The Shrapnel Shooter is a fanon tank in, concepted by Apentashot1274. It can be tested out and played with on this server.
The Shrapnel Shooter upgrades from Machine Gun, and currently upgrades into the Shredder and the Shrap-splosive. This tank has one Shrapnel Cannon on it, which shoots Shrapnel, a special bullet type. Shrapnel Cannons resembles a Builder Cannon, but are much skinnier than a Builder Cannon. This tank fires a four-round cluster, clusters being the typical firing pattern for Shrapnel-bearing tanks. Each Shrapnel has a low penetration and bullet health factor, but is slightly higher in damage than a basic bullet (a Basic's bullet, in the code, has 1 damage value, while the Shrapnel Shooter's bullets have 1.15).
As the Shrapnel Shooter[]
- Try and attack from close up. Its cluster firing pattern makes close-up attacks more powerful.
- When fighting Destroyer types, try and fire beside the bullet, as Shrapnel is poor against blocking bullets.
- Snipers can be a bit of a problem, as they can easily fire beside the Shrapnel cluster and hit you. When faced with a Sniper-type tank, try and head up nice and close to even out the battle.
Against the Shrapnel Shooter[]
- Destroyers and Snipers, are both good against this tank. When using a Destroyer, fire directly at the tank. The Shrapnel's poor penetration and health will make your bullets easily annihilate the Shrapnel.
- Snipers can fire beside Shrapnel clusters, avoiding the small damage loss from the Shrapnel. A Snipers, large FOV and range allows for easy picking of unaware Shrapnel Shooters. two piecies of shrapnel
- Never let a Shrapnel Shooter get too close. A burst will take you town to critically low health, if not killing you outright.
- This tank can be tested out at this private server.
- Shrapnel's shape has no effect on its hitbox. A Shrapnel's shape is purely decorative.
- Shrapnel is the result of spamming random points on the arras custom shape maker.