Diep.io Wiki


The Sine (Sin for short) is a strange tank that upgrades from basic. It has almost identical stats to a basic at the same level, but has slightly more bullet penetration, bullet speed, and health. It's main gimmick however is that it's bullets curve, like a Sine Wave (Hence the name). It looks like a rounded triangle with a single turret on the front corner.

Good Against[]

  • Low level tanks
  • anyone who doesn't expect the bullets to curve

Bad Against[]

  • High level tanks
  • anyone who understands how it works


for this, let x = the corresponding stat for a basic tank at the same level with the same side-upgrade-things (what are they called?)

  • HP = 1.1x
  • Speed = x
  • Bullet Damage = x
  • Body Damage = x
  • Health Regen = x
  • Reload = x
  • Bullet Penetration = ⁴/₃x
  • Bullet Speed = 1.25x
  • Bullet range (how far up and down it goes) = 12 tiles total
  • Period = 10 tiles


  • This is obviously based on the trigonometric function of the same name