Diep.io Wiki

The Exploder is one of the six basic upgrade choices from the Basic Tank. It can be selected at Level 15. The Exploder may further upgrade into the Missile, Bomber, or Detonator class once at Level 30.


The Exploder has pentagon-shaped barrel, which is connected to the main cannon.


As stated in its name, the bullets the Exploder shoots-- well, explodes. Also, this tank adds a new feature: Area Damage. Basically, when a bullet hits an enemy tank, and there's another enemy right by it, the bullet can do damage to BOTH of them at the same time. However, it only does more damage to the main target.


  • Exploding Bullets - Very unique from any other tank in the game-- the bullets explode.
  • Area Damage - One bullet can do damage to multiple enemies.


As the Exploder[]

Against Cannons[]

  • Obviously, you shoot back at 'em. But going against destroyer cannons (Annihilator, Destroyer, and Hybrid) might be a bit of a problem. They do some gnarly damage, so you might wanna stay away from them. But don't worry, you can go against any other cannon type. (Further upgrades can go against destroyer cannons, though)

Against Traps[]

  • You also wanna stay away from these. But! Your explosive bullets can actually push them back. Use their own weapon against them!

Against Drones[]

  • Drones are the easiest to destroy. Using the Exploder's new Area Damage feature, you can take most of them out easily.

Against the Exploder[]

Using Cannons[]

  • Do what you regularly do. Shoot 'em. But if you use high-damage dealer tanks, they're done for. You could also use rapid-fire tanks to overwhelm them without bullets, since their reload isn't the best.

Using Traps[]

  • Be careful, the Exploder can use your weapon against you. The best thing you can really do is overwhelm them with traps. Otherwise, your chances of winning are low.

Using Drones[]

  • Or... just don't use drones?


  • Who doesn't like explosives? — Upgrade to Exploder
  • EXPLOSIONSSS! — Kill an Enemy Tank with Exploder
  • Pyromaniac — Upgrade to Exploder 100 times

Who doesn't like explosives?
Upgrade to Exploder
Kill an Enemy Tank with Exploder
Upgrade to Exploder 100 times


  • Someone has made an Exploder tank already, but it is different from mine. You can check it out by clicking the word.
  • Also, of course, the achievements are fanmade. Just wanted to let you know.