Diep.io Wiki
Diep.io Wiki
[12:10] <Tacocat247> poke
[01:35] <Robotguy39> Anyone ded?
[01:36] <Robotguy39> (kik)
[01:36] <Robotguy39> (spam)
[01:36] <Robotguy39> NGLIGLIg
[01:36] <Robotguy39> CHAHAHT
[01:36] <Robotguy39> CHAT
[01:36] <Robotguy39> zaqxwcrtvybgnh
[01:36] <Robotguy39> finally.
[01:50] <Son Of Ships> hi
[01:50] <Son Of Ships> yup nobodys here
[01:50] <Son Of Ships> bye
[02:06] <MirageMillenia> hey
[02:09] <Terry Barboza> hi
[02:09] <Terry Barboza> ....
[02:13] <SuperRobot9338> hi
[02:16] <MirageMillenia> <span class="me-username">* <span>MirageMillenia</span></span> is connecting
[02:18] <MirageMillenia> <span class="me-username">* <span>MirageMillenia</span></span> is dominating
[02:20] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> ....
[02:20] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> ...........
[02:20] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> http://diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:32665
[02:20] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> what the
[02:20] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> I've had this.. theory for quite a while
[02:21] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> Unununtrium and AM Waves are the same person, they decided to make this whole fiasco by saying "AM Waves" Died and now they're just
[02:21] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> i have
[02:21] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> no
[02:21] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> fuckin
[02:21] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> clue
[02:26] <666TheRealGodReturns999> Hey guys.
[02:27] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> hi person :P
[02:27] <666TheRealGodReturns999> Hello to you as well person :3
[02:27] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> kek
[02:28] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> I have no clue wat is going on rn
[02:28] <666TheRealGodReturns999> Same XD
[02:28] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> the am waves fiasco is killing my mind
[02:28] <666TheRealGodReturns999> XC
[02:50] <Purplemonkey587> lat lat
[03:10] <Smgamermat77> [yt="6YhRWv61eoA"]
[03:19] <Smgamermat77> /
[03:34] <Terry Barboza> hi
[03:35] <Terry Barboza> ...
[03:35] <Terry Barboza> ....
[03:35] <Terry Barboza> hi?
[03:36] <Terry Barboza> Uh
[03:36] <Terry Barboza> uh
[04:09] <Smgamermat77> Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
[04:09] <Smgamermat77> This place is never as active as it once was.
[04:16] <Underslime> [big] YES
[04:17] <Underslime> [big] EXTRA THICC
[04:17] <Smgamermat77> [big] EXTRA THICC [/big]
[04:17] <Smgamermat77> (shakesfists) 
[04:17] <Underslime> Aw shet
[04:17] <Underslime> Where are my headphones
[04:17] <Smgamermat77> That one isn't earrape
[04:17] <Smgamermat77> just song
[04:17] <Underslime> Still
[04:19] <Ursuul> tbh these rail modules are confusing as fuck
[04:19] <Underslime> wot
[04:19] <Underslime> The borders are gone
[04:19] <Underslime> That's what I hate
[04:19] <Ursuul> aesthetically I think they’re ok, but it’s a pain in the ass to figure out which one is the chat module lol
[04:19] <Ursuul> yea
[04:19] <Smgamermat77> Ursuul
[04:19] <Ursuul> they want the right rail to basically be part of the content page itself
[04:19] <Ursuul> to draw more attention to ads
[04:19] <Smgamermat77> Watch the Extra Thicc
[04:19] <Ursuul> pls no
[04:19] <Underslime> [big] E X T R A T H I C C
[04:19] <Smgamermat77> it's actually pretty funny
[04:20] <Underslime> ^
[04:20] <Ursuul> kk
[04:20] <Ursuul> what was I doing?
[04:20] <Ursuul> idk
[04:20] <Underslime> Um
[04:20] <Smgamermat77> the original was better, but this is funny cause it has the song
[04:20] <Underslime> Complaining 'bout the rail modulez
[04:20] <SuperRobot9338> HI
[04:20] <Underslime> oh
[04:20] <Ursuul> nu I was stealing badges from fandom
[04:20] <SuperRobot9338> remizbestgril
[04:20] <Ursuul> https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/central/images/1/12/Badge-Admin.svg/revision/latest?cb=20170224154211
[04:20] <Ursuul> that
[04:20] <Ursuul> SR pls
[04:20] <Smgamermat77> SR did you watch the Extra Thicc video above?
[04:20] <SuperRobot9338> nu
[04:20] <Smgamermat77> dewit
[04:20] <Underslime> watch it
[04:21] <Ursuul> I’m aboot to make those stars you wanted S
[04:21] <Ursuul> SR
[04:21] <Smgamermat77> oh yeah there's about half a second of earrape riiight at the end of the video
[04:21] <Ursuul> for the Community-To-Do-List
[04:21] <Smgamermat77> forgot about it
[04:22] <Smgamermat77> [yt="NEgwxGWgiIg"]
[04:22] <Ursuul> wtf is wrong with Hybrids
[04:22] <Smgamermat77> That's the original
[04:22] <Ursuul> oyeah I saw that
[04:22] <Underslime> yey
[04:22] <Smgamermat77> the one waaay above is different
[04:23] <Smgamermat77> it has the song
[04:23] <Underslime> [big] I'LL HAVE A LARGE
[04:23] <Smgamermat77> [big] WHAT [/big]
[04:24] <SuperRobot9338> [big][b][i]VOTE TORY
[04:24] <Ursuul> too thicc
[04:24] <Smgamermat77> [big] EEXXTTRRAA TTHHIICC [/big]
[04:24] <Underslime> THICC
[04:24] <SuperRobot9338> [big]BIG
[04:24] <Smgamermat77> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA *hangs up*
[04:24] <Ursuul> tbh Labour used to be better than the Tories
[04:24] <Smgamermat77> ._.
[04:24] <Ursuul> until they shot themselves in the foot with Corbyn
[04:24] <Underslime> wot
[04:24] <Ursuul> & went off the deep end with their immigration policy
[04:24] <Smgamermat77> ^^FOOLISH SAMURAI
[04:34] <Underslime> brb
[04:34] <Smgamermat77> I don't even have ozun's hosting IP, so I can't do anything to kill it
[04:34] <Ursuul> k
[04:35] <Underslime> Oh wait
[04:35] <Underslime> Shit
[04:35] <Underslime> pls no
[04:35] <Underslime> oh nu
[04:35] <Underslime> My email password
[04:35] <Underslime> What the fuck was it
[04:35] <Smgamermat77> AUTO-FILL YOU FOOL
[04:35] <Ursuul> shit I forgot to shrink the window
[04:36] <Ursuul> Özün ain’t gonna last long this time
[04:36] <Underslime> .-.
[04:36] <Underslime> I'll take that as a compliment.
[04:36] <Smgamermat77> Underslime is actually a black-belt samurai IRL
[04:36] <Smgamermat77> He specializes in memes
[04:36] <Underslime> Ye
[04:36] <Underslime> My black belt is made of memes
[04:36] <Ursuul> Sm pls
[04:37] <Smgamermat77> Sensei Ursuul
[04:37] <Underslime> What
[04:37] <Ursuul> hybrid w h y
[04:37] <Smgamermat77> Just do it tomorrow
[04:37] <Smgamermat77> clearly nothing is gonna work now
[04:38] <Underslime> Meh.
[04:38] <Underslime> Fandumb report abort
[04:38] <Underslime> Just do et tommoroow
[04:39] <Ursuul> m9
[04:39] <Ursuul> report it nao
[04:39] <Smgamermat77> say no to drugs underslime
[04:39] <Underslime> Ye
[04:39] <Ursuul> say yes to sexey skelles
[04:39] <Underslime> ._.
[04:40] <Smgamermat77> I actually have 4 tabs of porn open now - nothing else is more sexy than hentai
[04:40] <Underslime> (lenny) 
[04:40] <Smgamermat77> Why four tabs?
[04:40] <Smgamermat77> Four is better than one (lenny) 
[04:41] <Underslime> Well fuck
[04:41] <Underslime> Forgot my email pass
[04:41] <Smgamermat77> recovery email
[04:41] <Underslime> (sword) 
[04:41] <Ursuul> lightbulb.jpg
[04:41] <Underslime> Wot.exe
[04:42] <Ursuul> brb table time
[04:42] <Ursuul> table.dmg is go
[04:42] <Smgamermat77> tables ain't gonna save ya
[04:42] <Underslime> :3
[04:42] <Ursuul> tables = lyfe
[04:42] <Underslime> Nu
[04:42] <Ursuul> also it’s not for da Hybrid thing
[04:42] <Smgamermat77> tables = wood
[04:42] <Ursuul> iz different
[04:42] <Smgamermat77> o
[04:43] <Smgamermat77> I tried adding my personal category to hybrid
[04:43] <Smgamermat77> still didn't work
[04:44] <Underslime> Hybrid is b0rked AF
[04:44] <Smgamermat77> Look, Hybrid ain't gonna explode into a quadrillion pieces overnight because of missing cats.
[04:46] <Smgamermat77> "Engrave your manhood deep into me so that I'll never forget this moment in my life!"
[04:46] <Smgamermat77> Hot diggity dayum this is some good vanilla ice cream
[04:46] <Smgamermat77> (hawt) 
[04:47] <Underslime> Ooh
[04:47] <Underslime> (HAWT) (hawt) (HAWT) 
[04:48] <Smgamermat77> I'm watching 3 different hentais at the same time
[04:48] <Ursuul> damb
[04:48] <Underslime> Sm
[04:48] <Underslime> how u do it
[04:48] <Smgamermat77> switch back and forth between the good parts
[04:48] <Underslime> ooh
[04:48] <Underslime> (lenny) 
[04:49] <Smgamermat77> I'm watching a vanilla one, a rape one, and one where the guy gets divorced and a luscious student asks to be fucked.
[04:49] <Smgamermat77> Basically all three main categories of hentai
[04:49] <Underslime> ._.
[04:50] <Ursuul> lightbuld2.wav
[04:50] <Smgamermat77> The one where the guy gets divorced is actually my favorite of the three
[04:50] <Smgamermat77> They literally spend about 3 days in a love hotel just getting it on
[04:50] <Smgamermat77> (the dude is rich cause he's some kinda banker or chief of staff)
[04:51] <Underslime> Lmao
[04:51] <Underslime> What the fuck is dis
[04:51] <Smgamermat77> It's actually pretty good
[04:51] <Smgamermat77> plot is meh, but the good stuff IS the good stuff (lenny) 
[04:51] <Underslime> "Indian villagers worshipping newly built toilets instead of using them"
[04:51] <Underslime> Da fuck
[04:51] <Smgamermat77> Probably because they're shiny and new
[04:52] <Underslime> Nah
[04:52] <Underslime> Dis toilet is on da ground
[04:53] <Smgamermat77> yeah I see the picture
[04:53] <Smgamermat77> It still makes absolutely no sense why they are worshipping it tho
[04:55] <Smgamermat77> I actually don't see what the problem is with taking a crap on the ground, either.
[04:55] <Underslime> Ye
[04:55] <Smgamermat77> Like, it's a rural area, there's nothing but plants and bugs around - crapping on the ground is actually beneficial for the ecosystem.
[04:55] <Underslime> ^
[04:57] <Smgamermat77> I would rant for the next three hours about humans and their obsession with self-preservation (which includes hygiene), but I'll save you the headache.
[04:57] <Underslime> ok
[04:57] <Underslime> Brb gonna eat some corn :3
[05:08] <Ursuul> check it
[05:08] <Ursuul> [[Special:Community]]
[05:08] <Ursuul> buttons
[05:08] <Ursuul> magick
[05:12] <Smgamermat77> What is that page
[07:34] <Ozziene> y
[09:19] <Annoying Gardevoir342651> (d1) 
[11:56] <Underslime> Chat pls
[12:04] <Underslime> Chat pls
[12:41] <Earth333> Ok!
[12:41] <Earth333> Hi!
[12:47] <Earth333> :)
[01:18] <Underslime> #aloneinchat
[01:48] <HandsomeJSJ> hi
[01:48] <Underslime> Damn it
[02:59] <Ozziene> ;;
[02:59] <Underslime> oh
[05:01] <The named BOSS> Hello
[05:01] <The named BOSS> Hi?