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The boss spawns maybe at the Pentagon Nest, Though may spawn somewhere else in a 2.6% Chance.

HetaDago's Behavior[]

Spins around because the turrets are not auto, However, Some times spins fast to reload, If this happens and you shoot a bullet, It reflects the players bullet, The player's bullet turns to the pentagon's color, Reloading time takes 10 seconds, Take your time when the boss is reloading, Don't get close! It has serious knockback if you try to ram, Ramming tanks will have a tough time.

How the HetaDago dies.[]

It explodes with almost 5 pentagons and 10 crashers, Sometimes can die with the golden pentagon.


  1. Using bullet penetration is the most used strategy.
  2. Using Twin as a tank against this boss.
  3. Ten or more tanks to help.
  4. As a dominator the most wanted tank to beat the boss is the gunner.
  5. Stalker can turn invisible, Make bullet penetration max, to get a sneaky hit of the boss.


4 Tank Turrets, Metal thing with a red thing in middle (used to reload the bullets and regen).


  • HetaDago has a total of 12 sides as AverageArrasioGuy states.
  • HetaDago's real name is Dago-rang, but he perfers the name HetaDago.
  • HetaDago's age is actually 17, but he gets confused and says random numbers as his age, for example 8. However, this is not canon.
  • For some reason, HetaDago spams on spammy songs in FNF mods.
    • Being told this, HetaDago broke one of his hands during an attempt in a Vs. Dave and Bambi song.
  • HetaDago is a close friend to AverageArrasioGuy.
    • His second friends would be the Elite Eggs, but HetaDago doesn't interact with them that much.
  • HetaDago (canonically) died on 2/19/23, the cause of the death is unknown.


  • Well uhhhh, STOP TEAMING! (More than 5 tanks fighting HetaDago)
  • [RELOADING. . .] (On his reloading attack)
  • HEY! DON'T HIT ME! YOU [Team Color] DOMINATOR! (When a dominator hits HetaDago)
  • Oh uhhhh, Hey kid! (When HetaDago sees a Lvl.14 or lower leveled tank)
  • Oh! Hey my small green friend! (When HetaDago sees a Small but Deadly)
  • Ugh why can't they remove that... (When HetaDago sees a base drone)
  • STOP THAT! (when HetaDago gets hit by a destroyer and a destroyer tier tank)
  • HAHAHAH! TAKE THIS AND THAT! (when HetaDago gets spinned by The War Scorpion)
  • Let's team up! (Does the quote in a teaming interaction)
  • Yea! Eggs! Well let's defend the eggs. (when HetaDago sees Egger)
  • Oh wow, Your stronger than me. (When HetaDago sees Baritone)
  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (When getting thrown by War Scorpion)
  • WHY ME, JUST WHY ME!! (When getting thrown by War Scorpion)
  • That eye of yours reminds me of Eye Bosses, Also I won't shoot you. (when HetaDago sees Monodrive)
  • I have armor! (when HetaDago sees Monodrive)
  • I wasn't expecting you to be that powerful.. (when HetaDago sees Monodrive)
  • Oh god, I forgot my pepsi! (When HetaDago sees the Ancient Titanic Pepsigon)
  • Your more like a Pepsi Keeper. (When HetaDago sees the Ancient Titanic Pepsigon)
  • With that much turrets, you can get them right? (When HetaDago sees Battle Spider)
  • I heard your a friend of Omega Pentagon X! Come on let's go get em. (When HetaDago sees Battle Spider)

Known Names[]

  • HetaDago
  • OfficalNickname
  • Azgr
  • that one hetagon
  • [NO NAME]Dago
  • he killed me
  • purple heta
  • that one hetadago
  • sharp
  • free soda here
  • HeptaDago
  • Heptagon
  • Hetagon
  • crazy guy hehe
  • AverageDiepioGuy
  • Omega Heptagon
  • BrukKetema
  • Totally Not A HetaDago
  • Nothing
  • Nobody
  • No One
  • green is an evil color (i saw this name in one of Amalgalich90's servers)
  • Not blue, Not grey, Not red
  • Not Heta, Not Dago
  • I like cheese, I like burhers, but I don't like cheeseburgers lol
  • Have you even considered how many of us you killed? (copied from woomy-arras bots)
  • not a someone
  • corn


50 minutes for him to live.
Defeat HetaDago
Alpha Dago X
Find HetaDago with Omega Pentagon X near him.
Find HetaDago with many MiniDagos.
That last second..
Get killed by HetaDago with HetaDago's health below 45.
You just got Heta'd
Get killed by HetaDago.


  • Small And Deadly: HetaDago will stay close to the SBD to defend it for 3 minutes.
  • QTs: If a tank is near, They will attack the tank at a high rate reload of 0.3, Teamers would have no time to live.
  • War Scorpion: Gets spinned by War Scorpion.
  • Stubby101 aka Lord Stub: Teams up with Lord Stub.
  • The Battle Spider: The Battle Spider will be reloading HetaDago with Elite Skimmer bullets.
  • SAV-C.BOT: Chances are that it might shoot the D.O.M SAV-C.BOT due to it's body damage, Only happens if tanks are teaming on the D.O.M SAV-C.BOT.



Common Variants[]
  • HetaDago: Uhm, It's just the normal variant that's all.
  • FireDago: implies burning effect upon contact with body or bullets.
  • ElectroDago: zaps you when you get too close.
  • PoisonDago: pretty self-explanatory.
  • IceDago: freezes you with body or bullets.
  • DarkDago: blinds you when it hits you.
  • FallenDago: ...It's gray... Duhhh...
  • Omega Pentagon XX-Dago (Requested by OfficalNickname): It's HetaDago but with AverageDiepioGuy's Guardians and colors.
  • Dagoception (Requested by RandomUserOneThousandOne) - Yeaaaaa you know this.
  • SuperDago (Requested by RandomUserOneThousandOne) - HOLY IT'S SO HUGE!!!
  • AntiDago (Requested by RandomUserOneThousandOne) - Stronger than other HetaDago's
  • TwinDago (Requested by RandomUserOneThousandOne) - All turrets become Twin turrets
  • AutoDago (Requested by RandomUserOneThousandOne) - Has a Auto Turret in the middle.
  • WeirdDago (Requested by Stubby101) - Rams as fast.
  • SmallDago (Requested by Azgr) - OMG OMG IT'S SO CUTE AND SMALL, wait it's dangerous
  • MegaDago (Requested by BrukKetema) - He's so big
  • OPDago (Requested by OfficalNickname) - The bullets are spikes that shoot every 0.4 seconds (LAG MAY HAPPEN XD)
  • TrapDago (Requested by Azgr) - Shoots traps
  • OctoDago (Request by Azgr) - Has 8 turrets
  • HETH-HA-DHAGOH: A HetaDago with a jumping ability.
  • BoomerDago: A HetaDago that shoots boomerangs (similar to the Boomer from arras).
  • MultiDago: A HetaDago, but each cannon shoots different things.
  • Hetabrid: A HetaDago with drone spawners between the cannons.
  • EliteDago: A pink HetaDago with Destroyer guns and a Triplet on top.
  • PalaDago: A HetaDago that shoots Swarmer Hives.
  • FreyDago: A HetaDago with a Cruiser Auto Turret on top.
  • ZaphDago: A HetaDago with a Skimmer Auto Turret on top.
  • BowDago: A HetaDago with a Wrecking Ball (from woomy arras) on top
  • ConquisDago: Has a Machine Gun turret on top, side cannons shoot Skimmer Missiles.
  • 360-Dago: Has 360 guns.
  • RedistributorDago: A HetaDago that shoots Redistributor bullets.
  • Dago-3: A HetaDago, but each turret is an Auto-3.
  • BorerDago: A mix of Borer (woomy arras) and HetaDago.
  • Totally-Not-A-Dago: A HetaDago that can shape-shift.
  • Speedy-Dago (Requested by BrukKetema) - 3x faster.
  • Heta-Ship - Has a battleship turret on top.
  • Egg-Dago - A Hetadago, but it is a circle with egg color
  • SnipeDago - Hetadago with Sniper Turret on top
  • SpikeDago - A HetaDago, with 3 spikes in between each cannon
  • AC-Dago - A yellow HetaDago
  • Square-Dago - A HetaDago that's a square
  • Auto-5-Dago -A HetaDago but replacing the guns with auto 5 turrets
  • OverDago: Has an overlord turret on top
  • TripletDago: HetaDago but replaces the guns with triplet turrets
  • StreamDago: HetaDago but replaces the guns with streamliner turrets
  • PentaDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with Penta Shot turrets
  • ConstructDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with Constructor turrets
  • BentDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with Triple Shot turrets
  • HexaDago: A HetaDago but with 6 guns
  • RangeDago: A HetaDago, but replaces the guns with ranger turrets
  • FactorDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with factory minion spawners
  • RifleDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with rifle turrets
  • MuskDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with musket turrets
  • SmashDago: A HetaDago with a smasher hexagon base
  • SprayDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with sprayer turrets
  • TriangleDago: A HetaDago but its body is triangle
  • MothershipDago: A HetaDago with 16 mothership drone spawners
  • SnowDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with Snowball turrets
  • UndercoverDago: A HetaDago with Undercover Cop's police lights
  • RagnaDago: A HetaDago with 5 Ragnarok gem spawners
  • GunnerDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with Gunner turrets
  • SpreadDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with Spreadshot turrets
  • FlailDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with Flails
  • LanceDago: A HetaDago but replaces the guns with Lances
  • RockDago: A HetaDago but it shoots out Rocks
Rare Variants[]
  • JewelDago - HetaDago with the Jewel color.
  • GreenDago: It's rare and green.
  • LegenDago: A HetaDago that is the color of a legendary polygon and is the rarity of one
  • Rainbow-Dago - The rarest out of them all, it will have a 30% buff, and summons rainbow sentries, and has a rainbow body. It's speed is like a Level 45 Tank.
  • The Event. - ???

How did the HetaDago idea get here?[]

CRAZYQUEST441 gave me an idea to make this boss!


A clear picture of HetaDago


HetaDago's Placeholder


...In memory of CRAZYQUEST441.

-- ArrasGuy's Concepts --
Elite Egg
Super Bosses
Elite Bosses
Gamemodes Boss Blitz
Misc. The Arrasrooms