This page is a subpage of Bee, so go there for the full page. Also, this page was made by Fuzzo the fuzzy bee, so please do not claim it as your own because I know where you live. Have a great day! But first, read our terms and conditions Here. If you don’t read them, you will be banned from real life forever and ever and ever. No appeals. Also, this is not a reference to a similarly-named robotic bee boss from Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling, that’s a coincidence. When I made this page, I didn’t even know that game existed. |
The robotic defender of the bees won’t go down easily.
B-303 is a boss that spawns once per beehive and is quite powerful. It will attack you if you attack it, and whether or not it attacks otherwise depends on the state of the bees and their hive.
Stinger Launcher[]
The Stinger Launcher is a weapon on the back of B-303. It shoots stingers and stinger mines at a moderately fast pace. Stingers travel 100 tiles in 5 seconds and deal 80 damage, as well as inflicting Poisoned and Stung for 30 seconds and 10 minutes, respectively. Stinger Mines have a 1/10 chance to be shot instead. They are traps that, when you get within 2 tiles of them, release a burst of 8 stingers in the cardinal and ordinal directions.
F-101 Forcefield[]
The F-101 Forcefield is a shield surrounding the boss. It’s health and abilities are talked about in more detail in the infobox, but no matter how strong the bullet, the force field stops the attack unless it has been destroyed by a previous attack and hasn’t respawned yet, because in that case there is no F-101 Forcefield. The forcefield’s body damage is 80, and it inflicts Paralysis for 5 seconds.
Buzz Battler[]
The Buzz Battlers are the 2 side auto turrets the boss has. They act similarly to Buzz Ballers used by standard bees, but they fire a Buzz Ball every second and they (the Buzz Balls) release explosions in a 5x5 area upon contact with anything. Also, the Buzz Battlers can see you from 2x as far away, and they are aimable auto turrets.
1-Shot Launcher (Phase 2)[]
The 1-Shot Launcher is a powerful mounted auto turret seen in Phase 2 and onwards. It is a powerful cannon that, every 10 seconds, releases a speedy clustered burst of 10 speedy bullets that deal 100 damage each and explode in a 3x3 radius 5 times in random locations in a 3x3 area of any previous explosion by the same 1-Shot Launcher wave over the course of 1 second… per bullet. The best way to avoid this is to move in circles around the boss at high speeds, or use a friend as bait if you have spare friends. A better option is to just not fight the boss. Don’t mess with the hive.
Phase 2[]
At 6,500 HP, B-303 starts looking damaged. His body is cracked, but he also gains a new, powerful weapon: the 1-Shot Launcher, which can pretty much kill you if you make 1 mistake. He also begins using an attack selection in this phase.
- Buzz Bombing: The Buzz Battlers each release 3 Buzz Bombs, which are like Buzz Balls, but every time they hit something they release explosions in an 11x11 area, with damage going from 50% to 150% based on how far you are from the center of the blast.
- Stingray: The Stinger Launcher stops firing Stinger Mines but instead fires Stingers 10 times per second, creating a ray of stingers. This lasts for 5 seconds.
- Overheated Launcher: The 1-Shot Launcher turns red and stops firing for 5 seconds, but then it fires 10 shots in 3 seconds. After this, it stops firing for 20 seconds to cool down. During this stage, it is colored as dark as cyan can get without turning into Blue.
- Zapcross: B-303 stops for 2 seconds and then travels 100 tiles in 2 seconds, before repeating 3 times. He tries to use this to ram. During the charge, F-101 doesn’t do anything aside from delete bullets and other weapons.
- Buzz Buzz: B-303 releases 5 angry bees from under him. These bees start attacking tanks and retreat to regenerate if low on health.
- Code Leak: B-303 fires 6 0s and 6 1s, which deal 10 damage each.
- Royal Jelly Splash: B-303 grabs a jar of royal jelly and releases 100 royal jelly bullets of differing speeds and sizes. The jar then returns back under B-303.
- Generic Laser Eye Attack: B-303 fires lasers from his eyes. These lasers burn part of the ground 10 tiles away and sweep across a 90 degree area. Burnt ground inflicts burning for 10 seconds whenever you step on it. The lasers themselves deal 70 damage. The ground is burnt for 30 sdconds.
- Dark Panic: B-303 inflicts Blindness and Panic on all tanks in a 25x25 tile radius for 20 seconds. During these 20 seconds, B-303 continues to attack as normal.
Phase 3 (Hypervorpal Vortex)[]

The arena for Hypervorpal Vortex.
At 2,000 HP, B-303 starts vibrating and releasing smoke. It then releases a green shockwave that transports all tanks to an area called the “Hypervorpal Vortex”. B-303 is constantly releasing 0s and 1s like Code Leak, as well as regenerating 20 HP per second instead of 15. He also has stronger attacks.
- Code Bombing: This attack is the same as Buzz Bombing, but the explosions deal 25% more damage and have a 10% larger radius. Also, the explosions release 3 0s or 1s from Code Leak.
- Stingspace: Same as Stingray, but the Stingers lightly home in on tanks and are fired 14 times per second.
- Black Hole Launcher: The 1-Shot Launcher turns black for 5 seconds. It doesn’t do anything for these 5 seconds except charge up a huge attack. This attack is firing a large black hole that takes up a 5x5 tile radius about 10~30 tiles from the boss. This black hole slowly sucks up tanks (5 tiles per second) towards it, with a gravity radius of 30 tiles. Tanks that touch the black hole take 20 damage every second. Also, the black hole lasts for 20 seconds.
- Lightspeed Charge: Same as Zapcross, but the charge is 150 tiles in 0.5 seconds. Also, B-303’s body damage is increased by 50% during this attack.
- Buzz Brawl: B-303 releases 15 angry bees, similarly to Buzz Buzz.
- Royal Jelly Nebula: This is the same as Royal Jelly Splash, but there are 8 jars of Royal Jelly evenly spread out around the boss, all of which perform the Royal Jelly Splash attack.
- Gamma-ray burst blast: B-303 charges up a laser for 3 seconds and then fires it. It is 4 tiles wide and hits a 7x7 area 15 tiles away. This laser is swept across a 100-degree area. The 7x7 area burns the ground for 2 minutes and the burnt ground inflicts Burning for 12 seconds. The laser itself deals 120 damage.
- Cryptic Calamity: This is the same as Dark Panic, but the radius is increased to 50x50 and the duration is increased to 35 seconds. Plus, the blindness is more severe, and cryptic messages can be seen on the ground.
At 0 HP, B-303’s cracks get bigger and bigger and all players are teleported back to the main map. B-303 stops moving, and eventually, he explodes, granting XP to all players who helped defeat him depending on how much damage they dealt. The explosion doesn’t deal any damage.
- While this may seem like a reference to B-33 from Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling, it’s not. I didn’t even know that game existed when making this page.
- I tried to format this like a Tale of Diep page.
- The image for Hypervorpal Vortex was originally dieprooms-related. It was such a good image I felt it was a crime to leave it unused.
- I have no idea what “Hypervorpal Vortex” would even mean, but it sounds cool so I decided to use it.
- Hypervorpal Vortex used to be called Hypervorpal Spacetime. I personally think Vortex is a better word to use because it sounds similar to “Vorpal”.