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The Elite Foghorn is a Elite Crasher typed Boss that spawns in the Pentagon Nest, unlike the majority of Elite Crashers it does not use Auto-Spin, it is featured in Droideka.io


The Elite Foghorn uses a Large Pink Triangle as it's main "Body", it also has 4 Widely Placed Builder Turrets with 2 placed on the Left Side and Right Side, it has a Spawner Shaped Cannon at the Rear of the Boss along with a Large Foghorn Cannon in the Center with an Extra Cannon coming out of the first one, it also features a small Gray Circle under the Foghorn as Decor.


The Boss compared to other Elite Crashers has Less Defense and Health Stats making it a lot Weaker Health Wise, however the Boss uses Blocks and Traps to overpower Enemies making it much more of a Glass Cannon Boss.

The Large Foghorn Turret works similar to a Buffed Contraband that fires Foghorn Traps instead at a slower pace, note that the Mega Foghorn Turret is independent and fires on it's own.


When fighting the Elite Foghorn you will need a Team of 3-4 People, One Player distracts the Boss and it's Minions while the other Players recommended to be Spam Tanks deal Damage to the Boss, which should effectively kill the Boss, just be warned that the Mega Foghorn Turret works independently and should also be distracted, Players must also deal with the Extra Foghorn Sentries spawned by the Boss.

An alternative Strat would be to get a Team of Pounder Branched Tanks to deal Heavy Damage in a short amount of time.


  • Same Names as other Elite Crashers



  • With extra support from other bosses, this Elite Crasher can become an effective defensive and slightly offensive boss protecting other bosses while sending High Damage Blocks/Traps to kill tanks.
  • My first Redesigned Elite Crasher for 2022.
