The Elite Blaster is an Elite Crasher-Type Fanon Boss intended for Arras. It uses multiple Mockup Tanks such as the Blaster, the Flamethrower and an element of the Tri-Blaster as its main offensive and defensive weapon against enemies. It uses autospin similarly to most of its Regular Counterparts.
The Elite Blaster uses a Pink Triangle Base with a total of 2 Blaster Turrets placed on each of its sides, each placed decently far-apart from each other with a Flamethrower Turret on each corner, on the center of the Elite Blaster is a Penta Blaster Central Turret that greatly resembles a machine gunner.
Due to the Elite Blaster's extremely powerful weaponry, it takes a lot more damage and has less damage resistance against ammunition compared to other bosses along with having slightly less health than the average Elite Crasher with less health regen, but as mentioned, to make up for its weaker body stats, it has overwhelming fire-power to use against enemies, allowing the boss to be extremely effective at detouring small groups of non DPS targets.
Lore Information[]
During the Polygon Wars, the Pentagon Nests were desperate to hold their defenses against the overwhelming power of the DPS Weaponry created by the Tanks, the most devastating losses for the Pentagon Nests tended to be driven by the tanks such as the Machine Gunner and Triplet, as the Nest scrambled to find an effective way to combat the power of these tanks, they would decide to fight against fire with fire and create their own effective DPS Weapon to fight against the tanks leading to the creation and manufacturing of the Elite Blaster.
Despite the Elite Blaster being created a long while back, they're still effective at combatting the enemy tanks, which is why they are still created today.
It is not advised to battle the Elite Blaster alone, as it can easily block your attacks and kill you, it is better to fight with a team of mostly DPS, but damage dealers such as Destroyers are also extremely effective due to the Boss's lower damage resistance, it's best to attack the boss from all angles as to prevent your ammunition easily being out-gunned by the boss's Penta Blaster. Once the boss is surrounded, you can being to lay fire upon it, and if done correctly, you can destroy the Elite Blaster.
Known names[]
- Will use the same name pool as regular Elite Crashers.
- Legacy Design was originally intended to have a Flank Blaster Turret, similar to the Elite Sprayer's Tri Machine Gun, however this was replaced along with the concept of having 2 Flank Blasters.
- The Redesigned Elite Blaster utilizes Flamethrowers, another scrapped tank, along with Blaster Turrets.
- Legacy Design was quite literally only used Blasters as a weapon, making it look incredibly dumb.
- The Penta Blaster Turret is designed after the Tri-Blaster but with 2 extra barrels, this makes it resemble the Machine Gunner.