My inferno persisted, after eons of time. My power has been growing over time, after all these years.
Magmaporous is a Siege-exclusive fanon celestial that spawns from wave 20+ onwards. and never spawns in other Game Modes. It makes it's own appearance in hh's Arras, using pure bullet spam to overpower any tank that tries to kill it. The Magmaporous, as a Celestial, is incredibly powerful, but is slow. Magmaporous has the same speed as Zaphkiel. Magmaporous is powerful, but with cooperation between tanks, it is killable. Magmaporous also makes it's appearance in Tale of Domarina as one of the many celestials in the gamemode Celestial Citadels.
Magmaporous's design looks similar to any regular Celestial's design, with the signature Nonagon base, with 2 other layers on top of them. They also has the nine Mega-Trapper launcher, except that he has seven Artillery-like cannons on his heptagonal layer, and on his pentagonal layer are special turrets, called Scanners. They are red, like his color. He looks like the Red Team's color, but he does not fight for the Red Team.
Magmaporous, like any other Celestials, are very powerful. It's Mega-Trapper turrets fire the same powerful traps, that can quickly kill off any tank. The Magmaporous has the same health as Zaphkiel, and has the same speed as him. However he has deadly weapons, different from Zaphkiel's. It's seven Artillery auto-turrets are incredibly powerful. Each auto-turret is as powerful as a full bullet build Artillery, except that the bullet speed is 6. These alone can kill multiple tanks at once. Even more dangerous is it's signature Scanner turrets. These bullets are insanely fast, as fast as a Ranger bullet, and each bullet does as much damage as a full stat Gunner bullet, causing loads of chaos since the Scanner turrets shoots very quickly, and very concentrated. 3 of this max, focused, can shred even 3 Machine Gunners. Combined, the Magmaporous is an extremely dangerous opponent.
Strong Against:Every tanks solo, small groups of tanks.
Weak Against:Large cooperative groups of tanks.
Against the Magmaporous[]
He is one very powerful opponent, like other Celestials. His own bullet spam outpenetrates small groups of tanks easily, so go in big groups, and attack him all at once.
You must also use bullet spam to fight bullet spam. Using powerful tanks like Triplet and Machine Gunner, you can block all of Magmaporous's deadly projectiles all at once.
Magmaporous was my first celestial that was created, ever.
It was actually added in Arras-front-siege. Instead of the red color that the current Magmaporous has now, it has the dark green color instead. Sadly, there is no more Arras-front-siege.