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The Rammer is a tier 2 Smasher but has less upgrade caps.


It is a circular body with a shell similar to woomy arras's Auger.


Like the Smasher, it can only upgrade Body Damage, Max Health, Acceleration, Movement Speed, Shield Regen and Shield Capacity. The ammer has 10 upgrade caps each instead of 12. It shares the same stats as the Smasher.


Tier 3[]

Smasher: Yes. Upgrades into Asteroid, Landmine, Spike, Auto-Smasher, Mega Smasher, Lander, Piercer.

Bumper: An invisible Rammer and has the same behaviour as the Landmine. Upgrades into Landmine, WDYCARTDWIIM, Splinter, Hidden Turret, Mega Bumper, Preparated Tank, Ghoul.

Sea Urchin: The Spike but Spikier but less Spikes (Got it?). Upgrades into Spike, Splinter, Porccupine, Angry Urchin, Big Urchin, Seeer, Needle Holder.

Auto-Rammer: Rammer but with a normal auto-turret instead of Twin auto-turret like Arras's Auto-Smasher. Upgrades into Auto-Smasher, Hidden Turret, Angry Urchin, RAMCODE:HEX, Pound-Mega-Rammer, Headshotter, Fine Equiper.

Mega-Rammer: Haha! Your life is a lie! It is a Square shell! Not Auger shell now! BTW it upgrades into Mega-Smasher, Highway, Big Urchin, Pound-Mega-Rammer, HAUATST, Durian.

Targetter: The corners point outwards and has larger FOV. Upgrades into Lander, Preparated Tank, Seeer, Headshotter, HAUATST, Assassout, Sharp Looker.

Sharptool: A Sea Urchin but has half of the spikes, it has higher penetration, which means less recoil to things it touch. It also has a new type of upgrade, Body Penetration. Upgrades into Piercer, Ghoul, Needle Holder, Fine Equiper, Durian, Sharp Looker, Physic Disobeyer.

Tier (Coming soon)[]
