Diep.io Wiki
Diep.io Wiki
[2017-11-03 23:13:09] -!- Tacocat247 has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-03 23:19:44] -!- Tacocat247 has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-03 23:29:48] -!- Tacocat247 has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-03 23:46:41] -!- Pulty has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-03 23:46:52] <Pulty> Hi
[2017-11-03 23:47:00] <Tacocat247> hI
[2017-11-03 23:47:06] <Tacocat247> Pulty
[2017-11-03 23:47:09] <Tacocat247> [[Template:Name]]
[2017-11-03 23:47:27] <Tacocat247> its a modded version of your version
[2017-11-03 23:47:36] <Pulty> Wow!
[2017-11-03 23:47:59] <Tacocat247> So
[2017-11-03 23:48:06] <Tacocat247> Im added a new command for chat
[2017-11-03 23:48:12] <Pulty> What is it?
[2017-11-03 23:48:17] <Pulty> And how do you do that?
[2017-11-03 23:48:19] <Tacocat247> One where you can customize things
[2017-11-03 23:48:35] <Tacocat247> [c="red"]Leik this
[2017-11-03 23:48:46] <Pulty> What do i type?
[2017-11-03 23:48:53] <Tacocat247> [rainbow="0.05"]AAAA
[2017-11-03 23:48:57] <Tacocat247> .-.
[2017-11-03 23:49:11] <Pulty> [rainbow="0.05"]Test
[2017-11-03 23:49:17] <Tacocat247> no
[2017-11-03 23:49:20] <Tacocat247> Thays not it
[2017-11-03 23:49:23] <Pulty> 
[2017-11-03 23:49:23] <Pulty> [rainbow="0.05"]AAA
[2017-11-03 23:49:23] <Tacocat247> [rainbow]t
[2017-11-03 23:49:25] <Tacocat247> AA
[2017-11-03 23:49:26] <Pulty> Test
[2017-11-03 23:49:32] <Tacocat247> WHY ISN'T IT WORKING
[2017-11-03 23:49:45] <Pulty> [rainbow="0.05"]AAA
[2017-11-03 23:49:45] <Pulty> ._.
[2017-11-03 23:49:46] <Tacocat247> [big][blink="0.05"]HI
[2017-11-03 23:49:50] <Tacocat247> WTF
[2017-11-03 23:49:53] <Tacocat247> WTFWTFWTF
[2017-11-03 23:49:54] <Pulty> How does all this work?
[2017-11-03 23:50:04] <Tacocat247> Its not working
[2017-11-03 23:50:07] <Pulty> Oh. 
[2017-11-03 23:50:11] <Tacocat247> http://diepio.wikia.com/wiki/MediaWiki:ModifiedChatTags/code.js
[2017-11-03 23:50:24] <Pulty> Btw, how long are you staying on this Wiki for?
[2017-11-03 23:51:24] <Tacocat247> Until i finish everythign
[2017-11-03 23:51:33] <Pulty> <div style="color:red;">Test</div>
[2017-11-03 23:52:11] <Pulty> [flash]Test
[2017-11-03 23:53:14] <Tacocat247> Bored
[2017-11-03 23:53:17] <Tacocat247> How are ye?
[2017-11-03 23:53:46] <Pulty> Same.
[2017-11-03 23:53:57] <Pulty> Or when i am not, i am too busy.
[2017-11-03 23:54:10] <Tacocat247> Oh
[2017-11-03 23:54:12] <Tacocat247> Im tired
[2017-11-03 23:54:20] <Tacocat247> Im just gonna comatose for 8 hours
[2017-11-03 23:54:24] <Tacocat247> then have amnesia
[2017-11-03 23:54:31] <Tacocat247> ~ Someone about to sleep
[2017-11-03 23:54:38] <Tacocat247> (xd)
[2017-11-03 23:55:02] <Pulty> How did you do that?
[2017-11-03 23:55:11] <Tacocat247> Do what?
[2017-11-03 23:55:18] <Tacocat247> ([b][/b]xd)
[2017-11-03 23:55:31] <Pulty> (xd)
[2017-11-03 23:55:35] <Pulty> Wow!
[2017-11-03 23:55:50] <Tacocat247> Y-you don'y know what emotes are?
[2017-11-03 23:55:55] <Pulty> Yes.
[2017-11-03 23:56:05] <Tacocat247> O.O
[2017-11-03 23:56:11] <Pulty> I am not often on chat.
[2017-11-03 23:56:29] <Tacocat247> oh
[2017-11-03 23:56:32] <Tacocat247> Okay
[2017-11-03 23:56:46] <Tacocat247> So
[2017-11-03 23:57:08] <Pulty> BRB
[2017-11-03 23:57:18] <Tacocat247> Might be lorge
[2017-11-03 23:57:20] <Tacocat247> *large
[2017-11-03 23:57:23] <Tacocat247> [img="vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/diepio/images/6/67/LORD_SASSAFRAS_FULL.png/revision/latest?cb=20171012225030"]
[2017-11-03 23:57:30] <Tacocat247> ok thank god
[2017-11-03 23:58:26] <Tacocat247> [img="vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/diepio/images/9/91/ZathusBoss_Sassafras.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/620?cb=20170911231323"]
[2017-11-03 23:58:34] <Pulty> What is the command for all these?
[2017-11-03 23:58:35] <Tacocat247> oh gawd
[2017-11-03 23:58:37] <Tacocat247> Uh
[2017-11-03 23:58:42] <Tacocat247> [img="url"]
[2017-11-03 23:58:55] <Tacocat247> [img="url"[b][/b]]
[2017-11-04 00:00:09] <Pulty> [img="http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/6/6e/Fandom_logo_powered_by_Wikia.png/revision/latest?cb=20160926182949+]
[2017-11-04 00:00:32] <Pulty> [img="Twin"]
[2017-11-04 00:00:50] <Pulty> [img="Super Destroyer.png"]
[2017-11-04 00:01:36] <Pulty> [img="Temp.png"]
[2017-11-04 00:01:48] <Pulty> [img="Temp"]
[2017-11-04 00:02:02] -!- Tacocat247 has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 00:02:03] <Tacocat247> back
[2017-11-04 00:02:06] <Tacocat247> OMG
[2017-11-04 00:02:11] <Tacocat247> >_<
[2017-11-04 00:04:19] -!- Tacocat247 has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 00:45:00] -!- Tacocat247 has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 01:12:12] -!- Da Clorax has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 01:12:14] <Da_Clorax> god help me
[2017-11-04 01:12:18] <Da_Clorax> what have I found
[2017-11-04 01:12:19] <Da_Clorax> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp7KYDVTwuw
[2017-11-04 01:12:41] <Da_Clorax> And now leaving again. 
[2017-11-04 01:13:12] -!- Da Clorax has left Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 01:14:11] <Tacocat247> :P
[2017-11-04 01:14:13] <Tacocat247> MT GOD
[2017-11-04 02:00:48] -!- Da Clorax has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 02:01:28] -!- Da Clorax has left Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 06:05:44] -!- The Tidal Wave has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 06:05:53] <The_Tidal_Wave> hello ozun
[2017-11-04 06:08:03] -!- The Tidal Wave has left Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 06:08:05] -!- The Tidal Wave has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 07:29:08] <The_Tidal_Wave> aaa
[2017-11-04 10:04:57] -!- Ozziene has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 10:04:59] <Ozziene> #
[2017-11-04 11:48:32] -!- The Tidal Wave has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 11:49:49] -!- The Tidal Wave has left Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 11:49:51] -!- The Tidal Wave has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 11:49:53] -!- The Tidal Wave has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 12:04:33] -!- The Tidal Wave has left Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 12:04:34] -!- The Tidal Wave has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 12:30:11] -!- The Tidal Wave has left Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 12:31:35] -!- The Tidal Wave has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 13:11:10] <Ozziene> #
[2017-11-04 13:56:20] -!- The Tidal Wave has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 13:58:38] <The_Tidal_Wave> ...
[2017-11-04 17:05:30] -!- TBOO-Y has joined Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 17:07:34] -!- TBOO-Y has left Special:Chat
[2017-11-04 19:41:42] -!- Ozziene has left Special:Chat