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The MegaMancer is a fictional tank that upgrades from the Necromancer at level 60.


The MegaMancer features a semicircular body with the flat face forward. Two of the spawners are each 30o way from the back, and the last three are stacked in a long Christmas tree in front.


Upon upgrading from the Necromancer, the main and HUGE difference is that you can infect any polygon! You also get a huge boost in body damage, as well as small boosts in all bullet things and regen. Drone count (Reload) doubles.

Congratulations! You now have complete control over all polygon related happenings! You can infect and manipulate absolutely ANY polygon. This includes:

Mega-drones' damage are determined by their circumference.

Normal Polygons[]


these pentagons are the weakest, they are faster than all normal pentagons, least amount of damage and the least amount of health.


These polygons are faster than squares, but have less health and deal less damage.


Pentagons are more damaging and healthy than squares, however, they are much slower.

Special Polygons[]

Green Triangle[]

Exactly the same as a normal triangle except it gives you 1,000 xp when it dies

Green Square[]

Exactly the same as a normal square except it gives you 1,000 xp when it dies

Green Pentagon[]

Exactly the same as a normal pentagon except it gives you 1,000 xp when it dies

Beta Pentagon[]

Weaker than an Alpha Pentagon, but it deals 5x less damage and 5x less health, but they have 10x speed of an Alpha Pentagon

Alpha Pentagon[]

This is what was said for 'Pentagon':

Pentagons are more damaging and healthy than squares, however, they are much slower.

Well those mores are 10x more, and that less is 5x less (10x less would be practically not moving).

Insane Powers[]


You can take control of crashers from the pentagon nest. Their stats depend on size.

  • Small: Equivalent to a square, except in size; it is about half of the size of a drone
  • Large: Equivalent to a triangle in all except size, where it is a little larger than a drone.
  • More on mini later

Other Drones[]

Just because of the over powered-ness of this, all drones that are not Mega or Factory are given a 20% shield versus Mega-drones. This includes (Users are listed):

Overseer, Overlord and Manager[]

If you capture a drone from one of these users, it keeps it's size, but all of its stats revert to your upgrade stats.


If you infect a drone, then you will get it and revert it to one less than all of your stats.


You can only infect the controllable drones of this user and if you do, then they will go to you exactly as they are.


  • RISE!
Claim a mortal soul for your own
  • FALL!
Kill a tank with one of your souls