The Auto-Hatchery is one out of the tons of Tier 4 Tanks intended for Arras. It branches off of it's previous upgrade, The Hatchery. It would also upgrade off of the Tailgator and Motor.
The Auto-Hatchery has nearly the exact same design as the Hatchery however with one large Auto Turret on top.
Unlike the Hatchery the Auto Hatchery's Hatchling Bullets each feature a small Auto-Turret placed on them, however these Turrets are much weaker and have the stats of the Overdrive Auto-Drones. The Auto-Hatchery's Main Bullet doesn't have any Auto Turrets but does explode into the Auto Hatchlings if it manages to explode in time.
The Auto-Hatchery's Bullets have the same exploding and Hatchling mechanic as the Hatchery.
As The Auto-Hatchery[]
- The Auto-Hatchery has the same stats as a Normal Hatchery, meaning all of the strategies for Auto-Hatchery is also viable.
- Try to use the Auto Hatched Bullet as an advantage, such as flanking people with the bullets or using them to provide extra cover for your Team or against Enemies.
- The Auto-Hatchery can use its bullets as an offensive and defensive weapon. As the Auto-Hatchery can get its bullets to explode into Auto-Hatchlings to provide cover for a few seconds or use its Main Bullet to deal Pounder Damage.
Against The Auto-Hatchery[]
- Previous Hatchery Weaknesses become a bit less viable to use. You can use a Bullet Spamming Tank such as the Sprayer or Triplet to overpower the Auto-Hatchery.
- You can also use Pounder Attacking strategies as well, as the Hatchery Bullets share somewhat similar stats.
- Second Tank Concept for 2022.
- The Old Concept gave an Auto Turret to the Hatchery Bullet but the Remastered Version loses the Turret but still gives Turrets to the Hatchlings.