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The Cruncher is a Tier 2 Fanon tank, upgrading from Basic. It has a pair of cannons on its sides, and works well near its opponent. It is slightly faster than the Basic, and so are most of its upgrades.


A Cruncher has 2 cannons on either side of it. They point in a way where their bullets intersect not far from the barrels, enhancing its close-range combat skills.


Upon upgrading, the tank becomes faster, and its barrels split into two, but at an odd angle. Damage increases a miniscule amount.


Strong Against: Slow rammers, tanks with low reload, slow tanks in general

Weak Against: Tanks with high FOV, fast rammers, DPS tanks, Overseer branch

As the Cruncher[]

  • Get close to your target. Try to target weak Smashers and low-level tanks, you'll have a good chance to beat them.
  • Destroyers are weak to you, you'll be fine as long as you can stay close yet away from their bullets. Try a hit-and-run strategy while they reload.
  • Get away from Overseer and Twin branches, they can KO you in a hurry with the right stats.

Against the Cruncher[]

  • Use bullet spam to your advantage, as you can quickly take a Cruncher out from a distance with overwhelming bullets.
  • Drones are very effective, too. Their high health and maneuverability allows them to easily take out enemy Crunchers.
  • If you wanna ram one to death, go for high health and speed. They can't escape that way, and you shouldn't take too many hits while near them with this strategy.


  • This is S3PTILLI0NTH's first page, but far from being their first concept.
  • The rest of the branch is coming in an unknown amount of time, S3 forgot about it lol
    • That doesn't mean this page is finished, however.