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"The booster cannons push me forward? Nice!" (Achievment Name) Upgrade to Vehicle.
The Vehicle is a Tier 2 tank that is one of the Upgrade choices for Basic Tank. It may be upgraded to either a Truck or Jet at level 30.
The Vehicle features a circular base like most other tanks with a main cannon at the front and a normal boosting cannon at the back with 2 smaller counterparts beside it. (Note: Booster cannons are all significantly smaller than normal tanks, as the "normal" booster cannon is almost have the size of the the cannon at the front)
The Vehicle's booster cannons at the back do a sixth of the damage the front cannon would, and have a fifth of their bullet speed, but have a X2 reload. The front cannon is normal. The booster cannons are meant to increase movement speed non-directly with the recoil, and as the name suggests, make the tank significantly faster than normal tanks.
From Basic Tank[]
This upgrades from Basic Tank, and upon upgrading it, will sprout 1 normal booster cannon at the back and 2 small booster cannons beside it. The main cannon at the front is exactly the same as a Basic Tank cannon but the booster cannons are slightly different, as described before.
- Strong Against: Slow tanks, slow reload tanks, low health tanks, Sniper branch, Low speed Smasher branch, newly spawned tanks, tanks with slow bullet speed (Like Destroyer and Annihilator) usually, and Overseer branch.
- Weak Against: Fast tanks, tanks with slow bullet speed (Like Destroyer and Annihilator) if caught off guard, Machine Gun branch, Flank Guard branch, tanks with focused fire, glass tanks, most level 45 tanks other than the ones in the list above called the Strong Against, high DPS tanks, and Boosters/Fighters.
As the Vehicle[]
- When using an Vehicle, be aware that you do not have that much attack, but rather defence, so try to run away from all tanks other than ones that are listed on the Strong Against list above, and try to farm on polygons/small tanks.
- Try to upgrade some of your bullet stats since you do not have much attacking cannons.
- Since it is hard to level up, search for small tanks and avoid places where there are seemingly a lot of bullets.
- Before attacking a tank or polygon, check if there are any players nearby that could kill you or bullets near you which could mean a tank is firing towards you
- It is strongly suggested to upgrade your health a bit too because it when you're in a scenario where there are tanks firing at you from 2+ sides, you won't be able to easily get away.
- Vehicles could also make good rammers, which if you choose to go down that path, try upgrading into a Truck at level 30.
- In a fight between another fast tank like Boosters, try to fly the opposite direction; if unable to, try tricking them and dodging the bullets until they pick another victim or get chased by a stronger tank.
- Since new players don't know many classes, try to scare them away by firing backwards at them making it seem as if your cannons are strong.
- Bullet penetration can be good since you will be able to destroy other bullets with you own and not receive damage, as your back bullets are although weak, still have normal bullet penetration.
- Against rammers like Smashers, just keep them back with you knockback and dodge them when they get approach your tank.
Against the Vehicle[]
- When in a fight with a Vehicle, try to avoid colliding into them since they might be a rammer, especially if they are trying to get closer to you or if you see them easily ram through polygons.
- Vehicles are highly unexpected as they might change directions and get behind you so Flank Guards are overall strong against them.
- As a Sniper class tank, don't try to get further from them, as you'll have less accuracy but they'll easily trace the bullets and attack you.
- Trying to ram into them as a Smasher class even if you upgraded your speed to max isn't a good idea since they could easily dodge your tank with recoil and make you slow down using knockback, but if they're AFK or unprepared/attacking something else, you could easily speed up to them and kill them.
- Try to get to the side where there's no knockback can help you get close up to a Vehicle, especially against high damage/low health Vehicles.
- Vehicles, although fast, usually don't have max health properties since they will mostly upgrade their bullet stats and movement speed, so you can kill them easily with a few good shots of some fast high damage bullets at the right angle.
- This fanon tank was added (Not officially, just on this wiki as an fanon idea) on May 6th, 2023, by 54blocky & 54blockyalt (Alt account).
- This tank and it's branch are overall the fastest tanks in the game.
- Despite upgrading bullet stats (Excepting reload), only your front cannon turrets will have effect, and the booster cannons do not change/remain the same as the starting stats.