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Not to be confused with S-Cordillera's Elite Annihilator page, which is a different page for the same boss.

The Elite Annihilator is the Hard-Mode version of the Elite Destroyer. It is superior to it's non-Hard-Mode variant in every way. Now, the Devestator cannon is even wider, and renamed to the "Eradicator" cannon. The Elite Annihilator also gains an extra, large barrel at the corners, These are longer, but thinner than the Eradicator cannons, called the "Decimator" cannons. The Elite Annihilator also has Giga-Crasher spawners, which spawns gigantic crashers. On top of it, corner of the boss are 3 grey Destroyer turrets for each, making a destruction combo. And in the center of it is a single Triple Gunner turret, which acts like Elite Sprayer's Snowstorm turret. Elite Annihilator can annihilate all those who tried to kill it, with it's massive bullets of pain and the storm of Crashers alike.


The Elite Carrier is a more powerful version of the Elite Destroyer, so it's design had similarities to it's inferior variant. The edge cannons are now way, way wider than the regular Devestator cannons, and they are also longer. They have a nickname "Eradicator" cannons, which destroys everything it touches with the power of 3 Devestator bullets combined for each bullet. On the corners of the boss are thinner, but longer huge cannons, called "Decimator" cannons. It fires weaker, but still very powerful bullets, and they are much faster than the Eradicator ones. Inside the Decimator cannons are Giga-Crasher spawners, spawning Giga-Crashers, which is very powerful and slow. On top of the boss, the corners have a grey Destroyer turret for each corners. They fire strong and fast bullets at a fast pace. They also has a dark grey layer on top of them. Finally, in the center of the boss, lies a Triple Gunner turret, which has very fast bullets. It is colored pink rather than grey like the rest of the turrets. It also has 2 layers on top, 1 barrel grey, and the other, smaller one dark grey.


The Elite Annihilator, like other Hard-Mode Elite Crashers, can spawn anywhere, but only in Siege and Hard-mode Siege where they get common. The chance of it or any other Hard-Modes to spawn in non-Siege modes are a 1/300 chance. In Siege, the chance is increased to a 1/100, meaning you can see these at times. In Hard-mode Siege however, they get more than 3x more common, with a 1/30 chance to spawn. Hard-Mode Elites in general are slow, had the same health as the others (or 2x tankier than Elite Crashers), meaning they're are tanks which goes to support on the back. When undamaged for 5 seconds, they regenerate fast. They auto-spins like any regular Elite Crashers. They also gives off a lot of score, nearly a million score, compared to an Elite Crasher's pathetic 47k score, helping really well in score, if you're a score-junkie. But you will have to fight really hard, since the Annihilator, like all other Hard-mode Elites, are really powerful, having the same power as a Terrestrial. It's massive Eradicator Cannons have 3x the power than regular Devestator Cannons from it's inferior variant. The bullet itself is also large, and can eradicate almost everything it touches. Thankfully, the reload of if is very slow. The Decimator Cannons, although weaker, having 1.5x the power of a Devestator cannon, has much faster bullets, and reloads faster than the Eradicator cannons, forming gigantic bullets of annihilation. In combination to that are giant Giga-Crashers. They have 2x the power of a glass-cannon Big Cheese build. The Drones also tank a lot of hits for the Elite Annihilator, thankfully the Elite Annihilator spawns these crashers at an very slow rate, and the Elite Annihilator can only hold 6 drones max. Regular Crashers are now buffed too. Each crashers deal as much damage as a glass-cannon Overlord drone, and Elite Anni can hold 20 small crashers. On top of the boss, Destroyer turrets are also very powerful. They have slightly better damage and penetration, but reload and bullet speed is far superior, equal to that of Pounder's. Destroyer turrets can also aim 360 degrees. The center of the boss, the Tri-Gunner turret is also potent. Each bullet deals 1.5x more damage, penetration and speed than a glass-cannon Gunner. Thankfully, the turret always have auto-spin on.


Against the Elite Annihilator[]

The Elite Annihilator is a formidable boss, like any other Hard-Mode Bosses, in fact, it is one of the hardest Hard-Mode Boss to fight. It's weapons can take care of any tank with ease. If it's in FFA or any other Non-Siege modes, you must avoid it if you don't have any teammates. It can kill you before you deal any damage in. Instead, grab 4-5 players, fighting the Elite Annihilator. First, DON'T get right close to the Elite Annihilator, as either the Eradicator and Decimator cannons can obliterate the entire team if they try to point-blank the Elite Annihilator, thus the Penta Shot and Machine Gunner are useless in this case. Second, three of your teammates must all use Spawners to try to penetrate the Elite Annihilator's very deadly bullets and Giga-Crashers. It won't prevent all of it's bullets and drones from penetrating, but it's more than enough to survive. Third, you and your remaining friend must use Triplet to try to deal direct damage to the Elite Annihilator itself. It will be hard considering the powerful ammunition that it has, but if you did it correctly, you can directly deal heavy damage to the Elite Annihilator itself. Even still, the Elite Annihilator won't die easily. You must avoid the gigantic bullets, destroy any Giga-Crashers or regular Crashers, and kill it. If it's in Siege, you must destroy it firstly, since it's gigantic bullets can destroy Sanctuaries quickly. Not only that, this can one-shot every tank, and acts as a deadly back-up for the bosses. Kill it first. If there are bosses defending it, and Mendists healing it, you must kill any bosses that defends both it and the Mendists. Then kill the Mendists, as they will pose a big threat to your team - and heal any damage that the Elite Annihilator takes. Finally, kill the Elite Annihilator. If in Hard-mode Siege, well... they're one of the main threats of that gamemode, and as a result you needed to have a lot of teammates in order to deal with them.



  • This boss was one of the first Hard-Mode Bosses i had made.
  • It's name was already made for another boss, which was made by a different person named S-Cordillera.

