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The Elite Hatchery is a Fanon Elite Crasher Variant intended for Arras. it uses an arsenal mostly composed of the Hatchery Branch and is generally a more tanky Elite Crasher in stats compared to other Elite Crashers, for example Elite Blaster. The Boss rotates towards targets like the Elite Gunner and Elite Acid.


The Elite Hatchery uses a Large Pink Triangle Base with two thruster guns on the very rear of the boss. The Elite Hatchery has 2 regular Hatchery Turrets placed near the bottom of its left and right sides with a smaller hatchery turret being located on its top vertex. On the top sides of the Triangle, there are 2 spawners, both on each side. Near the center of the boss, it has a special Giga-Hatchery Turret which acts like the Elite Destroyer's Devastator Cannon, but more focused.


The Elite Hatchery has buffed health and damage resistance stats compared to other Elites, making it more tanky, however as a tradeoff for this buff, it has an extreme nerf in base speed, causing it to have the same sluggish movement speed around the same base speed as a Rogue Palisade. The Boss uses its small thruster cannons to slightly increase its incredibly slow movement speed.

While the Hatchery Turrets work like regular, the boss is equipped with a special weapon on its center labelled as the "Giga-Hatchery" which acts similarly to the Elite Destroyer's Devastator Cannons, the Giga-Hatchery has around the same stats as a Buffed Annihilator Shot, when the Giga-Hatchery has contact with any obstacle or enemy, it will explode into 20 crashers in a 360 angle, the explosion is separated into 2 layers similarly to a Mega Hatchery. If no enemies are in range, these crashers will just simply autospin and rotate around until they die from lifespan. Due to the strength of this turret, it has extremely long reload times.

The Elite Hatchery also has special spawners, it can spawn a max of 14 Hatchery Hatchlings that orbit around the boss compared to moving around with polygon rotation, these hatchlings will similarly to their normal counterparts, gravitate and crash into any nearby enemies in their small FOV radius, they can act as a small shield around the boss, despite their weak health.

Lore Information[]

Elite Hatcheries were manufactured by Pentagon Nests as defensive artillery to defend against groups of enemy squadrons using the Hatchery Mechanism that was at the time only utilized by tanks, during the time of the mass polygon wars, Elite Hatcheries were deemed effective and would stay as a manufacturable boss by the Pentagon Nests. Due to how heavy and destructive the Giga-Hatchery Turret was, the Hatcheries would end up having to be slower, but would be more fortified.


Despite the powerful Health and Resistance the Elite Hatchery can put up, it is still possible to defeat it with DPS or spamming tanks, they're effective as they can make quick work out of surrounding Hatchlings and Crashers created by the boss and the bullets as well, it is recommended to team with other players to take out the boss quicker, as the boss has more opportunity to quickly kill you off if you make any mistakes without surrounding team.

ALWAYS be prepared to dodge the Giga-Hatchery Cannon, as it can easily jeopardize your efforts if it catches you off guard or kills you with hatchling fragments. If the boss is distracted, it's the perfect opportunity to attack it from the back/rear as it has no defenses besides the easily outgunnable thruster cannons, Sniper and Pounder Branched Tanks can also aid efforts to kill the boss faster.

Known names[]

  • Uses the same name pool as its regular Elite equivalents.
  • The Incubator(Elite Hatchery Exclusive Name)



  • First Elite Crasher created for 2022(And generally in a while).
  • Based off the Hatchery along with the Mega-Hatchery Tanks.
  • Was originally going to include Auto-Turrets used by the Auto-Hatchery but that was scrapped in place for the Thruster Cannons.
  • While the Elite Blaster is a more glass cannon type boss, the Elite Hatchery is a heavy hitter and more tanky, making them sort of opposites to each other.