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He was once a regular Commander. who fought for the Tank Army. Until, a fated encounter happened, against an unknown force... His teammates, one by one, fell, and he himself almost died, until his best friend blocked the bullet storm and died instead of him. After that day, his comrades have left and abandoned him, due to his incompetence... Even worse, he was an outdated tank. and no one fought for him... and he died in vengeance and anger... Until now, he is still wanting his revenge, along with the Fallen Overlord.

The Fallen Commander is a fanon Fallen Tank, inspired by the old Commander which was scrapped and replaced by the current Commander. It is a huge Commander boss, which is grey, and instead of spawning lots of small crashers, it spawns Sunchips,Minions and regular drones in medium amounts. It is a Commander, filled with vengeance and hate, that will attack any new-version Commanders if it met them.


It's design looks like the old version of the Commander. Nothing special.


The Fallen Commander is special. First, this boss never spawns in Siege. Second, it always attack New Commanders, and any Crasher-related entities. Third, instead of spawning a storm of swarm drones like the Fallen Overlord, it spawns a combination of sunchips, minions and regular drones. The sunchips are really powerful. They can kill a tank in only 1 sunchip. They are also fast, enough to outrun a Tri-Angle. Thankfully it can't convert other squares to become fallen. The regular drones focuses on tanking, with it's penetration been even higher than Big Cheese. However, it is slow and it does not do much ram damage. The Minions focuses on attacking from multiple sides .They themselves have a lot of health too, and medium speed, but it can't ram, due to that their body damage is zero, and they can even take damage. In fact, a glass-cannon can even outram them. To make up for the inability to ram, they can shoot bullets that are as powerful as a Pounder. The bullets are also fast, and the minions shoot those bullets at a fast pace. Thankfully, it's reload is only equal to a 6-stat reload Overseer. The Fallen Commander can spawn a max of 4 drones, 4 sunchips and 4 minions. Other than that, the Fallen Commander has more health and ram than an Elite Crasher, it's damage resistance and movement speed are normal.

When it first spawns in a map, the game will choose one of the 3 spawn messages below:

  • I will get my revenge, and you shall meet the consequences. Feel the wrath of [boss nickname]!
  • I had enough of my stone-cold prison, imprisoning me. I will return.
  • It's time that I, [boss nickname] shall return, to finally take revenge, after all these years.

When players slay it (or any regular Fallens), the game will show these three messages:

  • [player name], you might have stopped me once more, but i will come back...
  • It might be over now, but the storm has just begun, [player name].
  • Even if you imprison me again, i promise, i will return again [player name]...

If multiple players kill it (or fallens in general), it will show x? [player name], and [player name], depending on how many people have killed it.


Different Fallens had different ways of how they once became a tank, but they fell differently too. In how the Fallen Commander fell, we will have to look at it's backstory before it became today.

  • Before the events of the Tale of Domania happened, the Fallen Commander (known as Thalgis) was born in the Tank Empire. When he had grown, he began the life of an commander/general. In record, he was a Commander who is known to be a brave warrior, who risked his life for the Tank Empire in the raidings of nests and the defense of the Tanks. However, tensions began rising between him and his subordinates. As a result, many of his subordinates left, only Mares (known currently as the Fallen Overlord) and those who are loyal to their very souls stayed with him. Even worse, he was getting outdated in firepower, as the new Commander rose to fame. He tried to make great victories to regain his status. However, it all fell apart. When he wanted to make his reputation rise again, after his status begin to crumble, a disaster happened. An unknown group of bosses, also known as the Antimon Crashers, attacked. Thalgis and his subordinates fought them, hoping to make a comeback, as the Antimon Crashers are known to be a work of masterpiece and nearly unstoppable. However, they were too strong. One by one, his teammates fell, even Mares died protecting him from the ammunition of the Antimon Crashers. The crashers has not been even damaged, and countless of his soldiers sacraficed. Only he stayed, along with his few last soldiers. They all eventually left Thalgis, even his wife, which disagreed with her husband's life, left too. In one day, Thalgis has lost everything he knew to Antimony. Hopeless and filled with fate, he committed suicide days after the event. After his death however, his strong will for revenge rose, thus leading to him been an vengeful fallen. To this day, his flames of hate is not extinguished. He continued despite everything standing his way.


  • Strong Against:All tanks solo.
  • Weak Against:Groups of tanks.

Against the Fallen Commander[]

This is a extremely dangerous version of the Commander, and you should not solo it. It's sunchips can destroy you in one hit, it's drone spawners absorb most of your ammunition, and it's minions deal serious damage. However, this boss's minions can't ram, and as a result, you can destroy those with a rammer without the rammer getting any damages from ramming at all. It's minions combined make an all-out deadly combo. Fortunately, you can still kill it. You will need 3-4 tanks to fight this boss however. First, get a rammer, to destroy any of the boss's factory minions. This, however, weakens the main firepower to kill the Fallen Commander. Second, and less efficient way, but to help kill the Fallen Commander itself, is by using an Annihilator. It's bullets can destroy the Factory minions, and helps in killing the Commander too. When you destroyed any Factory minions that it can spawn, you will need the main firepower to kill it. You must use 2 Trap-related tanks which are strong, like Constructor or Barricade, to defend against the remaining sunchip and tank drones. They might not defend well, but it's enough to defend. Finally, you must be any bullet-spammer tanks, to help kill the Fallen Commander. Your damage can slowly damage it, and if with another bullet spammer tank, can kill the Fallen Commander. You must still be careful though, as it can attack in a different way, foiling your plan.



  • This boss, alongside every Fallen, has lore.
  • It was inspired by the old Commander. It was eventually scrapped and replaced by the new Commander.
  • All Fallen bosses created by me has to be inspired by a removed/scrapped tank.
  • All Fallen bosses can't spawn in Siege. The Reason why is unknown in hh's Arras.
  • This boss will attack any Crasher-related entities, as in the lore it lost everything it had and became a fallen to Crashers.
  • This boss's gender before it became fallen is male.
  • Oh well. i've took time to edit this. I hope you like it!