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The War Scorpion is a Fanon Creation. It is one of the most deadly bosses and was formed by the Hexagons, it has a very powerful arsenal and two dangerous claws that can snap shut and instantly kill any regular enemies that find themselves to close.


The War Scorpion's Design uses a Large Green Hexagon as it's base with a Darker Hexagon Incasing it, there are two inverted Trapezoids on the front Right and Left Corners of the Hexagon with two Barrels attached to a Circle as it's "limbs" at the end of these Limbs there are two Obtuse Triangles with normal Triangles littering the bottoms of them to mimic Scorpion Claws.

There is also 4 other smaller Inverted Trapezoids at the top Right and Left Corners used as Spawners, at the very end of the Scorpion there is a wide Rectangle/Barrel with Circles and Rectangles protruding from the top as a "Tail" which can be swung around, at the very tip of the Boss there is a Large Circle with 7 Lime Colored Triangles surrounding with an Acid Barrel placed at the very end.


The War Scorpion uses its Large Claws on the sides of its body to instantly snap and effectively kill any Target trapped near its Claws, It's also capable of swinging the large Mace designed gun on its rear to deal knockback, regular and poison damage alike. The Mace Gun is also capable of firing a large powerful bullet that can explode and deal poison damage. Two mandibles are also found on the boss near its "face", these can also deal big damage should any tank run into them and possibly kill them quickly. More details about these weapons are found within other sections.

The War Scorpion itself has a total of 755 HP for its base and is very slow, it awards 700k score to the Player that kills it. The boss has decent damage resistance however making it difficult to shred the boss instantly with regular attacks.

Green Drones[]

The War Scorpion can rapidly spawn a max of 20 green drones that are weak on their own but can be fatal if they swarm a target.


The War Scorpion is equipped with two Large Claws that have the ability to remain open or quickly snap shut, the Claws are attached to Flail-Like Appendages allowing them to move freely and attack enemies near the War Scorpion itself.

The Claws tend to either swing around and damage Targets on their own or stay open until a Target is trapped near them, if this is the case the Claws will have a delay for a short few seconds before being instantly shut closed which effectively executes "Normal" Tanks and Enemies in a matter of seconds, these claws can also be used to grab large Obstacles or Push them out the way.

A Unique thing about the Appendages that the claws are attached to is that they have HP Bars of their own, once the bar reaches zero these arms will be destroyed, this means you can effectively disarm the boss and make it easier to kill it. Arms on their own have the equivalent HP of an Elite Crasher which is 500. Arms tend to regen faster than the boss itself. The arms can also deal damage to any enemies that get hit by them.

When the Claw is about to shut on an enemy tank, the appendages on the boss will make the claw move in closer to the enemy before snapping shut and killing any regular tanks, this acts like a short warning indicator before the boss closes its claws and kills anyone.

Tail Mace[]

The War Scorpion is also equipped with a large acid-like Pounder Turret with 7 protruding acid spikes, similarly to the Claws, the Mace is also attached by Flail-Like Appendages that can also take damage and be destroyed, the Mace has the Base Health of 600 HP. The Flail-Like Appendages also allow the Tail part of the boss to swiftly ram into enemies and swing around, the tail itself is capable of dealing acid damage and contact damage once it rams or has contact with an enemy.

The Turret itself is capable of firing a large explosive acid bullet with destroyer stats but takes a long time to actually fire, the acid bullet will explode into at least 10 smaller acid bullets that can do decent poison and contact damage if an enemy tank gets hit, the Mace itself can directly point itself in a complete arc of 360 and shoot anyone from all angles. But as explained takes a long cooldown to fire.

The Mace will also swing around every few seconds if it sees any enemies attempting to flank the boss to make it more difficult and deal massive damage to any regular enemies that get hit if they aren't standing back, once the Tail is destroyed it becomes possible to flank the boss.


Once Players enter combat with the War Scorpion, destroy any Conflictor Minions that are near the boss as it takes a while for The War Scorpion to spawn them and they're capable of being an actual threat should they be allowed close to any players or teammates, once all conflictor minions are destroyed, focus on either breaking off all the limbs or targeting the center body, it is recommended to get a team to kill the Tail of the Scorpion first, as it creates dangerous explosive bullets, you then can finish off the arms or the "head".

Attempt to stay at a distance, else you could end up getting crushed by a claw, which would result in an instant death if you're playing as a regular tank, however if you would prefer having the possibility not to get possibly instakilled, then you can target one of the boss's claws and try to destroy it first.

Exclusive Names[]

These include all the possible names for the boss when it spawns, the boss uses its own exclusive list of names compared to using other boss's names list.

  • Selket
  • Hedetet
  • Heterometrus
  • Malinalxochitl
  • Emperor
  • Parabuthus
  • Hadogenes
  • Leiurus


Beast of Arras
Slay the War Scorpion.
Boss Hunter
Kill every Boss in the game.
Painful End
Get Crushed between the War Scorpions Claws.
Limb Cutter
Kill all of the War Scorpion's Limbs.


  • You can find the sentry variant of the The War Scorpion here.
  • Was referred to as the "ATankimination Scorpion" many years ago in an Old Private Server but the name was changed when the Fanon Page was made on April 6, 2020.
  • Added to Hikidy.io on May 16, 2020, however the design found there is an outdated variant from a long while back.
  • If the Boss were to be added to Arras.io it would be the most interesting "Mechanics" wise.
  • The Boss was made with the idea of being fun and challenging to fight.
  • The Boss went through many design changes with the current one being posted on May 3, 2022.
  • The War Scorpion was given Variants at some point, however they were removed on June 24, 2022.
  • Another Boss was also released with the War Scorpion back when it was still called The "ATankimination Scorpion" and was labelled The "ATankimination Crocodile" this Boss however was scrapped and didn't make it to Extended Arras with The War Scorpion.
  • The Name "Emperor" is a reference to the Real Life Animal, The Emperor Scorpion.
  • The Name "Selket" is a reference to the Goddess of the Dead, who was often associated with Scorpions.
  • Many of the Boss's names refer to the Scientific Names of Scorpion Species or Gods and Goddesses of Scorpions.
  • The Boss would be capable of spawning in Boss Rush, however would only be near the end waves due to its powerful and destructive weapons.

