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The Sentries are is a Crasher-based Polygon that spawns within the Pentagon Nests. It is stronger compared to normal ones, and there are different variants of it, each possessing different weapons.


All variants of Sentry have a pink triangle as the body, like Crashers, except that they are larger, and tougher.

The variants of Sentries are:

  • Swarm Sentry: A Swarm Sentry has a Crasher Spawner which shaped a trapezoid, on its back.
  • Gun Sentry: A Gun Sentry has a Mega-3 Turret centered on its body.
  • Trap Sentry: A Trap Sentry has a Launcher Turret that's centered on its body.
  • Sniper Sentry: A Sniper Sentry has a Assassin Turret centered directly in the middle of its body.
  • Acid Sentry: A Acid Sentry has an Acid Turret on the very front of it's base, and centered on the middle of its body is an eye similar to the Elite Acid Elite Crasher.


  • Swarm Sentry: It shoots Crashers as well as recoiling towards its target.
  • Gun Sentry: It shoots bullets using the small cannon on them.
  • Trap Sentry: It shoots small traps out of the Launcher Turret, recoiling towards its target.
  • Sniper Sentry: It has weaker HP then most sentries, however it's damage output is way higher and its bullets are much faster, making it a dangerous target that can wipe your health away if you are not careful.
  • Acid Sentry: It is similar to the Sniper Sentry but now capable of the poison effect and has an eye planted on its center, touching it also causes the poison effect.



Since Sentries have bigger shields and weapons to attack, players are recommended to attack Sentries with bullet spammers/High DPS tanks like the Twin Upgrades, the Minigun Branch, and the Sprayer, or even Pounder branch, as they can easily shred through the shield and health of the Sentries. Sniper classes can also defeat one due to the bullet knockback and the sentry's low movement speed

Using ramming strategies is not recommended due to the Sentries' high shield and health stats, which potentially overpower almost any maxed out ramming builds, unless the sentry is low on health.


  • Sentries look like large crashers with some small weapons. (smaller than Elite Crasher)
  • The Trap Sentry's Turret doesn't shoot in the Private Server template.
    • The turret also only points backwards behind the Sentry and cannot swivel.
  • The Swarm Sentry greatly resembles a mini version of a Guardian from the original Diep.io, with the only difference having an inverted spawner.
  • The Gun Sentry's auto-turret can detect and shoot at the player long before the Sentry itself detects the player, allowing players to know its presence, the sniper sentry also does this but it is much more dangerous since the bullets come at you real fast.
  • Acid Sentry is obviously based off of the Elite Acid Elite Crasher.