The Megalith is a Tier 4 tank, make to tank for it's allies, with it's huge size. It has a lot of health, but at a cost of much slower speed. It also has the resistance of the Armorrammer. It branches from Armorrammer at Level 45, and it might not upgrade anymore.
The Megalith itself has it's shell changed. Instead of 3 small spikes and rectangles, it has an light grey circle around it. Surrounding it are 6 squares that act as extra detail to make it look intimidating. The Megalith is also bigger than most other tanks. It is the same size of an Smashception from Overall, the Megalith itself is a huge Gear that cannot jump.
The Megalith focuses on tanking as much bullets as it can for it's teammates. It's health is absurdly large. It has 300 HP (Arras), enough to tank several 100's of bullets before it died (for Destroyers, they will need up to several hits in order to kill you. It also has the properties of an Armorrammer, when been attacked, it has a 25% chance for it to not take damage at all from any sources. For Pounder and Trapper branches, the probalities are reduced, to even zero when hitting Destroyer level. It also takes 20% less damage from any sources, making the Megalith the tankiest Rammer-branch tank. However, the Megalith is very slow, 50% slower than the regular Armorrammer. Even with full stats in speed, the Megalith is slower than a Tank with full stats in speed (same speed as a regular tank with 5 in speed). Also, because you have so much health, the Megalith will take a while for it to heal back it's health again.
- Strong Against:Tanks that are slower than it, Almost all Rammer upgrades, Slow Sniper-classes, Slow Director classes, Low-DPS tanks.
- Weak Against:Destroyers, Tanks that are faster than it, Fast Sniper-classes, Trapper-classes.
As the Megalith[]
- You are very useful in Teams gamemodes, since you have so much health to endure combat, you will make a spearhead for your team to penetrate the enemy's team. You are also way bigger, making you a distraction for the enemy.
- Almost no one can outram you. When a player tries to ram you,he/she will die almost instantly due to your health.
- Farming Polygons is even easier, since you are way bigger and can squish an Polygon.
- Be careful when fighting enemies that are faster than you. You might become a punching bag if they use either Destroyers or Trappers.
- You have enough health to outram an boss when it's at 50% of it's health (counting Elite Crasher level only.)
- Weak tanks, like the Crossbow or Bushwhacker are food to you. Simply because you have reduced damage to them, and their damages are just droplets of water to an very dry sponge.
- If you wanted to be survivable in FFA gamemodes, where there are no one to support for you, spend few points onto health. Spend as many points as you can while retaining the potent ram that the Megalith has.
Against the Megalith[]
- DO NOT RAM AN MEGALITH. If you do, you will die almost instantly.
- You must be fast in order to constantly attack the Megalith itself. Otherwise, you're dead as hell.
- Use either Destroyers or Trapper classes to attack the Megalith. Their damages are a lot, and at the same time, reducing the damage resistance of the Megalith itself.
- Don't be slow if you're gonna spend your time onto killing the Megalith as a Sniper-class. Slowly sap the Megalith's health until it finally dies.
- Most rammer classes are ineffective against the Megalith, but the Quadplex can deal serious damage to the Megalith itself. Although your planets recharge slowly, if all four were to hit the Megalith, it will reduce it's health up to 75%. Mineplacer also works, since it's mines are nearly invisible and can cause serious damage (since the Megalith is too large to avoid the mines.
- The Megalith is inspired by three tanks. The EToD Megalith (see at the Pummeler branch at Fanon:Characters (Extended Tale of Diep).), the Woomy Smashception, and the Woomy Gear.