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Tesla is a tier 2 tank that upgrades from Tank. It is special due to its weapon: the Tesla Coil. The Tesla Coils fire bolts that travel almost instantly, damaging the target(s) in its path. It gains bullet damage but loses reload. Much of the Tesla branch has zero recoil, starting with Tesla.


The Tesla looks like a circular tank body with 2 poles on its sides. Both poles face forwards and are aligned with one another. The Tesla Coils visibly glow in a simplistic way when the fire button is held. When a tank intersects with your cursor, the Tesla Coils will shock the tank that you were aiming at.


The Tesla branch is unique in that it has the Tesla Coil as a weapon. The sparks fired have the ability to jump to another target twice. Bullet Speed is now Jump Range. The sparks cannot destroy bullets, and bullets do not directly destroy the sparks. It is fired by clicking on a tank. The shock is halved every jump, and the shocks can split in two, which does not save jumps. Material ammunition can force the Tesla Coil to fire at it instead. Here are the stats:

If you paid attention, Bullet Damage went way up, and Reload went down. Most of the Tesla branch's tanks are offensive tanks designed to use either smarts or brute force to shut down powerful opponents. Auto Fire causes the Tesla to aim at the cursor and automatically shock enemies who enter a certain radius of the cursor. Auto Spin causes the Tesla to circle around the cursor, instead of spinning in place. Each jump takes 0.1 seconds.


Strong Against

  • Weak Tanks
  • Slow Tanks
  • Weak Drones

Weak Against

  • Fast tanks
  • Fast-firing tanks
  • Snipers

As the Tesla[]

Try to use your Tesla Coils to your advantage by clicking enemies when there is a clear path to them. Also, use Auto spin to avoid bullets, and to devise a clear path. Try to avoid bullet spammers and the Sniper branch, and be cautious around tanks that are faster than you.

Against the Tesla[]

When fighting any member of the Tesla branch, (except for the Electrolaser branch, because Electrolasers have the unique ability to fire shocks that are not weakened by bullets,) spam as many bullets as you can. The more bullets fired, the harder it is for the Tesla to attack you.


Mad Science -- Play as Tesla for the first time.
