Diep.io Wiki
Diep.io Wiki

This page is based on Chapsteck's polygons page. Many concepts are from there. This page is reserved for Graviatar and Chapsteck, do not edit unless approved

Original page -----> Polygons (Chapsteck4yurlipis) Lightning's Page -----> Polygons (LightingStriker666).

Have any Ideas? Go to Chapsteck's polygons page to include your idea.

This page can be used as a more organized page to base polygon-related things off of as opposed to Chap's or Lightning's page, as everyone can edit the original page. Please remember that this page is a polygon page used for the Tale of Diep, and is edited and tampered with regarding such.

DISCLAIMER: Not everything will be added to the Tale of Diep.

NOTICE: This page is still not finished!



Polygons are naturally-spawning shapes that are spread across the arena. The size of each polygon generally increases with the number of sides (e.g. a Hexagon is bigger than the Pentagon), although outliers of this rule aren't generally unknown. 

The page contains some polygons that can already be found in Diep, and they are here for reference with health and proportion. Polygons are arranged relatively to each other in size.

Unlike a tank, Polygons usually do not have ammunition and can only defend with body damage, just like the Smasher. Only a few kinds of polygons have weapons. Most serve as a "food source" for players and are the best way to safely level up in Team DM.

Rewards from any polygon will also depend on game modes. Each polygon listed will have a base score amount. Game modes such as Domination and Tag mode has a multiplier of 2x. Survival mode has a multiplier of 2x. Maze, FFA, TDM, and Sandbox all have the default.

Most polygons will regenerate 300% faster if left unharmed for at least 30 seconds. Certain types of polygons will have a base regeneration that allows it to heal itself as soon as it is damage.

There are many variatons of polygons, and there are several categories of them:

  • Frequent polygons are basic polygons that are fairly common. This includes Squares, Triangles, Pentagons, Hexagons, all the way up to Decagon.
  • Infrequent polygons are rarer and much more difficult to find. They can be variants of already existing types, or more complex polygons. Most polygons over the Decagon have an abnormality or unique function special to them. Some may be hostile.
  • Hostile polygons will attack any tank in their range, and most of them will charge into the enemy. Many of these polygons will have special stats and abilities. They are often found defending a polygon nest, however some varieties can be found outside of nests. The simplest of them all is the classic pink Crasher.
  • Boss polygons are large enemies with extreme health and are based on another polygon, and mostly resemble their smaller variants. They provide a large amount of EXP and points as a reward. There can be, at maximum, three individual polygon bosses at once. Many bosses can be found in gamemodes such as FFA or TDM, however there are a few that can only be found in one. More information can be found here ----> Bosses
  • Nest Defender polygons are similar to bosses with weapons and fighting capacities, however unlike bosses they are nest-specific and many can be found in the arena. They are made to help protect nests from tank attacks, and spawn less frequently than hostile polygons. Usually, there is a cap to the amount of nest defenders allowed in one nest/area. These are considered "mini-bosses" since they are generally weaker than most bosses.
  • 2nd Generation polygons are advanced objects that will only spawn after certain events the players have completed, or occasionally through other means. They are multi-sided, often star-like. Others are more uniquely shaped quadrilaterals or multi-polygonal. Some may be hostile.
  • Unknown polygons are extremely rare. They are mysterious in many ways, and often fatal if the player isn't careful. They usually gives an extreme amount of points and exp.

Polygons of the same type are often found grouped together in a "Nest". There are four kinds of polygon nest.

  • Cluster nest are very small and only having 6-13 polygons, alphas are not present, and nest guardians are rare to spot. Polygons do not respawn.
  • Inferior nest are larger nest that are found around the map, they can have as many as 14-30 polygons excluding Crasher variants. There can be 2-4 alphas in one. Polygons will respawn, however there is a limited amount of polygons that can respawn. Nest Defenders can be found. Certain inferior nests are formed from infrequent polygons like Dodecagons.
  • Superior nest are very large nest that are found in the center of the arena. Polygons will constantly re spawn as soon as one gets destroyed. Crasher types will spawn commonly. Nest Defenders will spawn. Superior nest will change polygon types when a certain amount of polygons are killed or when a boss relating to the nest is destroyed.

"Just imagine diep.io like this... -Chapsteck"

Buffs and Debuffs

More information about general player or NPC effects can be found here.

The mechanics behind how certain buffs and debuffs work on polygons differ in subtle ways. Certain buffs and debuffs will not affect a given polygon. A few polygons will have additional resistances to these kinds of effects. When a polygon is effected, the effect symbol will appear above its body.

  • Buffs
    • Invulnerable: Works very much the way that affects Tanks, however it nullifies any body damage the polygon may do. No polygon has this kind of ability or immunity.
    • Hasty: Only works on Crasher variants, it increases base speed by 25%.
    • Frenzy: Status effect only exclusive to Tanks.
    • Helping Hand: Status effect only exclusive to Tanks.
    • Strength: Works akin to how it affects Tanks; increases damage stats by 30% in ammunition/body damage.
    • Armored: Works akin to how it affects Tanks; all damage received is reduced by 100%. Many polygons by default has a base stat resistance to ammunition. However this effect will also increase body damage resistance as well.
  • Debuffs
    • Broken: Works akin to how it affects Tanks; all damage received is increased by 100%. Problematic Squares are the only polygons to be immune to this effect. Crushers, Crusher Fragments, Semi-Crushers, and all polygon enemies based on them will receive only 50% more damage instead of 100%.
    • Slowed: Only works on Crasher variants, it decreases base speed by 100%. Green, Red, and Blue runners have immunity to this effect.
    • Paralyzed: Works akin to how it affects Tanks; stops any motion to the polygon. Disrupters, Vis Destructias, and ALL Quasars are completely immune to this effect. White Destroyers will reduce the duration of this effect by 50%.
    • Poisoned: Works akin how it affects Tanks; will cause the polygon to loose 2% of its maxed HP every second until it approaches 1 HP. Leechers, Plædges, Green Quasars, and ALL Phages are immune to this effect.
    • Bleeding: Works akin how it affects Tanks; will cause the polygon to loose 2% of its maxed HP every second until it approaches 1 HP. Red Runners, Plædges, Red Quasars, and Leechers are immune to this effect.
    • Burning: Works akin how it affects Tanks; will cause the polygon to loose 5% of its maxed HP every second. Unlike poison, this effect will kill. Splitter Hexagons, Trapezoids, Groupers, Disrupters, Orange Quasars, Heptagons, and all polygon enemies based on them will reduce the damage from this effect by 50%. Crushers, Splits, Pentagons and all polygon enemies based on them will reduce the duration of this effect by 100%. Navy-Based polygons, Dodecagons, and Plædges are completely immune to this effect.
    • Stunned: Prevents the polygon from shooting ammunition. This effect only works with polygons that uses extended weapons (like barrels or mounted weapons). Doesn't work with most polygons for obvious reasons. However, mine-based polygons like Phage mines will not detonate under this effect.
    • Blinded: Different than the way it affects Tanks. Instead of darkening the screen for the polygon (which it doesn't due to being an AI instead of a playable entity), it reduces the visibility range for that polygon by 90%. For example, Crashers under this effect will have reduced visibility, thus not attacking you from as far. Phasers, Assasinators, and Plædges are immune to this effect.
    • Dazed/Confused: Very different from the way it affects Tanks. It will cause only Crasher types to move randomly in different directions, not targeting the tank itself. Decontrollers are immune to this effect for obvious reasons.
    • Unfocused: Only works on polygons that uses extended weapons (like barrels or mounted weapons). Causes the weapons to malfunction, firing at random direction. This effect behaves very similarly to Confused if it inflicts these kinds of polygons.
    • Weakened: Works akin how it affects Tanks; reduces ammunition penetration by 100%. This effect will also reduce body damage from polygons by 100%. Tri-Blades, Stabbers, and Red Runners are immune to this effect.

Totems will effect all surrounding polygons as well as all surrounding tanks.

Frequent (Normal) Polygons

Once a frequent polygon is destroyed, it will respawn as a different type somewhere on the map after 90 seconds, or it can spawn as the same type. This is because if they respawned as the same type, then some polygons can't exist on one server unless you join another server. They often appear to split apart from another of the same type. The amount of frequent polygons entirely depend on how many players are on the server. Fewer players will have fewer polygons.

The number of each type (N, on standard map) is given after the name.

Yellow Square


Yellow squares are the weakest and most abundant polygon found in diep.io. It rewards a minimal 10 EXP and points. These polygons are an easy source of EXP in some game modes, due to their frequency. They have 10 health. Squares are unique because they can be converted into drones that Tanks can control. They deal 8 HP of body damage per hit. There is a very rare green variant of them. There is also a larger variant called Alpha Squares.

Alpha Square (Nest Specific)

Alpha Squares are rarer variants that only spawn in Inferior Square nests. They are the exact size of the Summoner's body. Unlike normal squares, they can't be converted into drones due to their size. They reward 1,000 EXP and points. They have 750 health and will deal 8 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Squares are one of the only two Alpha Polygons that doesn't give Arena Points to Tanks individually, however destroying one will count as 25 individual polygons instead.

In inferior nests, killing 18 Alpha Squares will completely destroy the nest.

Beta Square (Nest Specific)

Beta Squares are smaller and more common variants of the Alpha Square. They are mid-way between the size of the Alpha and normal squares. Unlike normal squares, they can't be converted into drones due to their size. They reward 250 EXP and points. They have 375 health and will deal 8 HP of body damage per hit. They don't give Arena Points to Tanks individually, however destroying one will count as 15 individual polygons instead.

Gamma Square (Nest Specific)


Red Triangle


Red triangles are the second most common polygon and you can find them without trying. It rewards a fair 25 EXP and points. They are stronger than squares and have 30 HP. They deal 8 HP of body damage per hit. There is a very rare green variant of them. There is also a larger variant called Alpha Triangles.

Alpha Triangle (Nest Specific)

Alpha Triangles are rarer variants that only spawn in Inferior Triangle nests. They are the exact size of the Defender's body. They reward 1,500 EXP and points. They have 1,500 health and will deal 8 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Triangles are one of the only two Alpha Polygons that doesn't give Arena Points to Tanks individually, however destroying one will count as 50 individual polygons instead.

In inferior nests, killing 15 Alpha Triangles will completely destroy the nest.

Beta Triangle (Nest Specific)

Beta Triangles are smaller and more common variants of the Alpha Triangle. They are mid-way between the size of the Alpha and normal triangles. They reward 500 EXP and points. They have 750 health and will deal 8 HP of body damage per hit. They don't give Arena Points to Tanks individually, however destroying one will count as 25 individual polygons instead.

Gamma Triangle (Nest Specific)


Blue Pentagon


Blue pentagons are the third most common polygon. They can be found with ease. It is the simplest and best source of EXP. They reward 130 exp and points. They are much tougher than the square and the triangle. They have 100 HP. Pentagons also will receive 33% less damage from enemy ammunition. They deal 12 HP of body damage per hit. There is a very rare green variant of them. There is also a larger variant called Alpha Pentagons.

Pentagons and all polygon enemies based on them will reduce the duration of the burning debuff by 100% when inflicted.

Alpha Pentagon (Nest Specific)

For more information, see Alpha Pentagon.

Alpha Pentagons are rarer variants that spawns in Superior Pentagon, and Inferior nests. Alpha Pentagons are one of the most common Alpha Polygons. They reward 3,000 EXP and points. They have 3,000 health and will deal 12 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Pentagons will also give one Arena Point to any Tank who destroyed it.

In inferior nests, killing 10 Alpha Pentagons will completely destroy the nest.

Beta Pentagon (Nest Specific)

Beta Pentagons are smaller and more common variants of the Alpha Pentagon. They are mid-way between the size of the Alpha and normal pentagons. They reward 1500 EXP and points. They have 1500 health and will deal 12 HP of body damage per hit. They don't give Arena Points to Tanks individually, however destroying one will count as 50 individual polygons instead.

Gamma Pentagon (Nest Specific)


Green Hexagon

For more information, see Hexagons.


Green hexagons are the fourth most common polygon and you can find them with difficulty. They reward 180 EXP and points. They are a rather useful source of EXP. They have 150 health (1.5x HP of a pentagon) and are slightly larger than a pentagon. Hexagons also will receive 33% less damage from enemy ammunition. They deal 12 HP of body damage per hit. It is unknown, however possible, that there is a light green version of these. These shouldn't be confused with light green pentagons. There is a large variant called Alpha Hexagons.

Alpha Hexagon (Nest Specific)

Alpha Hexagons are rarer variants that spawns in Superior Hexagon, and Inferior nests. Alpha Hexagons are slightly larger than Alpha Pentagons. They reward 4,500 EXP and points. They have 4,500 health and will deal 12 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Hexagons will also give two Arena Points to any Tank who destroyed it.

In inferior nests, killing 8 Alpha Hexagons will completely destroy the nest.

Beta Hexagon (Nest Specific)

Beta Hexagons are smaller and more common variants of the Alpha Hexagon. They are mid-way between the size of the Alpha and normal hexagons. They reward 2250 EXP and points. They have 2250 health and will deal 12 HP of body damage per hit. Beta Hexagons will also give one Arena Point to any Tank who destroyed it.

Gamma Hexagon (Nest Specific)


Orange Heptagon

For more information, see Heptagons.


Orange Heptagons are an uncommon frequent polygon and you can find them if you're dedicated. They reward 260 exp and points. They are tougher than Hexagons with 250 health (2.5x HP of a pentagon), these are 1.5x the size of a pentagon. Heptagons also will receive 33% less damage from enemy ammunition. They deal 12 HP of body damage per hit. A light green version of these is doubted by many polygon scientists. There is a larger variant called Alpha Heptagons.

Heptagons and all polygon enemies based on them will reduce the damage of the burning debuff by 50% when inflicted.

Alpha Heptagon (Nest Specific)

Alpha Heptagons are rarer variants that spawns in Superior Heptagon, and Inferior nests. Alpha Heptagons are 50% larger than Alpha Pentagons. They reward 9,000 EXP and points. They have 6,500 health and will deal 12 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Heptagons will also give three Arena Points to any Tank who destroyed it.

In inferior nests, killing 7 Alpha Heptagons will completely destroy the nest.

Beta Heptagon (Nest Specific)

Beta Heptagons are smaller and more common variants of the Alpha Heptagon. They are mid-way between the size of the Alpha and normal heptagons. They reward 4500 EXP and points. They have 3250 health and will deal 12 HP of body damage per hit. Beta Heptagons will also give 1 Arena Point and count as 50 additional polygons to any Tank who destroyed it.

Gamma Heptagon (Nest Specific)


Purple Octagon

Purple Octagons are the third rarest frequent polygon and are very hard to find. They reward 480 exp and points. They are tougher than Heptagons with 450 Health (4.5x HP of a pentagon). These are about twice the size of a pentagon. Octagons also will receive 40% less damage from enemy ammunition. They deal 14 HP of body damage per hit. A light green version of these are unlikely. There is a larger variant called Alpha Octagons.


Alpha Octagon (Nest Specific)

Alpha Octagons are rarer variants that exclusively spawns in Superior Octagon nests. Alpha Octagons are 75% larger than Alpha Pentagons. They reward 15,000 EXP and points. They have 9,500 health and will deal 14 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Octagons will also give six Arena Points to any Tank who destroyed it.

Beta Octagon (Nest Specific)

Beta Octagons are smaller and more common variants of the Alpha Octagons. They are mid-way between the size of the Alpha and normal octagons. They reward 7500 EXP and points. They have 4750 health and will deal 14 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Octagons will also give three Arena Points to any Tank who destroyed it.

Gamma Octagon (Nest Specific)


Cyan Nonagon

Cyan Nonagons are the second rarest frequent polygon. They reward 820 exp and points. One will appear in a random location for every 3 purple octagons that have spawned. These are tougher than the Purple Octagon and have 800 health (8x HP of a pentagon), they are 2.5x the size of a pentagon. Nonagons also will receive 40% less damage from enemy ammunition. They deal 14 HP of body damage per hit. A light green version of these are unlikely. There is a larger variant called Alpha Nonagons.


Alpha Nonagon (Nest Specific)

Alpha Nonagons are rarer variants that spawns exclusively in Superior Nonagon nests. Nonagons are twice the size of Alpha Pentagons. They reward 25,000 EXP and points. They have 11,000 health and will deal 14 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Octagons will also give eight Arena Points to any Tank who destroyed it.

Beta Nonagon (Nest Specific)

Beta Nonagons are smaller and more common variants of the Alpha Nonagons. They are mid-way between the size of the Alpha and normal nonagons. They reward 12,500 EXP and points. They have 5,500 health and will deal 14 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Nonagons will also give four Arena Points to any Tank who destroyed it.

Gamma Nonagon (Nest Specific)


White Decagon


White Decagons are the rarest frequent polygon. They reward 1,100 exp and points. One will appear in a random location for every 4 cyan Nonagons that have spawned. These are the strongest frequent and have 1,000 health (10x HP of a pentagon), they are about 3x the size of a pentagon. Decagons also will receive 50% less damage from enemy ammunition. They deal 16 HP of body damage per hit. A light green version of these are unlikely. There is a larger variant called Alpha Decagons.


Alpha Decagons (Nest Specific)

Alpha Decagons are rarer variants that spawns exclusively in Superior Decagon nests. Alpha Decagons are 125% larger than Alpha Pentagons. They reward a gigantic 40,000 EXP and points. They have 15,000 health and will deal 16 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Decagons will also give ten Arena Points to any Tank who destroyed it. These treasures are the highest score-giving polygons, however they are extremely strong.

Beta Decagon (Nest Specific)

Beta Decagons are smaller and more common variants of the Alpha Decagons. They are mid-way between the size of the Alpha and normal decagons. They reward 20,000 EXP and points. They have 8,500 health and will deal 14 HP of body damage per hit. Alpha Decagons will also give five Arena Points to any Tank who destroyed it.

Gamma Decagon (Nest Specific)



Infrequent Polygons

 Maroon Polygons

Maroon Polygons are rare polygons that attack every player in range. They can be found near poly-nests rarely. They offer 10x the exp and 5x the initial base health of the original polygon. Each frequent polygon except Octagon, Nonagon, and Decagon has a 1 in 250 chance of being spawned maroon. They have much greater body damage, health regeneration, and max health than most regular polygons. They move slightly slower than a large Crasher. A maroon Heptagon might be an equivalent to a maxed body damage Spike. (Heptagon > Square)

Brown Hendecagon

Brown Hendecagons are rare polygons with weak resistances, . They reward 1,300 exp. These are tough polygons and have 1,200 health, but they lack any resistance to ammunition. They deal 8 HP of body damage per hit. Hendecagons are often guarded by Red Runners. Hendecagons are often found alone in the world, and can even spawn inside other nests.




Black Dodecagon

Black Dodecagons are a rare type of polygon. Dodecagons drift around two times faster than normal polygons. Dodecagons will reward 1,600 EXP when destroyed. They have 1,400 HP and will deal 14 HP of body damage per hit. Dodecagons also will receive 50% less damage from enemy ammunition. Dodecagons are often found in small nests, guarded by Vis Destructicas.



(At the point below, the polygon sizes will not increase so it doesn't take over the entire page...)

Dark Purple Tridecagon

They are rare polygons that can summon Crasher types when harmed. They are very strong with 1,600 HP. After this infrequent spawns 7 times, an Alpha Dark Purple Tridecagon will spawn.


Dark Purple Alpha Tridecagon

This polygon spawns after 7 Dark Purple Tridecagons spawn. This polygon has 4,000 HP. Upon death, it rewards 18k exp and points in FFA, TDM (2 and 4) and rewards 40k points in Domination.

Dark Yellow Tetradecagon

They spawn in stacks of 4 every 50 minutes. They give 2,400 points/exp. They have 2,200 HP.




Dark Yellow Alpha Tetradecagon

If the stack of Tetradecagons has been alive for 9 minutes, an alpha form will appear. It has 5,000 HP. It rewards 22k of EXP.


Navy Pentadecagon

Navy Pentadecagons are a really rare and rather dangerous type of polygon. It has 3,200 health. It rewards 3,500 EXP. These polygons will slowly move towards players, and can crush you with its 24 HP of body damage. When it reaches low health, it will summon five Seamines. At this point, it will no longer move. It will spawn after a Dark Yellow Tetradecagon nest has been destroyed.



Indigo Hexadecagon

They reward 4,200 exp. One will appear in a random location for every 3 Dark Purple Tridecagons that have spawned. These have 3,500 Health.

There is a 1/150 chance that a hit from enemy ammunition will cause the polygon to split into:

  • Two Octagons.
  • Heptagon and Nonagon
  • Hexagon and Decagon.
  • Pentagon and Hendecagon.
  • Two Pentagons and one Hexagon.
  • Square and Dodecagon.
  • Triangle and Tridecagon.

Teal Heptadecagon

They reward 6,000 EXP. They have 4,000 health and one will appear after 3 navy Pentadecagons have been destroyed.

There is a 1/100 chance that a hit from enemy ammunition will cause the polygon to split into:

  • Octagon and Nonagon.
  • Heptagon and Decagon.
  • Hexagon and Hendecagon.
  • Pentagon and Dodecagon.
  • One Pentagon and two Hexagons.
  • Two Heptagons and one Pentagon.
  • Square and Tridecagon.
  • Triangle and Tetradecagon.

Red-Orange Octadecagon

They reward 8,000 EXP. They have 4,500 health and one will appear after 6 Navy Pentadecagons have been destroyed.


Magenta Enneadecagon

They reward 12,000 EXP.. They have 5,000 health and one will appear after 9 Navy Pentadecagons have been destroyed.


Dark Green Icosagon

They reward 18,000 EXP. One will appear in a random location for every 12 Navy Pentadecagons that have spawned. These have an astonishing 6,200 health.


Crasher Types (Hostile Polygons)


For more information, see Crashers.

Crashers are hostile pink triangles that target the player and deal damage when they hit you. There are many variants; XL, large or small. Crashers are usually found around the Pentagon nest, however they can spawn with the frequency of a hexagon outside of it. Crashers are the first hostile polygons. They deal 8 HP of body damage per hit.

Small Crashers rewards 15 EXP.


Small Crashers are the most common variant, they move fairly quick, and has 10 HP.



Large Crashers rewards 25 EXP.


Large Crashers are noticeably rarer, they are slightly slower than small Crashers and has 30 HP.



XL Crashers rewards 80 EXP.


XL Crashers are a rare variant that only spawns in Pentagon Nests, they move almost 2x slower than a small Crasher. They have 80 HP.




There are currently two boss variants.

The Guardian of the Pentagons

The Battle Carrier.


Summoner Square


These squares targets the player and deal damage when they hit you - just like Crashers. Even if you are a Necromancer, they will not be converted. These squares are like the ones spawned from the Summoner. These squares spawn frequently in Inferior Square nest, and spawn uncommonly in Superior Heptagon nest. Summoner Squares have 20 HP, they move as fast as large Crashers. They deal 6 HP of body damage per hit. They reward 20 EXP upon destruction.



There is currently only one boss variant.




The Tri-Blade is a red triangular Crashers that are usually found near triangle nests, but not inside. The spikes move depending on which way it is going.

Tri-Blades can be spawned in various ways:

  • When the Defender gets killed, 1-4 large and small Tri-Blades may spawn.
  • When Tri-Seeker gets killed, 2-6 large and small Tri-Blades may spawn.
  • When a Triangle nest defender dies, 1-2 small Tri-Blades spawn.

Tri-Blades can disguise themselves into red triangles when left alone (XL Tri-Blades can't). If hit by ammunition, they transform back and will charge to the player. They have passive auto-spin if nothing is in range. They all have 50% the range of Crashers. Tri-blades will deal 14 HP of body damage per hit, making them rather painful.

Small Tri-Blades reward 45 EXP


Small Tri-Blades have 40 HP. They are 10% slower than small Crashers. They can almost destroy a level 1 tank with full health.


Large Tri-Blades reward 90 EXP.

Large Tri-Blades have 80 HP. They are 10% slower than large Crashers.




XL Tri-Blades reward 280 EXP.


.XL Tri-Blades have 280 HP. They are 25% slower than large Crashers.




Phasers (Arrowheads)

Phasers are crashers that have a unique ability to cloak. They mostly found around Superior Octagon nest, rarely outside in groups of small groups of 3-7 small, and 1-3 large. They come in two sizes.

Unlike Crashers, they do not directly attack tanks from far away. They have a very short range of detection (about 2 grid-squares in radius). They remain invisible to the tanks until they get very close in proximity. They lock on to their target just like Crashers would. They will also charge into you directly if shot at from afar. They move 1.25x faster than the Crashers, making them hard to outrun unless you're a Tri-angle class. Since they have much more health than Crashers, lower level tanks can have issues fighting these. They deal 10 HP of body damage per hit.

Small Phasers rewards 45 Exp.


Small Phasers have 40 HP and move 1.25x faster than small Crashers.



Large Phasers rewards 90 Exp.


Large Phasers have 80 HP and move 1.25x faster than large Crashers.





There is currently only one boss variant.



Swarm Seekers


Swarm Seekers are tiny red crashers that spawns in groups of 12-24. 4-6 Swarm Seekers can spawn from Splitter Hexagons. They move 25% faster than small Crashers, and are also smaller. Swarm Seekers are very similar to battleship drones, and are also similar to Crashers in AI. Tanks are often overwhelmed by a large number of them. Swarm seekers have 5 HP and will award 5 EXP when destroyed. They deal 6 HP of body damage per hit.

Groups of Swarm Seekers can also be found near inferior triangle nests.

Swarm Squares


Swarm squares are smaller versions of summoner squares that spawns in groups of 10-20 anywhere in the arena away from bases and polygon nests. They move 10% faster than Small Crashers. Four Swarm Squares are created from Splitter Squares. They are also formed from the destruction of square-based bosses (Summoner and Constructionist). 3-5 Swarm Squares can be spawned from Splitter Hexagons. Swarm Squares have the same behavior as Swarm Seekers. They have 10 HP and reward 10 EXP. They also deal 6 HP of body damage per hit.

On rare occasions large swarms can be found inside Inferior Square nests.




Semi-Crushers are heavy versions of Crashers, they move 10% slower, has more HP, and will deal more damage in contact. They can be frequently found in Octagon nests. Semi-Crushers will receive 33% less damage from enemy ammunition. Semi-Crushers will deal 10 HP of damage per hit.

Small Semi-Crushers reward 50 EXP.


Small Semi-Crushers are the most common variant, they move 10% slower than small Crashers. It has 50 HP.


Large Semi-Crushers reward 100 EXP.

Large Semi-Crushers are noticeably rarer, they move 10% slower than large Crashers. It has 100 HP.




Green Runners

Green Runners are similar to crashers but they move twice as fast as their pink cousins. Green Runners are commonly found in Hexagon nests. They also have slightly more HP than crashers. They deal 8 HP of body damage per hit and come in two variants.


Small Green Runners reward 20 EXP.


Small Green Runners have 20 HP, they move twice as fast as small crashers.



Large Green Runners reward 40 EXP.


Large Green Runners have 60 HP, they move twice as fast as large crashers.




Groupers are orange crashers with a unique behavior of forming collections of its kind. Groupers have a huge range of visibility (Similar to an assassin's) and will seek to join up other Groupers that have spawned. When a Grouper spawns it will first attempt to find another Grouper to form a collection. If there isn't any grouper in sight, it will become idle, and will charge to a tank just like any normal crasher would when a tank is in sight. If a Grouper spawns while it is chasing/idle, it will target the other Grouper. They deal 8 HP of body damage per hit.

Small Groupers reward 30 EXP.


Small Groupers are the most common variant, they move as fast as small Crashers. It has 30 HP.



Large Groupers reward 60 EXP.


Small Groupers are noticeably rarer, they move as fast as large Crashers. It has 70 HP.




This can create large collections of these crashers. There is no limit to how big a Grouper collection is. If there are multible collections, they will join each other. A collection of Groupers will collectively behave as one, and will react to different situations. There are three forms of behaviors in a collection of Groupers. Collections will form when 2 or more Groupers join up. When a Grouper in a collection is attacked, the entire collection will retaliate if necessary.

  • Growth: The swarm will become "Idle" each individual Grouper will go in a circular path, similar to base protectors. The entire collection will not move around. This allows more spawned groupers to join. This behavior only happens when there is no tanks around.
  • Attack: The swarm will charge directly towards the target. They act similarly to Crashers at this point. This behavior will occur when 10+ Groupers are in it. Attack behaviors will depend on which tank they target. They often will target tanks with lower reload rates and lower bullet stats. They are less likely to also target certain classes like Octo-Tanks and other wide spread DPS classes. However focused-fire classes will be more vulnerable.
  • Retreat: The swarm will retreat away from any tank. This only happens when the swarm is 9 or below with other Groupers. When retreating, the collection will stir away from ammunition as well. If a Grouper gets attacked while retreating, it will not attack. When it is far enough from any tanks, or enough Groupers join up, it will revert to the attack behavior.


There is currently only one boss variant.

Trape Fighter



Crushers are deep-blue, very tough, and brittle crashers that have an uncommon chance of spawning. They move 25% slower than crashers. Crushers will come in two sizes, large and small. Unlike semi-crushers, they deal more damage and are much stronger. Crushers will receive 33% less damage from enemy ammunition. They also break apart into fragments. Crushers deal 13 HP of body damage per hit.

Small Crushers rewards 80 EXP.


Small Crushers are the most common variant, they move 25% slower than small Crashers. It has 80 HP. They have a 40% chance to break into 1-3 fragments when destroyed.



Large Crushers rewards 170 EXP.


Large Crushers are noticeably rarer than their smaller variants. It has 160 HP. They move 25% slower than large Crashers. They have a 60% chance to break apart into 2-5 fragments when destroyed.



Crusher Fragments


Crusher Fragments are small deep blue kite-shaped crashers that only are spawned from the destruction of crusher-based enemies. They reward a minuet 5 EXP. Crusher Fragments are oddly strong for their size. They have 30 HP and will deal 9 HP of damage per hit. They move half the speed of a large crusher. Like crashers they will target any tank nearby. Tanks should generally avoid large groups of these. They deal more damage than crashers.

Crusher Fragments can be created in many ways:

  • When the Collider gets destroyed, 7-19 Crusher Fragments are created in its wake of destruction.
  • When a Collider lite gets destroyed, 3-8 Crusher Fragments are created.
  • When a Small Crusher gets destroyed, a 40% chance of 1-3 Crusher Fragments are created.
  • When a Large Crusher gets destroyed, a 60% chance of 2-5 Crusher Fragments are created.
  • 1% chance of a Crusher Fragment to be created when a blue pentagon is destroyed.
  • 40% chance of a Crusher Fragment to be created when a blue Quasar is destroyed.
  • 2% chance of 1-3 Crusher Fragments to be created when an alpha pentagon is destroyed.

Crusher Fragments could also be a collectible.



White Destroyers

White Destroyers are white Crashers that only spawn in Decagon Nests. They are high damaging Crashers that can inflict the stunned effect for 3 seconds. They behave like most Crashers otherwise. White Destroyer Crashers will deal 15 HP of body damage per hit.

Small White Destroyers rewards 75 EXP.


Small White Destroyers are the most common variant. They have 70 HP. They move as fast as small Crashers.


Large White Destroyers rewards 150 EXP.


Large White Destroyers are noticeably rarer. They have 145 HP they move as fast as large Crashers





The Split is a turquoise Crasher in shape of a teardrop. They move as quickly as large Crashers. Splits are not found frequently in polygon nests, but can be found in clusters of 4-7 throughout the Realm. When a Split is destroyed, three Splitlings will be created. Unlike other splittings from Crashers, these are exclusive to this particular Crasher. Splits will receive 33% less damage from enemy ammunition. Splits deal 9 HP of body damage per hit. Each have 150 HP. They will reward 160 EXP when destroyed.




Splitlings are created from the Split crasher, they move as quickly as small Crashers. They deal 8 HP of body damage per hit. Splitlings have 30 HP, they will reward 20 EXP when destroyed. Around 2-5 Splitlings are created when a split is destroyed.




To be added




Red Runners

Original idea created by FredLeon

Red Runners are rare polygons that often defend infrequent polygons. They also appear beside inferior polygon nests. These Crashers possess a very unique ability to avoid bullets and teleport away when full-on colliding into a tank, each time it changes into a stronger form. They only teleport when they loose all of their HP when colliding into a tank. Each time they teleport, they respawn as a stronger variant, the only time they won't teleport is when the achieve maximum strength. They will always teleport close in proximity to the target tank.

Red Runners generally will avoid bullets, if a bullet is heading the direction towards it, it will change course to avoid such danger. They will also predict the motion of regular bullets, and will also tend to face away tank cannons. Often they will weave around large clusters of ammunition, and will path-find the easiest route to the tank body. Red Runners will constantly target the first encountered tank unless should one collides into it. When a tank destroy one of these with ammunition, they won't respawn. Smashers and rammers builds should avoid these at all costs.

All Red Runners move as fast as small Green Runners, they can advance up to four levels. All Red Runners will receive 40% less damage from enemy ammunition.


Level 1 Red Runners reward 70 EXP.


Level 1 Red Runners are the first variant that will always spawn. They have the same visibility as Crashers. They have 60 HP, and will deal 10 HP of body damage per hit. When these hit a tank and die, they advance to level 2 when they respawn.



Level 2 Red Runners reward 170 EXP.


Level 2 Red Runners are the result from the respawned original level 1 Red Runner. They have slightly more visibility than Crashers. They have 160 HP, and will deal 13 HP of body damage per hit. When these hit a tank and die, they advance to level 3 when they respawn. In this form they are bigger versions of the smaller ones.



Level 3 Red Runners reward 240 EXP.


Level 3 Red Runners are the result from the respawned original level 2 Red Runner. They have slightly more visibility than the predecessor. They have 210 HP, and will deal 16 HP of body damage per hit. When these hit a tank and die, they advance to level 4 when they respawn. In this form they now have two indents near the back, giving off a similar appearance to a Leecher.



Level 4 Red Runners reward 380 EXP.


Level 4 Red Runners are the result from the respawned original level 3 Red Runner. They have slightly more visibility than the predecessor. They have 350 HP, and will deal 20 HP of body damage per hit. These will not respawn when being killed by a tank through body damage. They appear similar to the previous level, but now they also gain a triangle at a back, meanwhile the main body gets a darker color.




The Decontroller is a dark-gray crasher that when colliding into the tank will make the player loose control of the tank's actions. Decontrollers move as fast as small crashers. This polygon will inflict confusion and unfocused upon collision. Tanks affected with confusion will reverse the controls. Unfocused will make tanks with barrels fire in rancom directions and couldn't be able to aim their weapons, drone users can't move their drones around, auto-targeting weapons and drones will move in random directions, auto-3 and 5 users will not be able to hijcack their cannons. All tanks with ammmunition use can still fire, just its very randomized. Having an Octo-tank will probably be okay under this effect. Both effects will ware off after 10 seconds. Decontrollers have 40 HP, and will reward 60 EXP upon destruction. 


Florets are a pink, flower-shaped variation of polygon that spawn fairly infrequently around the world. Unlike other hostile polygons, however, this polygon runs away from the player instead of chasing them. They reward 300 EXP and points when killed.


Original Idea created by LazyMelon

Leechers are a type of Crasher that can latch onto you instead of crashing. They appear anywhere in a in the range of a polygon nest, most frequently in hexagon nest. Leechers have the same speed as a maxed out movement speed level 45 spike. If a Leecher is attached, do not try to shake vigorously to get it off, get a teammate to shoot at it, or rather try use traps or drones if you have some. They will deal 10 HP of body damage if shook off (if the Leecher is level 1). It is advised to not shake it off since it will do additional damage. Body damage can reduce the time on the host, if there are 7+ points of it, the Leecher can't attach, and instead takes damage. Leechers will take 33% less damage from enemy ammunition.

Level 1 Leechers will reward 45 EXP.


They have 80 HP and will move as fast as small Crashers.



Level 30 Leechers will reward an amazing 800 EXP.


They have 280 HP and will move as fast as small Crashers.





When they stick on to you, you will start losing health (4 HP every half a second at level 1). Leechers regenerate the same amount of HP when they are attached, the more damage they do, the more they heal. If you lose 1/4 of your total health, the Leecher will detach without damaging and run away, seeking for another tank host. They will be provoked by bullets unless it is below 1/3 of its max HP. Leechers are a very dangerous crasher to encounter, it is easier to destroy one when it is lower level. Leechers target tanks that are slow, and doesn't fire many damaging projectiles. They also target tanks that have low reload (Destroyers Beware). They tend to run away from any tank when low in health. They will try to come from behind to latch onto tanks. Leechers can be extremely dangerous to low level tanks, it is advised to try to kill it before it latches, if it does, do not shake it off.

Normal Leechers are level 1, and they can reach to level 30. They grow like how tanks increase size when they level up. A Leecher at level 1 will have 80 HP, and give 15 EXP. Whatever you do, don't let Leechers reach level 30, because they get a slight bonus in stats when they reached to max level

Level HP Damage Per 1/2 Second. Body Damage EXP Award Regeneration (Per Second) HP Needed to Level up
1 80 4 10 35 5 1
2 84 4 11 40 5.2 2
3 88 4.1 12 45 5.4 5
4 92 4.1 13 50 5.6 7.5
5 96 4.2 14 55 5.8 10
6 100 4.2 15 60 6 12.5
7 104 4.3 16 65 6.2 17.5
8 108 4.3 17 70 6.4 22.5
9 112 4.4 18 75 6.6 30
10 116 4.5 19 80 6.8 35
11 120 4.5 20 85 7 42.5
12 124 4.6 21 90 7.2 50
13 128 4.7 22 95 7.4 57.5
14 132 4.8 23 100 7.6 62.5
15 136 4.9 24 105 7.8 70
16 140 5 25 110 8 80
17 144 5.1 26 115 8.2 92.5
18 148 5.2 27 125 8.4 105
19 152 5.3 28 135 8.6 115
20 156 5.3 29 145 8.8 130
21 160 5.4 30 160 9 150
22 164 5.5 31 175 9.2 175
23 168 5.6 32 200 9.4 200
24 172 5.7 33 225 9.6 230
25 176 5.9 34 250 9.8 260
26 180 6 35 280 10 295
27 184 6.1 36 305 10.2 340
28 188 6.3 37 340 10.4 390
29 192 6.4 38 390 10.6 450
30 280 8 45 800 15 MAX


Disrupters are very heavy, slow Crashers that are meant to distract tanks. Disrupters are often found in Heptagon nests, and very rarely around square nests. They move 200% slower than Crashers and will receive 66% less damage from enemy ammunition. Disrupters will deal 15 HP of damage per hit. Disrupters also have a base regeneration of 15 HP per second. Ramming into this polygon is not recommended due to its immense durability. Disrupters have the same range as a level 45 sniper. They will target tanks that are closest. They come in two variants.

Small Disrupters reward 250 EXP.


Small Disrupters have 300 HP, they move 200% slower than small Crashers.



Large Disrupters reward 600 EXP.

Large Disrupters have 750 HP, they move 200% slower than large Crashers.




Blue Runners


The Blue Runners are a mild blue Crasher that has the ability to precisely predict the movement of ammunition. Similar to Red Runners, they will evade hostile ammunition at the same time attempting to ram into the target. They will also predict the motion of regular bullets, and will tend to face away tank cannons. Blue Runners can path-find the safest rout to the target. Unlike Red Runners however, these do not respawn as soon as they get killed by body damage. If in low HP, they will try keep its distance (but still lock on to the target) for a while until it regenerates again.

Blue Runners are 200% faster than small Crashers, making them faster than small Green Runners by 100%. Blue Runners have 120 HP, they deal 10 HP of body damage per hit, they can regenerate 6 HP per second. They do not have any additional resistance to ammunition.




Streakers are a type of Crasher that move only in straight lines and have to turn to move in a different direction. While idle, they spin around in place, and upon noticing a tank they charge at it at 250% the speed of a Small Pink Crasher. Large Streakers have 40 HP and deal 16 HP of body damage, while Small Streakers have 15 HP and deal 7 HP of body damage. If they miss, then Streakers will turn in the direction of their target and commence another charge. A Streaker has to travel 35 tiles before it can stop and turn to charge again. Large Streakers award 55 EXP on destruction and Small Streakers award 25 EXP on destruction.



A healer is a type of polygon that spawns randomly throughout the map. This polygon can heal other damaged polygons/bosses near it's vicinity. This polygon has 45 HP and it rewards 60 XP.






A Plædge is a very rare black crasher. These have combined abilities from a couple of other crasher variants. They have 100 HP and reward 75 XP.




Plædge Drones
























A Spiraler is a strange variation of crasher that spawns fairly infrequently outside of nests and more commonly in a Heptagon nest. This crasher variant will begin spiraling in towards the player upon notice. The polygon deals 20 HP of body damage, however only has 30 HP. They reward 160 XP upon destruction.




Vis Destructica


Vis Destructicas are very dangerous Crashers due to their multitude of unique abilities. They come in one size and have 715 HP, and deal 35 HP of body damage on hit as well as dealing medium knockback. Their move speed is 25% faster than a Large Pink Crasher's, and also spawn a Thorn Mine behind them every 5 seconds. Thorn Mines disappear after 20 seconds if not activated. They award an insane 930 EXP on their destruction.






The Mimicker is a fairly rare variety of the crasher found randomly across the map. The Mimicker records actions of nearby tanks and copies their movement. This crasher has 200 HP and rewards 200 XP upon destruction.


















The Orbiter is a semi-rare variety of crasher found occasionally in pentagon and heptagon nests. These crashers will begin to circle around the closest tank near it, slowly moving closer as time goes by. This polygon has 600 HP and rewards 200 XP upon destruction.






















Information about them can be found here.



Phage Drones





Tank Healers


Tank Healers are brown polygons that will target tanks in range. When a tank enters its range it starts following it, and will touch the tank to join the team. it won't do any body damage in addition it will join that tank's team and begins to circle the player while shooting healing projectiles when the tank is damaged. In FFA gamemodes, it will act like a personal drone to that tank. When joined they become invulnerable to the team they are on, and won't help the opposing teams. If a tank destroys a Healer when it is not part of any team, it will reward only 10 EXP. Healers have 300 HP and deals 16 HP of body damage against opposing teams.

When a player attacks a tank with the Tank Healer, it will sacrifice itself to block bullets.



To Be Edited




Seperator Seekers


To Be Edited






This idea is in transition and is waited to be edited by Chapsteck or Graviatar. (including their EXP amount.)





This idea is in transition and is waited to be edited by Chapsteck or Graviatar. (including their EXP amount.)





To be added




Splitter Hexagon


Splitter hexagons are orange hexagons with a line through them, when shot 10 times, they split into two Trapezoid Crashers. Trapezoid crashers are as fast as small crashers. They have 35 HP, each having 4 points of body damage. They have a 50% percent chance to spawn a Tanker, or a Grouper when split.Chances:

  • 50% Small Grouper
  • 33% Large Grouper
  • 17% Tanker

Splitter Pentagon


To be added




Splitter Square


To be added







Navy Seamine


14 of them will spawn in random places when an Alpha Navy Pentadecagon spawn. It a stable, blue circle but see-though like blue stained glass, it has six spikes shooting out on each side. It has size of a Blue Pentagon and it can be invisible. No one can see it, even with a Ranger or Predator( You can only see it in Sandbox but solo). It can avoid bullets, traps, drones, bosses,...but not players. When anyone ram to it, they will face the brutal attack that is 3x a Sea Missiles. It doesn't move. And if someone unlucky enough to hit it, the server automatically spawn a new one in a random place after 2 seconds, until the Alpha Navy Pentadecagon dies.

Sea Missile


Sea Missiles are type of crashers that could only spawn by the Alpha Navy Pentadecagon. They looks like a very tiny Protectors ( like the one that Battleship spawns ) with the color Navy. But don't let the size fools you! It is as fast as the Protectors that always laying around the team base in Team DM and with the pointy head of the damage is the same as 1 Arena Closer bullet, this is really hard to escape, unless you can be invisible or shoot at it. It's only 1 HP with no body damage could make you kill it easily. Because of its health, it only drop 15 XP when killed.


Pentagonal Shield

Pentagonal Shields are a type of structure found in a pentagon nest. It appears similar to a pentagon. It has 5 crasher spawners on each of its 5 sides and a lighter colored pentagonal turret at the top.

Waller Base

Waller Bases are a type of structure found occasionally in hexagon nests. TBA

Crasher Bunker

A Crasher Bunker is a structure found naturally across the map. It looks fairly similar to a crasher, and has 3 crasher spawners on each side. On the top of the structure, it has a quick auto turret.

More to come soon!

Unknown Polygons

Unknown polygons are rare and unknown. They are the elite and mysterious group of polygons that one can only dream of finding.

This section is waiting on editing from Chapsteck and Graviatar.

Yellow Triangle

The Yellow Triangle looks like a triangle, however it is as small as a yellow square & it's yellow. The triangle gives 5K XP on kill and rewards the achievement "Squiangle".

Triangle Armorist

A small, deadly version of a Triangle that acts like a Crasher-type enemy. Has 250 HP and deals 12 HP of damage per hit. Is rather fast. They will also take 50% less damage from enemy ammunition.

Phage Armorist

A small Phage. Has 1000 HP and does 20 damage per hit. The Phage Finale will also regenerate 20 HP per second. Can be considered a mini-boss in a way; only spawns very rarely in Nonagon Nests.

Green Polygon (N = variable)

Green Polygons are ultra rare polygons that give you 100x the points and 10x the HP of the base polygons. The only known polygons that can inherent this variant are: Squares, Triangles, and Pentagons. They will also award anyone who destroys these the "Shiny!" achievement. More information can be found .

Golden Polygons (N = variable)

Golden Polygons are ultra rare polygons that give you 1000x the points and 100x the HP of the base polygons. The only known polygons that can inherent this variant are: Squares, Triangles, and Pentagons. They will also award anyone who destroys these the "Shiny!" achievement. These are based on Green Polygons.

Light Green Summoner Square

A rare variant of a Summoner Square, with the same spawning requirements as Light Green Polygons. They have 20x the base stats of a normal Summoner Square. They have 400 HP, they deal 40 HP of body damage per hit. They will reward 2,000 EXP when killed.

Spiked Pentagon

The Spiked Pentagon is a Pentagon-like polygon that has a unique design in a way where it appears to have blue triangles protruding from each of its 5 sides.

Problematic Square

The Problematic Square is a square type that does not take damage when hit; instead, the bullets seem to go under the polygon. The square has a light red tint and can only be killed via body damage.

Variated Hexagon

A Variated Hexagon is a hexagon that will randomly switch colors every few seconds. 

Vibrant Blue Rectangle


Blue rectangles are an extremely rare variant of the square. Each square has 1/5000 chance to spawn as a rectangle. They have 35 health, and 5 points of body damage. Necromancers can capture these. They darken in FFA, and change to the team color in game modes with teams. They reward 11200 EXP when destroyed.


Kaleidoscopic Polygon

A very unique 2nd Generation polygon that is extremely colorful. It has 3,700 HP, and deals 40 HP of damage per hit. It is known for creating large waves of Quasars. It rewards 15K EXP when destroyed.






Nest Defenders

See more: Nest Defenders


Side Quests/Events

Navy Infiltrator


Stellar Siege




Hendecagon Madness




Phage Incursion


Crimson Edge

More to come soon!

Polygon Nests


Inferior Poly-Nests

An inferior poly-nest contains a large number of a polygon type but are smaller and shorter-lived than the typical Pentagon Nest. Either the Square, Triangle, Pentagon, Hexagon, or Heptagon Inferior Nests will spawn at a random location after a certain number of polygons in the server has been killed. In Fortress Mode, inferior Polygon Nests may generate inside a Fortress. The nest that generates inside a Fortress will be deleted, however it will contribute a new spawn-pool with Cultist Polygons in that particular Fortress. Inferior polygon nests will not spawn in Survival, Maze Mode, Hot Potato, Hide and Seek, Gladiator Ladder, all Story Game Modes excluding Fortress Mode, Polygon Playground, and Boss Frenzy. There can be multiple Inferior nests in one arena.

Once a certain number of polygons are destroyed in an Inferior Nest, the nest itself is no more, inferior nest will only spawns 18 - 6 alpha polygons in total depending on the variant of polygons. When all alpha polygons are destroyed, the guardians vanish with them. No new alpha polygons will spawn. Inferior nest often have a Nest Defender spawned in the middle, they are usually armed with various weapons such as Auto-Cannons. They are not as strong as bosses, they can be considered mini-boss shapes. Unlike most inferior guardians, they will still live, even if all the nest is destroyed. When Nest Defenders are isolated, they will wander around aimlessly until they find ANY polygon nest to defend, in range they will wander towards it and revert to its normal behavior.

Square Nest

Square Nests has a 50% chance to spawn in a random place in the map except bases after 500 Squares are killed in the arena. They are protected Summoner Squares, Sentry Squares, and 1 - 4 Nest Defenders. There is a 5% chance for this particular nest to spawn Splitter Squares. Usually when that happens, it foreshadows the emergence of the Constellation boss. The Constructionist have a 15% higher chance of spawning when Inferior Square nests are in effect. The chance doubles every new Square Nest that appears in the arena. After the Constructionist dies, the probability resets. The Summoner will have a 20% higher chance of spawning when an Inferior Square nest is in effect.

Theme: https://soundcloud.com/user-5401963/diep-square-nest-theme

Inferior Square NestPict1

An Example of an Inferior square nest, populated by squares, summoner squares, three alpha squares, four beta squares, several sentry squares, and a nest defender . The Summoner happens to be nearby, and a hexagon has spawned.

  • Triangle Nest 33% chance to spawn in a random place in the map except bases after 500 Triangles are killed in the arena. They are protected by normal Crashers, Tri-Blades, and Swarm Seekers, and 1 - 4 Nest Defenders. There is a 5% chance for this particular nest to spawn a Cascade Nest Defender. Usually when that happens, it foreshadows the emergence of the Cascade Army boss. The Tri-Seeker have a 15% higher chance of spawning when Inferior Triangle nests are in effect. The chance doubles every new Triangle Nest that appears in the arena. After the Tri-Seeker dies, the probability resets. The Defender will have a 30% higher chance of spawning when an Inferior Triangle nest is in effect.


A Triangle nest, many alphas are found. Two Mini-Seekers and one Defender Lite is found in this inferior nest. The Defender boss near by is just mainly for referencing. Many crashers are found defending it. A couple hexagons spawn.

  • Inferior Pentagon Nest has a 17% chance to spawn. They are protected by Crashers, Crushers, and 1-2 Nest Defenders.

Superior Poly-Nests

A Superior Polygon Nest usually spawns at the center of the map. There is a re-spawn limit for the superior nest, for example: Pentagon Nest - 500 regular, 50 alpha. When the re-spawn limit is depleted with either alphas or regulars, no new polygons will spawn. When every polygon is destroyed in that area, a new nest is created after five minutes at the same location and will populate with a pseudo-random polygon type. Nest guardians will not count for the spawn limit.

Each type has a given probability of being selected, with the 4th nest always being a Hexagon Nest, unless the previous 3 were each a different type; then a grey onagon nest is spawned, or if 2 octagon nests spawn in a row, then a cyan nonagon nest is spawned. The first nest that spawns in the center at the beginning of the game will always be a Pentagon Nest.

The guards of the nest are frequently spawned throughout the nest.

  • Pentagon Nest (p=50%) are protected by Crashers, rarely Crushers, and TBA. It has a Pentagonal Shield in the middle of it now. In certain Game Modes, the Pentagon nest will always be the superior nest.


A Pentagon nest, many alphas and betas are found. A Baby Leviathan and several Sentry Pentagons can be seen, along with a ton of Crashers of both sizes. Terminator Crashers can be found next to a fortress-like ministructure composed of pentagons. The Collider Lite is also here along with some Crushers. The Guardians happens to have spawned as well.

  • Hexagon Nest (p=33%). It is protected by Green Runners, Leechers. There is a 50% chance for that particular nest to spawn Wallers.
  • Heptagon Nest (p=17%). It is protected by Splitter Hexagons, Trapezoids, (only when Splitter Hexagons have split), Disrupters, and Groupers. There is a 33% chance for that particular nest to also spawn either Trapezoid Tankers, Shield-Runners, or Jockeys. All of these special Crasher Types will not spawn together in the same nest.
  • Octagon Nest spawns immediately after every 4th heptagon nest. It is protected by Phasers, Crushers, Semi-Crushers, and TBA. It has TBA.
  • Cyan Nonagon Nests spawn immediately after every 2nd Octagon nest. They are protected by Phages. The Nonation will always spawn as soon as a normal boss gets killed in the arena while this nest is active.
  • White Decagon Nests spawn immediately after every 2nd Nonagon nest. They are protected by White Destroyers and Quasars. The Industrian will always spawn as soon as a normal boss gets killed in the arena while this nest is active.

    An artistic representation of a Decagon Nest. (Not actually a Decagon nest) Made by Graviatar

Rare Polynests

  • Rainbow Polygon Nest: Only appear after the Industrian has been defeated in the same server. A Rainbow Polygon nest spawn anywhere in the map that is not occupied by structures or bases. These nests are extremely small, consisting of a few Rainbow Polygons. They are well protected by Quasars, which can pass through Rainbow Frequent Polygons.
  • Hendecagon Nest: TBA
  • Dodecagon Nest: TBA


Event Polygons

Event Polygons are rare polygons that only spawn whilst an event is happening. 

Blazing Event

Freezing Event

Electric Event

Hyperbolic Event

Supernovae Event

Tellurium Event

Stellar Event

Dysnomic Event

2nd Generation Polygons

2nd Gen polygons are only visible after you COMING SOON.








Pentagram (5-sided star)




Ectic Square




Ectic Triangle








Ectic Pentapod




Stellar Square



Iron Nonagon









Alpha Stellar Square





Ectic Hexastaris














Ectic Heptapod























Ectic Octagon















Tellurium Square




Tellurium Triangle





Tellurium Radial
















Ectic Nonaspike













Ectic Decastaris












To-do List


  • Information and pictures for Quasars
  • Information for Pleadges
  • Information on The Nest Defenders page to be copied from there and edited to condense info on this page. Also, some more Nest Defenders.
  • Images for structures and more structures.
  • Information on events.
  • Information on polyfortresses.