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Cheats (also known as "Special Controls") are commands that can be used in Sandbox.

List of known Cheats[]

All of these can be accessed in Sandbox.

  • O = Suicide (There will be a You've killed (Player name) message stating that the player were killed by [their name])
  • \ = Switch classes
  • K = Level Up (hold down to gain Levels quicker)
  • ; = Activates God mode, which grants invulnerability, similarly to an Arena Closer.
    • May not work on some keyboards.[1]
    • God mode can only be used when only one player is on the server. This function will be automatically deactivated if a second player joins the Sandbox and when all the other players leave it will become available again.

Outside Sandbox[]

IlluminatiProfile This section contains unsourced, possibly misleading information.
Take everything you read with a grain of salt!

Cheats were originally made by the original creator and former developer, M28, before the release of Sandbox. On one occasion, he accidentally left the cheats without a password, which could allow people to exploit them.

Using the cheats suite outside of sandbox removes the level restriction for the Level Up command and also allows the user to dramatically increase their size.


Obviously with such a massive tank running around, people are going to notice.

August 29th 2016 Report[]


M28 posting on Reddit regarding the Developer tank

A large tank named "Algebra" is screenshotted and mentioned in a reddit post. M28 replied to the post explaining that he had accidentally left some "developer cheats" without a password. It is still unknown if this has been corrected.

October 3rd 2016 Report[]

This report seems to be unedited, and shows a large developer tank messing around. Even if it wasn’t M28, it proves the huge tanks can be controlled by exploiters.

March 24th 2018 Report[]


An image from the report in question. Note the large landmine.

Shortly after M28 made a return to the Reddit, posting for the first time in months, a large Landmine was seen in a server in the Pentagon Nest. In the comments of the Reddit post, user u/pnvv shared a video which appears to show the very same situation, linked here.

May 15th 2018 Report[]

This was a Reddit post made by M28, showing him as a Level 301 Arena Closer named "Dev", captioned with "You look like ants". This has similarity to the April 15th 2019 report, which also showed a large Arena Closer named "Dev".

April 15th 2019 Report[]

This report shows a player joining an FFA server, and the leader was named "Dev". When they got closer, the "Dev" tank was shooting erratically.


M28 enabled sandbox cheats in all gamemodes once.
  • Tutorials on how to use cheats outside of Sandbox are fake. Take everything you read with a grain of salt!
  • Certain cheats (like resizing your tank) are not available in Sandbox.
  • At one point, M28 accidentally made cheats available in all modes once. It was quickly patched in 10 minutes.
  • Many instances of extremely large tanks were slightly smaller than dominators (7x7 tiles) while one was approximately 45x45 tiles big, which is four times larger than a Mothership.


  1. If the player is not using an English (US) QWERTY keyboard, they can find the key to activate the God mode by opening an On-screen keyboard and changing the Windows keyboard language to see the position of the key.