The Wasp-Keeper is a Tier 4 Tank that Branches off of Heat-Sink at Lvl 45, On Right-Click it can spawn Bees.
The Back-Spore has the same design as the Heat-Sink, however 4 inverted-like Rectangles are lined within the first Inverted Barrel.
The Wasp-Keeper is given the same ability as the Heat-Sink however during the Ability time the four Bee Swarm Spawners begin to rapidly fire in that time period only stopping after the Heat-Sink Ability itself stops, after the ability ends all leftover Bees are automatically killed off.
As the Wasp-Keeper[]
- Your main weakness is Bullet-Spammer Tanks like Penta-Shot, Triplet or Sprayer, so it is advised to avoid these types of Tanks.
- You and your Bee Swarms can easily overpower any Slow Firing Tanks like Destroyers or Snipers.
- You can always use your Swarms to find and detect nearby Enemies or clear out the Arena of Shapes.
- Use the Ability to catch up to any Low HP Rammers/Players trying to escape.
Against the Back-Spore[]
- Use Bullet Spamming Tanks to clear out Swarms of Bees whenever the Enemy Wasp-Keeper uses their Ability.
- As Destroyers or Snipers always aim at the Wasp-Keeper if it uses its Ability, once the Main Wasp-Keeper dies all Bees will die along with it.
- Most of the Weaknesses that Heat-Sink has applies to Wasp-Keeper.