Baritone is an Elite Crasher who in the lore was the commander and engineer for the Polygons who was previously a Trapper Sentry, he uses a special object called a Shield Module to protect himself from bullet fire along with his traps.
Baritone uses a Pink Triangle Base similar to Elite Crashers, he has 2 spread out Mega Trapper Turrets on each "face" with a Spawner in between, 3 Twin-Gunner like Turret placed near each point of the boss, in the middle a large pink Quad Trapper Turret with gray insides has a blue Heptagon in the center.
Baritone is a Defensive-Type Boss with around 700 HP, Baritone can spawn a max of 7 random Sentries from his spawners, the sentries Baritone spawns are only sentries related to crashers, these sentries have somewhat special AI, they will attack Baritone's current target but will also defend and attack any players who are currently attacking him and especially defend him once he is low on HP. Each sentry takes a while to spawn again once destroyed.
Baritone's Gunner Turrets have decent DPS and damage although generally depend on the Traps and Shield Module to not get out gunned by enemies, the Mega Trappers can fire very powerful traps that can deal heavy damage to enemies that have contact with them and can withstand a good amount of bullet fire however they generally have decent cooldown, the shield module is a special object on the boss that creates a large heptagon "shield" that absorbs bullet fire from enemies before they can reach and damage the boss, the module on Baritone has high damage resistance and has the HP equivalent to a Summoner. The Quad Trapper Turret creates traps that can take decent bullet fire but die easier than the Mega Trapper Traps, they have a higher fire rate.
Baritone has a chance to spawn alone, however he does have a chance to spawn with another Elite Crasher or Pentagon Related Boss such as a Nester, Bosses that spawn with him will usually follow him and act as a bodyguard to defend him from enemies, they will usually stay near him once he's low on health and will defend him from surrounding enemies or attack his current target. Baritone himself will also attempt to shield any bosses under fire using his traps and shield module and in the Siege Gamemode will also group up with other bosses and attempt to protect them from damage, on his own he will usually stay in place once under fire to create a trap fortress and defend himself.
When Idle and no enemies are nearby, Baritone usually resides in one of the special naturally spawned structures or moves into the middle of Pentagon Nest.
Quotes are dialogue messages made by the boss during specific interactions and situations.
- WIP (Will work on this later)
Baritone is difficult to fight alone, it is recommended to get a team of players to aid in destroying Baritone, as his defenses are most likely strong enough to repel most solo players, once fighting Baritone, it is required you destroy his shield module and sentries first, as the shield will always absorb any damage you try to send to him directly anyways and the Sentries act as support to his firepower, Destroyer Branch Tanks and other tanks that deal heavy damage are recommended to destroying his shield module, as once the Shield Module is destroyed it takes a long time for it to re enable.
With DPS Tanks it should be moderately easy to overpower Baritone's Gunner Turrets once his trapper traps are destroyed and taken care of, allowing players to eventually kill off Baritone within time, however the following strategy may have a difficulty increase if Baritone is accompanied by another boss, players should focus on destroying the boss before killing Baritone himself.
Architecture Slayer | |
Kill Baritone |
Boss Hunter | |
Kill Every Boss In The Game. |
- Baritone himself is named off of an Instrument.
- Baritone has been involved in the creation of a few of the important Arras Polygon Structures.
- Baritone is one of the few bosses that changes the AI of regular bosses that spawn along with it.
- One of the few bosses to contain a shield module to defend themselves.
- Due to being a character in the lore, there's only one Baritone and none others can be spawned, similar to the Celestials and Terrestrials.
- Baritone worked on the concept of Nest Terminals.
- Interactions/Quotes were brought back on 2023, they were originally removed.