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Confuzzled Mega Destroyer’s name is Conjectural. No official name has been given, and it is subject to change at any time.

The Destroyer (commonly named by the fans as the Mega Destroyer) was in the game when the game was in its early stage, upgrading from the Machine Gun II. It has the same exact appearance as the Destroyer, but upgrading at Tier 4. It was removed along with the Machine Gun II when the Gunner was released. It may have gotten a buff in Bullet Damage, Penetration, Bullet Speed, and recoil. Not much is known about this tank.


  • This was the only tank that could upgrade from 2 different Tiers.
  • It is unconfirmed if the Mega Destroyer was any better than the Destroyer.
  • Its upgrade icon had the same appearance as the Destroyer icon.
  • The Mega Destroyer could have been the placeholder for a new tank, possibly the Hybrid.
  • This Tank cannot be obtained or used on Sandbox.