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The Elite Acid is an Elite Crasher-Type Fanon Boss, compared to its regular counterparts, the Elite Acid has the ability to deal a damaging poison effect to any enemy that comes into contact with the boss's ammunition, this makes the Elite Acid a harmful foe to fight against, the boss itself generally faces towards its targets similarly to the Elite Gunner.


The Elite Acid uses the Pink Triangle Base of the Crashers, the design has 2 Disintegrator Turrets near the Boss's Face and also has 2 Acid Guns on its back that have designs that resemble an Assassin, there's also a double barreled gun on its back with 2 acid effect indicators, the boss also features a lime acid-colored eye near its face, however this eye's existence depends on the design you look at.


More information about the Acid Effect itself can be found on the tank's page of the same name, the Elite Acid itself is generally similar in stats to its regular counterparts, however exchanging a bit of movement speed and health regen for stronger FOV and the gains to acid ammunition.

Lore Information[]

The creation of the Elite Acid model is fairly recent in the Tank timeline, when the ability to turn ammunition into burning Acid was found, it would take no time for the sides to arm themselves against each other with the new weapons. The Elite Acid would eventually be born to help guard and aid in attacks against the enemy teams that they would be eventually be completely known for being extremely effective in ranged combat. Due to the ability and effectiveness of the current Elite Acid model, there has so far been no changes to them, neither have they been decommissioned.

An experiment was done for one of the Elite Acid models on whether giving certain polygons eyeball modules would increase accuracy or effectiveness of the tank, although it didn't really yield any results so it wasn't really reconsidered. The Elite Acid with this model would later become the Elite Acid known in EAHA.


It is recommended to use tanks that are known for being immune to effects, you'll still take regular damage but it will lessen the pain of the Acid Effect, you can use DPS Tanks as well to attempt at breaking through the Elite Acid's defenses, although its front turrets have good penetration stats so it's not recommended to do alone, you can also use the Destroyer Branch to do heavy damage to the boss while it reloads its weapons. The front guns use a powerful acid effect, so it is preferred to avoid any ammunition and close contact with the boss.

It is not recommended to attack the boss via the rear as it has multiple dangerous guns that can kill any defenseless player easily and still apply somewhat weaker but still decently powerful Acid Effects, however this can be done with a team of DPS tanks. The boss itself though has more of a weakness to drone tanks and sniper tanks and will take more damage from them, this makes overseer and sniper more useful in combat against the boss.

Known names[]

  • Will Use the same equivalent names as its other elite crasher counterparts.
  • EAHA Acid (Elite Acid's with this name are actually given special behavior, as it will aggro onto any tanks that have a name related to Among Us with a slight damage buff and prioritize those tanks more than any other targets around, only one elite acid with this name can spawn at a time. The design of any Elite Acid's with this name will also gain the Eyeball.)



  • Although having the chance to spawn with other Elites, the Elite Acid has a chance to spawn on its own, as seen in Spawn Message in the infobox.
  • The Boss has faced over 3 different designs over time (4 if you count the eyeless design), the boss used to go with the alias Elite Pollutioner
  • One of the first Elite Crashers with a special Eyeball design featured for their name.
  • Anonymoususer12321 helped render the old/scrapped design.
  • The Boss would originally have been called the Elite Disintegrator, however this would be scrapped but does somewhat make an appearance in the 2023 design.