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The Fragrammer is a Tier 3 Tank, that has the special addition of, if been hit, it will release bullets in random directions. The bullets are powerful on their own. It branches from Rammer at Level 30, and will upgrade to Shraprammer, Traprammer, Heater, Impactrammer, Decoy, Armorfrag and Autofrag at Level 45.


The Fragrammer has a unique design on it's shell. It's shell has 8 spikes protruding out of it, arranged in an octagon form. The shell is also purple. (or dark purple if on Purple Team.)


The Fragrammer can still ram like normal, but it includes a unique passive ability. When it is damaged, it will release purple (team color in tdm servers) Gunner bullets in random directions. Every 2% of it's HP lost, it fragments into a Gunner bullet. These gunner bullets are as powerful as an average Gunner bullet. For weaker bullets like Nailgun, it cannot frag when hit by those bullets. For rammers, it cannot frag bullets when rammed by another rammer-class.


  • Strong Against:Weak bullet spammers (if bullets mostly fragments to them), Sniper-class, Overseer-class, Cruiser-class, Low-DPS tanks.
  • Weak Against:Destroyer-class, Strong concentrated fire classes, other tanks from the Rammer branch.

As the Fragrammer[]

  • You releases bullets that are as strong as Gunner's, so get right close to an enemy to attack them. Getting close to a Penta Shot is dangerous, but also heavily damages the Penta Shot (if you're lucky).
  • You still counter Sniper-class like normal, except you counter much more as the fragging bullets help at close-range.
  • Against Overseer-classes, you can use your fragmentation bullets to get right close to the Overseer class. If you got hit by it's drones, you lose 75% of your health at most, which equals to 37 Gunner bullets been released to the Overseer-class. You can risk your health and charge right at them, Once you got close to them, you must let all of their drones to hit you for the fragmentation bullets to kill the now-defenseless Overseer-class.
  • Cruiser-class is even easier to deal with. Simply because in addition to your deadly ram, your fragmentation bullets are also very deadly to the enemy Cruiser. You can simply go right to them, and kill them.
  • Be careful of other tanks that branches from Rammer, because you can't frag your bullets if rammed by them, and as a result, you are a normal Rammer to them.

Against the Fragrammer[]

  • Do not get right close to a Fragrammer to fight them, because that is a really bad idea and it's fragmentation bullets can kill you quickly.
  • One way to fight the Fragrammer is by using Spawners. You can use your minions to soak up the fragmentation bullet, and at the same time, attack it directly and heavily. You can use the Claw technique to kill the Fragrammer, but you will have to deal with fragmentation bullets because your drones are on it's sides.
  • You can use Destroyer-classes to fight the Fragrammer. Do not underestimate it's bullets. You must land your shots, but when you did it, a shockwave of bullets will be released since your bullet damage is a lot. Be careful when fighting the Fragrammer.
  • Or simply using concentrated fire classes like the Triplet can render the frag bullets useless. Simply because you had better bullets. Be careful when it gets close to you, keep your distance with the Fragrammer, and attack.
  • The mode effective way to kill the Fragrammer are other rammer classes. The most effective class is Duplex, because it's planets each deal heavy damage to the Fragrammer. When your planets hit it, it won't frag bullets. Or you can simply ram the Fragrammer itself, which works well too.


  • Shraprammer: The shell itself has 10 spikes now. Every 1% health you lose now, you release a Gunner bullet.
  • Traprammer: Your shell now has 12 sides, instead of 8 spikes. You fragment traps now.
  • Heater: Your shell's spikes now show greater. You fragment swarm drones now.
  • Impactrammer: Your spike numbers are reduced to 6, but their size is larger. Now fragments Basic bullets, but at every 3% health lost.
  • Decoy: You now have a purple top. You can release a decoy, which looks like Rammer and Basic combined. When it is destroyed, fragments into 8 Gunner bullets at random directions and speed.
  • Armorfrag: Your shell is now a darker purple. You had the extra 4 rectangles on each sides. You are a combination of Fragrammer and Armorrammer.
  • Autofrag: You now have a regular Auto Turret on top of you. You are a combination of Fragrammer and Auto-Rammer.


