Diep.io Wiki

Vacuum is a tank that evolves from the Attractor at level 45 and can further upgrade into the Mega Eater, the Black hole, the Absorber, the Burster, and the Tri-Vacuum at level 60


It has a suction cup (a claw shape on a minigun barrel that doesn't fire) mounted on a short but wide rectangle.


Upon upgrading: Bullet speed becomes suction range, Bullet health is removed, Penetration becomes suction strength, Damage becomes Suction damage, and reload becomes damage tick rate.

This tank can eat[]

This tank cannot eat[]

Also when you suck up a tank level 21 or higher you get 50% control over your tank


Strong against: Tanks level 20 or smaller, Destroyers (except hybrid, 0800, and Annihilator), Trappers (except giga), Bullet spammers (if played correctly), Auto 3 branch (close up) Underseer branch, certain drone tanks

Weak Against: Some drone tanks, Annihilator, Explosive tanks, Giga-Trapper, rammers, tanks with AI drones, snipers


  • A rework of the Vacuum by Diepmon
  • This tank has two scrapped abilities:
    • (#1) the ability to release a burst of something (now used for Burster)
    • (#2) the ability to turn eaten things, hexagons, and heptagons into drones (now used for Absorber)
  • This tank used to evolve from Grappler
  • When the Black hole and the Vacuum try to eat each other they will spin on an uneven axis between them
  • If the vacuum eats a teammate level 20 or lower the tank will stay inside it (it will pass through if you upgrade to absorber and can be shot out if you upgrade to burster)
  • Haha vacuum go vvvvvvvvvvvvvv