Mysterious Arras Entity (MAE) are rare AI controlled characters that are like SCP versions of tanks. They can spawn anywhere and anytime.
MAE's can be classified into 3 types:
Safe MAE's are non-harmful entities that are safe to be contacted with.
Euclid MAE's are MAE's that we cannot predict it's behaviour, and because of that, it is still unknown if Euclid MAE's are safe to be contacted with.
Keter MAE's are the most dangerous types of MAE's that are super harmful and not to be contact with.
MAE list[]
The MAE list has the list of all existing MAE's that are found by players in the realms. So if you found one, list them here, and tell which realm the entity exists, and record its behaviour, and classify it depending to its behaviour.
- To Finicks for the Tale of Arras
- To HadifTheHadofman for the MAE idea