 4.1 Snipers and Assassins/Hunters
- 4.2 Destroyers
- 4.3 Triplets, Twins, Gunners and a Lot More Tanks With High DPS
- 4.4 Trappers
- 4.5 Smashers
- 4.6 Overseers
- 4.7 Factories
- 4.…
GOODBYE 2017, HELLO 2018!
2017 has been an eventful year for the community. This community is what we’ve picked up after the rise and fall of 2016 into dramatic fire and brimstone, and we hope this time it doesn’t collapse like it did before. So far, the Conception Wiki was merged with this one, the Staff system received some major overhauls, and it’s been a great year all around. From a seemingly hopeless state at the beginning of the year, we have grown and expanded our community and content, and our wiki is filled with activity!
Not only that, diep is finally alive again! Zeach has updated the game for the first time in forever, adding a new tank called the Rocketeer, a tank that shoots Machine Gun Missiles. The Skimmer has been reworked to shoot F…
Winter Is Coming...
Alas, it technically is already here as once again I nearly fall behind the holiday season, but NO LESS! My gift for all of you! ABSOLUTION!
Join me now, in the name of the winter season and its... absolutely heretical reasons. If you join us here in the "Cult", we shall forgive everything about your otherwise irreversibly vile pasts, and let it fall behind us like the snow, buried under the blanket of white. Less burying the hatchet and more the shovel that I could have instead used to bash your impossible and corrupt brains in with. So that's another gift for you. You get to live another year. Congrats.
OH HO HO HO HO, boys and girls! I am not done yet! Santaprophet has presents for all good girls and boys. First, just like last year, you …
Diiep Maths
- Quite a few assumptions will be made. This is to test to see which tanks need nerfs/buffs. This isn't about who will win in a fight, its about a tanks basic power. This is also assuming that every tank in the server has the same build and all have the same experience. This is not about Big Shaq.
Lets say the power of the is one. So Basic=1. For reference, Basic will be referred to as the integer "b".
- 1 Tier 2
- 1.1 OP List: Tier 2
- 1.2 Tier 2 Average
- 2 Tier 3
- 2.1 Twin
- 2.2 Sniper
- 2.3 Machine Gun
- 2.4 Flank Guard
- 2.5 Director
- 2.6 Tank
- 2.7 OP List
- 2.8 Total Tier 3 Average
- 3 Tier 4
Lets compare this to the next tier, Tier 2. From alone, we can assume that a FoV boost by one equals 2b, a equals 2b, and a equals 2b. The only thing that is not accounted for is , which say…
PSA Numero Dos
Gonna be away for my birthday I think, & probably the Saturday preceding it as well as the Monday following it. Hopefully SR won’t burn the house down eh?
I may be able to edit once or twice, but I can’t promise anything. Cya lads.
Merry Thanksgiving :^)
My lads, it has been a real roller-coaster of a year for the this has. Around this time in 2016 we had just emerged from a titanic organizational crisis & were only beginning to put the pieces back together. Now, we have gone from a peaceful slump of a recovery, to the agonizingly slow fervor of merging, & finally to yet another round of expansion with We have a lot of work ahead of us, & a bright future full of purpose.
So, when you get back from your holidays to read the 2017 recap our editors are putting together, remember this; 2018 is going to be our best year yet.
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A New Age Has Begun
Hey lads, the past week has seen the biggest change to the wiki since was created. is out and it has a world of implications. On the practical side, it means that we have a ton of work to do: pages, templates, images, categories, and so much more!
But it means a lot more than that. It means that we have a purpose. It means that a new era has begun. Where will it take us? Only time will tell, but I'm sure that it will lead this wiki to even great heights.
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Out with the old, in with the new!
Hello, everybody! It’s a new month, and soon will be a new year, so Wikia is taking out the trash and bringing in some new stuff! From Blog Policies to category cleanup, let’s see what the past week has to offer…
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Today is an amazing week for all of us here. Not only has it been confirmed that Zeach is back (some fixes for server lag have made) but our wiki theme is being changed so it’s more Diep-themed, attractive, and standarized. There are tons of more changes — from the game to our look to our content to our staff, nearly everything on the wiki will soon be refreshed in some way. Now that’s a Happy New Year!
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GREETINGS HONORED MINIONS! Thanksgiving is on its way, & I have a lot of news to share with everyone! Several fairly large changes & decisions were made, & the background contest is still underway. Read on to dig in!
Additionally, I should note that I will be going on hiatus until Wednesday-Saturday next week, for an extended holiday, but I will be sure to show up for the upcoming . Hope to see everyone there & happy Thanksgiving!To all the non-American heretics as well ;)
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Welcome to the second installment of the blog series, detailing how to be an ideal member of the Staff. This post is about s, the active guardians of the wiki, equipped with tools to move poor quality conceptions, moderate , vandals, and quickly undo vandalism.
So, I have been working on brainstorming ideas for a polygon boss. I think that Polygon boss may have to do something with the Puncher. Right now I am sketching sketches about many types of polygons. Such as:
- Hollow Polygons
- Concave polygons
- Convex Polygons
- Comb Polygons.
Also I have noticed some of my older pages were gone. I am sincerely ok with that. But somehow my oldest page, Crazy Shot does exist. Get your stuff together ok? Oh btw, I am becoming a bit less active becuase of lets say, reasons.
I must admit, I feel weird when I look at a page and not see comments, It's a daily thing gone so I'm trying to get used to it, still a bit weird but I am doing better.
Also I have been into Dank Memes more than I ever was.
The youtuber by the …
New theme, new everything!
New theme, new template, new WikiFeatures, new blogs, new EotM... new everything!
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A Practical Guide to Bots
Want to know more about bots, how to create one, and how to operate it? Hopefully, this will answer your questions.
A bot, in its most basic form if possible, Admin rights increase a bot’s functionality, allowing it to use some of the restricted scripts I list below.
So now you’ve got a bot. But what can you do with it?
- Log into your bot’s account.
- Look at the bottom of your screen. You should see a menu across the bottom.
- Click either on My Tools, MassEdit, or MassCreate. If you click on My Tools, then click on the application you wish to use.
- Use your application and enjoy!
The applications are listed below with a brief description.
- post a list of pages you want to delete and watch as they are quickly dispatched.
- undelete a list of pages.
- allows y…
Welcome to the Best You Can Be blog series. This is the first of about half a dozen posts detailing how to be the ideal member of the Staff, & of the Wikia in general. Sure, we have that tell you All The Things You Must Not Do™, but what about all the things you should do? What about all the ways you can be proactive & help out? That’s what this blog series is all about.
Since you have to start somewhere, we might as well start at the bottom; .
There are a great many ways you can get involved as an Intern, & not all of them have been listed here, so just pick whichever you like best & dive in! If you use your rights fairly, & you are actively helping the Wikia, you will get permanent Staff rights in no time.
Changes Everywhere :O
Loads of big changes this week in a variety of aspects — the wiki will be shaken up starting very soon so keep your eyes peeled!
It’s a big deal ;)
Natural November Nonsense :3
So quite a bit has happened, and even more is coming. Make sure to stay up to date on all kinds of things, as voting for a lot of wiki stuff has still been going on. But yes, it is also November now and I tried to do some alliteration with the title. All in all, there's more than meets the eye sinking below it... or something.
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Sandbox on 27th!
As Patrik said on the previous wiki update, I’m part of the team now. So yeah, lots and lots of news this week, so let’s just jump in without further ranting…
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