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The Glider is a Tier 4 tank in Diep.io. It upgrades from the Destroyer at level 45.


The Glider features a circular body as a base. It features a small, inverted trapezoid mounted on the front. This trapezoid is an inverted variant of Skimmer's and Rocketeer's trapezoid prop[1]. It also features a second, much larger trapezoid layered on top of it.


An image comparing the Glider tank's missile sizes at Level 1 and Level 45.

Despite Glider's missiles changing size depending on Level, the width of the missile's smaller cannons stays consistent at 37.8 units.

  • When holding the left mouse, button, the Glider's larger Cannon fires to shoot a specialized type of Bullet, which have been colloquially been referred to as Missiles. These missiles are the same size as the cannon they are fired from, which is 56.7% of the tank's body size. These missiles have two cannons mounted on the back of them, 35° apart. These cannons share the color of the Missile and the parent Glider that they are shot from.
    • Each missile shoots 10 mini-bullets in 3.49 seconds. (≈2.86 bullets per second) at a maximum reload value.
    • The missile moved 33 grid spaces in 2.16 seconds. (≈15.27 grid spaces per second) at a maximum bullet speed value.
  • When one of these Missiles is fired, the two cannons mounted behind the missile start to fire as well. The recoil from these cannons helps move the bullet along.
  • Despite being a Destroyer upgrade, the front cannon has very little recoil. When moving in the direction of the cannon, the firing is barely noticeable,
  • The Glider's FOV increases to match Sniper's FOV.
  • The damage and health of the missile decreases to a third of Destroyer's bullet. Its speed is also decreased. Most of its speed come from the recoil of the cannons on the missile.


  • Strong Against: Low level tanks, Smasher branch tanks, low reload Overseers (if used properly), slow tanks.
  • Weak Against: Trapper branch tanks, Destroyer branch tanks, decent Overseer players, tanks with high field of vision, bullet spammers, fast tanks.

As the Glider[]

  • The Glider’s Missile is very fast, but nowhere near penetrating as the Rocketeer Missile. The back cannons serve as both a propelling mechanism and weapons to damage enemies who have dodged the Missile.
  • It lacks penetration, but has perfect aim, with 0 random spread, and is fairly damaging. The user should practice predicting their targets path to land the shots.

Against the Glider[]

  • Its reload is terrible and lacks defensive power. Bullet spammers are effective against this Tank.


  • The Glider was added on May 9th, 2023, making it by far the newest tank to date.
  • Glider's initial concept stems from the original Skimmer conception which was made by Dingbat1991 in this image.
  • It, alongside the Auto Trapper, Battleship, and Smasher are the only tanks to have a dark blue background on their icon.
  • It is the same as a Rocketeer except the bullet fires not directly but to the side.


  1. In Diep's widths system, Glider's, Skimmer's, and Rocketeer's trapezoid prop shares a value of 0.8. The lengths are also the same, at 65.5*SQRT(2)% of the length of the tank's body. The only difference is that Glider's trapezoid prop is rotated 180% on itself, so that the thin length is on the front instead of the wide length.