The Miniger is a Tier 4 Tank, that had a Minigun cannon and 4 Split cannons on the sides of it, which has the power of a Gunner for each Split cannon. It branches from Gunner, Minigun or Split at Level 45. As it's the last tier, it cannot upgrade further. But in Arms Race it will have quite a lot of upgrades.
The Miniger's design is a bit more complicated than the Split, due to the fact that it has an extra Minigun cannon in the center of the tank. On the sides of the Minigun cannon are Split cannon arrays, 2 on each side.
The Miniger is nothing to underestimate. It has a Minigun gun which can deal serious damage to enemies. It has the same stats as a Minigun, except that it has 4 side barrels now. They have the same stats as those of Split's, except that the inner side barrels fire first, followed by the outer side barrels. The Miniger can deal serious damage up-close.
- Strong Against:Most tanks up-close, Rammers, Octo Tank and Cyclone, Director tanks, crowds of enemies (in teammodes, and with other tanks around)
- Weak Against:Surprise attack from for instance the Destroyer class, concentrated fire classes (like Triplet), Snipers,Nailgun.
As the Miniger[]
- You are a strong tank, with both penetrative and close-range spam. Rammers almost can't touch you, except Bloodhound and Armorsmasher, but the latter is slow, so you can slowly kill it.
- You're extremely effective in Siege,where you can point-blank bosses, maximizing your damage against them. You can also use the Miniger as extra support to hit many bosses at once.
- Tanks like Octo Tank/Cyclone are countered by the Miniger, as it's Minigun bullets can penetrate right through their bullet hurricane, and the side Gunner barrels will block most of their projectiles from hitting your flanks.
- It is one of the most effective classes for farming shapes.
- You can destroy any drones from Director and it's branches, and your speed been fast also helps. You can avoid the drones, and if you're skilled, you might even destroy them, boost at them, and kill the drone class. If they're an Underseer-class, once you destroyed all of their sunchips/cheeseballs, their fate is sealed. If you're fast, you can destroy the underseer branch.
- In Domination, you're one of the strongest tanks there, as your Minigun bullets can penetrate enemy firepower, and the side Split guns attacking from the flanks, and if an Dominator is distracted, you can get right close to it, heavy damaging the Dominator and capturing it.
Against the Miniger[]
- Miniger's small FoV make it vulnerable to Sniper-classes. They can attack the Miniger from far away while it can't kill you. You must stand far, and snipe it constantly until it dies. If you're an Nailgun, your very small bullets can outpenetrate the Minigun cannon and damage the Miniger. It can't effectively deal with your bullets and will die.
- The Miniger is quite slow when advancing forwards, attacking you. So you must retreat when the Miniger attacks you, and you will be safe.
- Rammers must avoid the Miniger, even if it's low on health, due to it's insane DPS close-range, and it can attack you from far away. Exception is that if the Miniger is engaging several other enemies.
- Focused fire DPS tanks (like the Triplet or Folari) can suppress the firepower of the Miniger. It will be hard, however, as the Miniger is capable of defending itself, and it has it's own Minigun cannon to fight you.
- Destroyer-classes also works, but you must catch the Miniger by surprise. By trying to talk to the Miniger, and then kill it when it's unaware of you completely (although the next time it sees you it will attack you), or you could attack the Miniger via the usual way, or suddenly surprise it with your large-bullet. Attack the Miniger slightly from the flanks, as it can't dodge very well.
- The Miniger, along with the Visionsmasher, are two of the winners from my first tank vote, so they will be made first.