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The Poisoneer is one of the six basic upgrade choices from the Tank, and can be selected at Level 15. The Poisoneer may further upgrade into the Venoshot, or Intoxicator.


The Poisoneer consists of a circular base with a small trapezoidal Barrel (which doesn't shoot), and a small, thin Barrel connected to it. (very similar to the Ranger)


Changes to Base Stats upon upgrading from Tank:


  • Poison Gun - When the poison bullet hits an enemy, their tank will have a shade of green, and start taking a little damage over time. Also, the side effect of being poisoned will slow them down a bit. (lasts 5 seconds) 2 new features will be included: Poison Damage & Damage Time.
  • Damage Time - The amount of damage over time. (Ex. When shooting the enemy, the enemy starts taking some damage as time passes.)
  • Poison Damage - The amount of damage.(Ex. As time passes, the enemy will take X heart points of damage.)


  • Strong Against: Low damage dealers, slow tanks.
  • Weak Against: High damage dealers, skilled drone classes.

As the Poisoneer[]

  • Using this class is great against defensive tanks (kinda). This tank is slightly faster than the regular Tank, so being a "coward" is the only option. Poison your enemies, and run away before they can catch you.

Against the Poisoneer[]

  • Being an offensive tank will surely bring the Poisoneer down. They don't do as much damage, nor do they have as much defense, but defeating them is quite easy.


The Intoxicator branch focuses on poison and slowness, while the Venomshot branch focuses on damage.
