Diep.io Wiki

Not to be confused with Beehive by HadifTheHadofman.
This is a subpage of Bee.

Beehives are Hives for bees. They spawn randomly but rarely on the map. Beehives have 10,000 HP and, when attacked, aggrivate nearby bees. Bees can go in and out of the hive. When in the hive, Bees regenerate 100 HP every second. Near each Beehive is a B-303 robot that wanders around the 69x69-tile area surrounding each beehive.

Damaged Stages[]

As they take damage, Beehives take damage.
WhenYouHaveToBreatheAndHaveHives FanonWhenYouGetPunchedByTheSchoolBullyAndHaveHives FanonWhenYouStabYourselfInTheChestWithASharpKnifeByAccidentAndButIt’sNotTooSevereAndYouAlsoHaveHives FanonWhenYouAreOnTheBattlefieldInTheMiddleOfAWarForSomeReasonAndYouGetShotByAGunAndHaveToGoToTheHospitalButTheBattlefieldMedicIsHomeSickAndYouHaveHives FanonWhenYouAreMindingYourOwnBusinessOnAugust1945InHiroshimaAndGoingShoppingForMoreStuffTooInnapropriateToBeTalkedAboutOnThisWikiButThenAHugeNuclearBombDropsAndVaporizesYouInstantlyAndTheWorstPartIsYouHaveHives
Bee Concern Radius (BCR) is the distance a bee will become hostile to you from either you, the hive, or B-303.

Damage Stage Percentage BCR (From You) BCR (From Hive) BCR (From B-303) B-303 Wander Distance B-303 Hostile?
0 0% 0 0 0 69x69 No
1 20% 13x13 17x17 15x15 63x63 No (Unless you attack bees)
2 40% 20x20 30x30 25x25 55x55 Yes
3 60% 35x35 40x40 35x35 31x31 Yes
4 80% 60x60 64x64 62x62 15x15 Yes