Diep.io Wiki

The Airbus is a Boss Concept. It is an uncommon boss with a total of 18 small but weak auto turrets despite their numbers, the boss uses its irregular turret count to try and swarm enemies in clouds of pestering bullet fire that can be fatal if they all deal damage for too long.


The Airbus' design is looks like a strange purple arrow, the front side of the boss being covered in a total of 18 Auto Turrets with 9 on both of the arrow's faces, 4 thrusters sticking from the boss's back with 2 spinning flank guard turrets on the sides, the boss also has a Heat-Sink Barrel on the rear side of the arrow with a Mega 3 Turret on the very face of the boss.


The Airbus itself has interesting AI, it will automatically patrol along the border of the map similarly to the regular Diep.io Guardian's behavior when it does not see any players, during this state all thrusters on the boss will still remain on Auto-Fire, the boss will also automatically glide over any nearby Obstacles without getting stuck. once it finds any players all of its turrets use independent AI and start shooting weak bullets at random nearby targets.

Every 15 Seconds the Boss is able to activate a special ability if any players are nearby where it will start accelerating and speeding up using the ability of the Heat-Sink Barrel, however only in the direction the target had previously been when the ability is activated if they were moving, the boss has extremely slow turning speed and has to move at all times.

The Boss itself has low damage resistance and bullet damage, with enough DPS tanks to overpower 18 weak turrets you can effectively shred the boss super quick, especially if it uses its ability and pretty much suicides into your bullets.

Lore Information[]

The Airbus is a Boss Model created by the Octagon Nest as a war of border controlling the Map to keep out any intruders, however it can also be used in attacks by flying over obstacles with ease and creating waves of supporting bullet fire for the Octagons, generally not many Boeing-333s exist currently as they are extremely difficult to create and use many resources for their many turrets and their Heat-Sink Thruster.


The Airbus has a total of 18 weak turrets so it is advised to get a powerful bullet spamming tank with powerful DPS to outpower the bullets of the boss, make sure to move out the way should the boss attempt to use its Heat-Sink ability, it is advised to team up with other players to take out the boss quickly as well.

Due to the Boss's slow turning speed, you can use it against it by getting in between the Thruster Barrels and dealing damage to the boss's blindspot and dealing even more damage to it, as it can't do much to attack you if you flank it.


Unusual Buzzing
Kill The Airbus.
Boss Hunter
Kill every Boss in the game.



  • Originally going to be a Docker redesign before the shape went too wonky and was decided to be turned into a separate boss.
  • The names of the boss are based on other plane model names.
  • The Boss's Shape slightly resembles Vis-Ultima, especially the new remastered body shape.
  • Boss was given a redesign on December 27th 2022.