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The Mendist is a Siege-exclusive boss that spawns from wave 15 onwards (or for Hard-mode Siege,wave 5). The Mendist is one of the few Healing bosses, utillizing a Quad-Healer turret in the center. It comes in three variants, the Fabricator, the Reprojector and the Sanctuary. like the Nesters. Only the Fabricator variant is shown, therefore the other 2 been unknown. Each variant has it's own weapons and Healing turrets, but they all are squares and look all similar.


The Mendist variants all had a simillar design. A white square the size of an Summoner,with another on top if it. The center of the Mendists are healing turrets/auras, with 4 other attacking turrets in the corners of it and an unmoving cannon/spawner/guns on the sides of it. The only difference is that the Mendist variants arrange those weapons differently, and not the same as each other, with the Fabricator variant having a Quad-Healer turret, 4 Proto-Swarmer turrets, and 4 minion spawners, the Reprojector having a single Surgeon turret, 4 Machine Gun turrets and 16 Gunner guns, 4 for each side, and the Sanctuary having a unique red healing aura, 4 Ranger turrets and 4 Destroyer cannons.


Mendists only appear in Siege, and only spawns in wave 15. It is a common boss that has a total of three variants. each can heal the bosses in a different way. Their speed is slow, so they act as a mini-base for bosses. They always rotate and liked to get behind bosses to assist them in destroying Sanctuaries. The Mendists are fragile compared to even Elite Crashers, In return they have weapons that are fittable and utillitiful for dangerous situations. However once their weapons are outpenetrated, the Mendist will die fast since it's health, body damage and especially damage resistance is low compared to other bosses. Mendists by themselves regenerate fast making it hard to kill them and other bosses. Thankfully, only the Sanctuary variant can heal other Mendists, and Mendists have a limit of 8 in regular siege, and 14 in Hard-mode Siege.

The Fabricator variant (shown here) can heal bosses quickly with it's Quad-Healer turret, which auto-spins counter-clockwise. Each bullet heals by 8 health, but since the Fabricator shoots those bullets rapidly, it stacks up quickly. The Proto-Swarmer hives act like bullets instead of traps like those of Paladin's. The bees themselves deal meager damage, but the hives themselves hit hard, damage equallent of been hit directly by a Destroyer bullet. The penetration is even greater, but the Proto-Swarmer turrets reload slow. It shoots once every 3 seconds. The minion spawners spawns a unique minion. It looks like a Square, with 4 cannons on the 4 sides of it. It shoots once every 1 second, and the bullet's damage is equal to that of a Basic. It also auto-spins constantly, and the Fabricator can spawn 8 max.

The Reprojector variant focuses on healing in 1 direction, with it's Surgeon turret. The small bullets fired from it's pillbox heals the same as the Quad-Healer bullets,but heals extremely quickly since the pillboxes shoots healing bullets rapidly. However each pillboxes has a short range of healing, and the Surgeon turret can only deploy 4 pillboxes, and 1 gets automatically destroyed when the Reprojector tries to deploy another. The Machine Gun turrets also hurts, having the same reload, damage, speed, penetration and bullet health as a regular glass-cannon Machine Gun. The 16 Gunner barrels is especially dangerous. Just a set (or 4 barrels) alone on each side can outpenetrate a full-stats Machine Gunner, and it's shoots 4 times a second, It's bullets are also faster than Gunner's, however, because they always auto-spins, the damage is very infrequent.

Not to be confused with the blue Sanctuary, the Sanctuary variant focuses on healing everything with it's unique healing aura. It can heal Sentries, Sentinels, or even other Mendists, something that other 2 variants can't do. It's aura is also wide, as it can fit up to 9 other bosses. However it heals slow, with 3 hp/second of healing. The four Ranger turrets hurt, with each bullet having the damage of a Pounder. It's bullets are very fast, can outspeed a full speed Ranger bullet. It also reloads fast, with it shooting 1 bullet every second, Even worse, it can clip through bullet spams, so stay out of their barrels. The Destroyer barrels also hurts, with it dealing as much damage as the destroyer bullets of Nest Guardian. It is also faster, but it had only 0.5x the penetration.


When fighting the Mendist, you have to be wary of the other bosses and it's healing power. The bosses gives your teammates a hard time at killing the Mendists, so use bullet-spamming tanks like Machine Gunner or Redistributor to kill all of the bosses, and kill the Mendist quickly before it heals any of it's teammates.

Against the Fabricator[]

  • The Fabricator will regularly be with it's teammates, so you needed to kill it first. Be careful since it can heal it's teammates quite fast in all directions. You must focus to avoid it's Proto-Swarmer hives. They hit hard, are tanky and their bees lasts even if the hives are destroyed. It's bees can also sap you of your health too. Thankfully the reload of the Proto-Swarmer turrets is slow. And destroy any of it's Quad-Square minions. The minions hit hard, so destroy any that tries to flank you. After that, destroy any bosses that defends the Fabricator, at all costs.Focus on one boss at a time, and when the Fabricator is exposed, focus on it. The Fabricator will die very quickly since it's damage resistance is bad.

Against the Reprojector[]

  • Be wary of the Surgeon turret, since they heal bosses very quickly. If you only have 3 bullet spammers attacking it, the bosses will heal super quickly, faster than the bullet spammers can ever damage. Spread the attention of the Surgeon turret by splitting into 2 groups. The bigger group will distract the turret, while the other attack at the unhealed bosses. The Machine Gun turrets are strong, but they are outpenetrated by higher tier tanks. The thing that you needed to be very careful of is the Gunner arrays. They can outpenetrate 2 Machine Gunner's with ease, thankfully it always had auto-spin on, so the damage is infrequent. Still,you had to be careful since those bullets are fast. When you got a good hold of it, kill any bosses that the Reprojector can't heal while it's distracted. After that,kill the Reprojector ASAP.

Against the Sanctuary[]

  • The Sanctuary variant heals the least, but it can heal Sentries, Sentinels or other Mendist with it's aura, so it is very dangerous if it's with other Mendists. The Sanctuary can heal them, while it's Mendist teammates heal other bosses. If that isn't the case, your teammates must rush it. The Ranger auto-turrets can see very far, it's bullets are faster than a full-bullet speed Ranger, and it's bullets hit as hard as an Pounder. They can also clip through bullet spams too, so stay far from the barrels. The Destroyer cannons hit really hard. It hits as hard an the cannons of an Nest Guardian. It's bullet is also faster, thankfully it's penetration is only half, so it acts more like a fast danger rather than an tough shield. You can kill the Sanctuary like you did with the Refabricator, but be wary if it's with other Mendists.



  • This is my first fanon page! I hope you enjoyed reading it!
  • If the Mendists were to be added to the game, it will be the only boss to heal other bosses.
  • Out of the 3 variants, the Sanctuary variant is the only one to have an aura, thus making the only ai-controlled boss to have an aura in game.
  • The Sanctuary variant is also the only one to heal other Mendists and Sentries/Sentinels.
  • Oh well,i hope you enjoyed it! if you hate this page,it's ok, you can hate it, but i just wanted to see how well i will do at editing! - hh (simplism)
  • The pictures of the Reprojector and Sanctuary variants does not exist yet. You can make a picture of them here! :D
  • Happy New Year!