Diep.io Wiki
Diep.io Wiki
[12:01] <Tacocat247> ""heLO cOmE One, CoM aL (Do not actually come into the lab, or I will slice your head open.) inTOz MY LAb of reZerch!""
[12:01] <Tacocat247> https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/diepio-conception/images/6/6b/Daktor_Lakys.png/revision/latest?cb=20170621025751
[12:01] <The named BOSS> Paper eyes?
[12:01] <Tacocat247> Yes.
[12:02] <The named BOSS> Y?
[12:03] <Luigi1006YT> Omegadus: *hides behind rock*
[12:04] <The named BOSS> *the omega tries to shoot at omegadus but can't*
[12:04] <Luigi1006YT> Omegadus: LUL
[12:05] <The named BOSS> *a Tank comes and attacks omegadus*
[12:07] <Luigi1006YT> Omegadus: *kills the tank with ease*
[12:07] <The named BOSS> Stupid house with stupid people
[12:07] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[12:07] <The named BOSS> Dang it 
[12:07] <The named BOSS> Hi
[12:07] <The named BOSS> I think that "frenemy" ship is coming...
[12:08] <The named BOSS> Maybe not.
[12:08] <The Tidal Wave> my mouse is missing.
[12:08] <The named BOSS> Oh noes
[12:09] <The named BOSS> Well I guess that weak frenemy ship isn't coming, I have my own problems anyways
[12:09] <The Tidal Wave> where is it
[12:09] <The Tidal Wave> ugh
[12:10] <The Tidal Wave> did my computer break
[12:10] <Tacocat247> idk
[12:10] <The named BOSS> (Bak2rp when lelemental gets back?)
[12:11] <Tacocat247> Which is never
[12:11] <The named BOSS> (Or if they)
[12:11] <The Tidal Wave> guhhhh
[12:11] <Tacocat247> (books)
[12:12] <The named BOSS> Hello...
[12:12] <Tacocat247> hi
[12:13] <The named BOSS> Pls no phase
[12:14] <Theelementalmaster> AAAAAAAAAA
[12:14] <Theelementalmaster> Hi
[12:14] <The Tidal Wave> WHERE IS MY MOUSE???
[12:14] <The named BOSS> Lele pm
[12:15] <Theelementalmaster> TTW
[12:15] <The Tidal Wave> ?
[12:15] <Theelementalmaster> Reboot
[12:16] <Theelementalmaster> Tbats how I used to fix my cursor
[12:16] <The Tidal Wave> close and open again?
[12:16] <Theelementalmaster> Ye
[12:16] <The Tidal Wave> been there, done that/
[12:16] <The Tidal Wave> still no
[12:18] <Theelementalmaster> Ok
[12:19] <The Tidal Wave> any other solutions?
[12:19] <Tacocat247> idk
[12:19] <Theelementalmaster> Bk2Rp
[12:19] <Theelementalmaster> idk
[12:19] <The Tidal Wave> help
[12:19] <The Tidal Wave> (rip) mouse
[12:20] <The named BOSS> *the omega is stuck facing the house*
[12:20] <Theelementalmaster> Spencer eats cats has been chased away by enemy tanks. 
[12:20] <Theelementalmaster> Spencer eats cats has spawned into the arena! 
[12:22] <The Tidal Wave> Nope
[12:23] <Tacocat247> Spencer eats cats has been chased away by enemy tanks.
[12:23] <Tacocat247> Spencer eats cats has spawned into the arena! 
[12:23] <Tacocat247> Spencer eats cats has been chased away by enemy tanks.
[12:23] <Tacocat247> Spencer eats cats has spawned into the arena! 
[12:23] <Tacocat247> brb
[12:23] <The Tidal Wave> ahhhhh
[12:23] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[12:23] <Spencer eats cats> does it say that every time i open the tab?
[12:23] <The Tidal Wave> possibly
[12:23] <Spencer eats cats> rip
[12:25] <The Tidal Wave> my mouse is gone
[12:25] <The Tidal Wave> how do i get it back
[12:25] <Theelementalmaster> Restart
[12:25] <Theelementalmaster> Naybe
[12:25] <Theelementalmaster> Mayhe
[12:25] <Theelementalmaster> Maybe
[12:26] <Tacocat247> hi
[12:27] <Spencer eats cats> hi
[12:27] <Tacocat247> hi
[12:27] <Spencer eats cats> hi
[12:27] <Tacocat247> hi
[12:27] <The Tidal Wave> Nope.
[12:28] <Spencer eats cats> this is going somewhere
[12:28] <The Tidal Wave> my mouse isn't
[12:28] <Spencer eats cats> rip
[12:28] <The Tidal Wave> restarted once, turned off and on again at least 3 times.
[12:29] <The named BOSS> Did elemental master leave?
[12:29] <Tacocat247> no
[12:29] <The named BOSS> Refresh
[12:29] <Spencer eats cats> get a new keyboard?
[12:30] <The Tidal Wave> whyyyyy
[12:30] <The Tidal Wave> I'm using a laptio.
[12:30] <The Tidal Wave> laptop*
[12:30] <Spencer eats cats> oh
[12:30] <Spencer eats cats> if you press a key, your mouse normally go away
[12:30] <Tacocat247> https://i.redd.it/2enjzs63c2dz.jpg
[12:31] <Tacocat247> Memory Chees
[12:31] <Spencer eats cats> lol
[12:33] <Tacocat247> http://imgur.com/HEJafYM
[12:33] <Tacocat247> Mide in China
[12:33] <Spencer eats cats> fidgeet
[12:34] <Tacocat247> https://i.redd.it/rcuim21bppcz.jpg
[12:34] <Tacocat247> "Vegetab le noname" 
[12:34] <Tacocat247> "noname" 
[12:34] <Tacocat247> No name
[12:35] <The Tidal Wave> goddammit china
[12:35] <Tacocat247> https://i.redd.it/shkk27gihlcz.png
[12:35] <Tacocat247> This Color...
[12:36] <Tacocat247> "Dumb Pink"
[12:36] <Spencer eats cats> lol
[12:37] <Tacocat247> https://i.redd.it/fp7c5kyicocz.jpg
[12:37] <Tacocat247> This is a smoke-dried egg
[12:37] <The Tidal Wave> i hate my country's english.
[12:38] <Spencer eats cats> i do not speak engrish
[12:39] <Tacocat247> On the afternoon sun through the window with the book drink coffee
[12:39] <Tacocat247> https://i.redd.it/k0rald8gx4dz.jpg
[12:40] <Tacocat247> https://i.redd.it/k3jwow1o9lcz.jpg
[12:41] <Tacocat247> Yes household good
[12:41] <Spencer eats cats> household god church
[12:41] <Tacocat247> https://i.redd.it/47um3untmkcz.jpg
[12:41] <Tacocat247> Fines
[12:41] <Tacocat247> ...taken a bit too far
[12:42] <Spencer eats cats> what drugs were those translators on
[12:42] <Tacocat247> idk
[12:42] <The Tidal Wave> guhhh
[12:42] <Tacocat247> https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.4fl5WJpqBzNBE7o9mp1aFQEsC7&pid=15.1&P=0&w=245&h=154
[12:42] <Tacocat247> Carefully slip and fall dwon
[12:42] <Tacocat247> *down
[12:43] <Spencer eats cats> they have no hope in you not sliping
[12:43] <Tacocat247> https://ariannaathina.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/octopus1.jpg
[12:43] <The Tidal Wave> stahp
[12:43] <Tacocat247> ok
[12:47] <Theelementalmaster> So
[12:47] <The Tidal Wave> ?
[12:47] <Theelementalmaster> ima not be back for a while
[12:47] <The named BOSS> Aw
[12:47] <Theelementalmaster> Im watching where (shiny) came from
[12:47] <Theelementalmaster> time to learn
[12:47] <Tacocat247> lol
[12:47] <Theelementalmaster> Im serious 
[12:48] <Tacocat247> LOL
[12:48] <Theelementalmaster> I'll be back when shiny betins
[12:48] <Theelementalmaster> begins
[12:49] <The named BOSS> ???
[12:51] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> btw IK I'm super inactiev
[12:51] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> expect that to change once i get into skewl
[12:51] <Teamerz> yey ig.
[12:51] <Graviatar> skewe
[12:51] <Graviatar> schwool
[12:51] <The Tidal Wave> my mouse disappeared
[12:51] <Graviatar> schwuul
[12:51] <Spencer eats cats> School.
[12:52] <The Tidal Wave> any solutions
[12:52] <Spencer eats cats> lick your mouse pad, that might help
[12:52] <Tacocat247> Engrish is gr8
[12:54] <Chapsteck4yurlipis> ingretsh iz geraeit
[12:54] <The Tidal Wave> @Spencer it did absolutely nothing.
[12:54] <Spencer eats cats> rip
[12:54] <Tacocat247> poke
[12:54] <Spencer eats cats> i have nothing e;se
[12:54] <Spencer eats cats> *else
[12:55] <The Tidal Wave> you tried
[12:55] <The Tidal Wave> thanks anyway
[12:55] <Spencer eats cats> /|
[12:55] <Spencer eats cats> 0]==[x>======>
[12:55] <Spencer eats cats> \|
[12:55] <Spencer eats cats> aw it didn't work
[12:55] <Spencer eats cats> np
[12:58] <Tacocat247> Auto 3 description
[12:59] <Tacocat247> Auto 3-tank, which was announced unnamed on 2 August 2016 and later was appointed on August 5, 2016. This is one of the four existing updates from wing guard, and can be selected at 30. He still can go to Auto 5 or auto hunter. 
[12:59] <Teamerz> ..auto hunter?
[12:59] <Tacocat247> Auto 3-tank
[12:59] <Teamerz> ..wing guard?
[12:59] <Tacocat247> flank guard
[01:00] <Teamerz> that doesnt seem right.
[01:00] <Spencer eats cats> the tank now has a gender too
[01:00] <Spencer eats cats> "He still can go to auto 5 or auto hunter"
[01:00] <Tacocat247> Ima do it with other tanks
[01:01] <The named BOSS> Rp?
[01:03] <Theelementalmaster> Info:Your welcome has begun 
[01:03] <Theelementalmaster> Boss
[01:03] <Theelementalmaster> How did u pm me when I just downed 
[01:03] <Theelementalmaster> joined
[01:05] <The named BOSS> Um 
[01:05] <The named BOSS> I didn't
[01:05] <The named BOSS> The last time I did was like 10 minsl ago or something
[01:05] <The named BOSS> Mins 
[01:06] <The named BOSS> Fak 
[01:18] <Theelementalmaster> Ok
[01:18] <Theelementalmaster> Shiny will begin soon (shiny1)
[01:18] <Theelementalmaster> fak
[01:19] <Tacocat247> (shiny) 
[01:21] <Tacocat247> TBOO-Y and I are dueling with Overlords
[01:22] <The Tidal Wave> TBOO-Y where?
[01:23] <Tacocat247> You'll never know >:3
[01:23] <The Tidal Wave> discord?
[01:23] <Tacocat247> Nu
[01:24] <The Tidal Wave> DCP?
[01:24] <Tacocat247> NO
[01:25] <Spencer eats cats> i'm gonna play some 2 teams
[01:25] <Theelementalmaster> OK
[01:25] <Theelementalmaster> Dhiny has began
[01:25] <Theelementalmaster> Shiny*
[01:26] <Tacocat247> TAMATOA IS TOMATO
[01:26] <The named BOSS> (grin2) 
[01:26] <Tacocat247> (grin2) 
[01:28] <Tacocat247> We stopped playing
[01:28] <Tacocat247> OK
[01:28] <Tacocat247> Ima translate some shit
[01:28] <Tacocat247> "The Spread Shot is one of the three current upgrade choices from the Triple Shot, and can be selected at level 45. It shoots eleven Bullets with one at the front with the size of a Basic Tank’s Bullet and ten smaller ones to the side. However, they have high spread and aren’t shot all at once, but sequentially. "
[01:29] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "The spread shot is one of three updates for three frames you can choose from 45. Shoot twelve balls in one voice: - the basic tank commando ten less than a page. However, it is not immediately shot, one after the other. "
[01:29] <Tacocat247> (xd) 
[01:30] <Tacocat247> Ima get a really bad translation
[01:31] <The Tidal Wave> how did 11 go to 12
[01:31] <Tacocat247> idk
[01:31] <Tacocat247> The Tank, usually called the Basic Tank, is the first variation of the tanks that the player can upgrade to once they spawn. It possesses one Cannon which shoots one Bullet at a time in a straight path, with slight recoil. At level one, with no upgrades, it has 50 HP.
[01:31] <Tacocat247> 
[01:31] <Tacocat247> At level 15, four upgrade choices will be given to the player: The Twin, Sniper, Machine Gun and Flank Guard. At Level 30, the choice for the Smasher upgrade will be available. Level 30 and 45 will once again prompt the player with options of other “sub-categories” of tanks. For information on these other tanks, go to the Tiers page. "
[01:31] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Thought the rule is that the player will automatically update the first option, the idea, the main idea, how. At the time, ball, ball, direct way, you have less influence. Update a certain number, 50 Af-15 level, and four possible players: Gemini, Sagittarius, and the edges of the tank. Download, update, check, 30. 30 and 45 levels, again, players are to ask for other thoughts "sub-category" options. These and other ideas for more information about the group. "
[01:32] <Tacocat247> MEH GAWD
[01:32] <The Tidal Wave> what
[01:33] <Tacocat247> h
[01:33] <Tacocat247> hi
[01:33] <Theelementalmaster> Hi
[01:33] <Tacocat247> Wanna hear some engrish?
[01:34] <Tacocat247> "The Auto Trapper was added on the August 15th update. It is one of the five tanks that branches off the Trapper and can be selected at level 45. It may not upgrade further. "
[01:34] <Theelementalmaster> sure
[01:34] <Tacocat247> "Car Hunter - Added: 15. August updates. This is one of the five tanks, twigs and Hunter, and can be selected at the level of 45. You can do the upgrade, nothing more. "
[01:35] <Tacocat247> "Car Hunter"
[01:35] <The Tidal Wave> makes sense.
[01:35] <The named BOSS> "twigs and hunter"
[01:35] <Tacocat247> NEXT!
[01:35] <The Tidal Wave> Auto = Car
[01:35] <Tacocat247> Gimme a tank
[01:35] <The Tidal Wave> Overlord
[01:35] <The Tidal Wave> WAIT
[01:35] <The Tidal Wave> CONCEPTIONS
[01:35] <The Tidal Wave> THE PENTAGUN
[01:35] <Tacocat247> No
[01:35] <The named BOSS> Lelemental pm?
[01:35] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[01:35] <Tacocat247> Not yet
[01:35] <Tacocat247> "The Overlord is one of the six upgrades from the Overseer and can be selected at Level 45. Upon upgrading to the Overlord, the tank will get two extra Spawners, doubling the Drones’ spawn rate. The Overlord's FoV will stay the same as the Overseer. "
[01:36] <Theelementalmaster> Ikm
[01:36] <Theelementalmaster> Ik
[01:36] <Theelementalmaster> Booster
[01:36] <Tacocat247> wait
[01:36] <The named BOSS> Don't you- oh you mean the tank
[01:36] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Overlord is one of the six updates from managers and can be solved at the level of 45. After updating to the head tank will receive two additional manufacturers, doubling the rate of appearance of the drones'. You PZ will remain the same as the employer. "
[01:36] <The named BOSS> Not calling me that, right?
[01:36] <The Tidal Wave> "your PZ"
[01:36] <Tacocat247> *PE
[01:36] <Tacocat247> **PZ
[01:37] <The named BOSS> Lele pm?
[01:37] <Tacocat247> Next!
[01:37] <The Tidal Wave> Booster
[01:37] <Tacocat247> k
[01:37] <Theelementalmaster> PZ
[01:37] <Tacocat247> "The Booster was released on June 3, 2016 unnamed and was fully released on June 4, 2016. It is one of the two upgrades that branches off the Tri-Angle. It cannot upgrade further. "
[01:38] <Theelementalmaster> Parking Zappers
[01:38] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Buster was published 3. June 2016, anonymous and completely liberated 4. Jun 2016. This is one of two updates that branches off Three corners. Can't update further. "
[01:38] <The Tidal Wave> "Buster!
[01:39] <The Tidal Wave> "Buster"*
[01:39] <Tacocat247> "[[Tri-angle|Three corners]]"
[01:39] <Theelementalmaster> Anonymous and completely liberated 
[01:39] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[01:39] <The Tidal Wave> Taco
[01:39] <Tacocat247> ?
[01:39] <The Tidal Wave> did you use Chinese
[01:39] <Tacocat247> No.
[01:39] <The Tidal Wave> because the chinese for Triangle is "three-angled shape".
[01:39] <The Tidal Wave> BUT
[01:40] <Tacocat247> Its also that for Russian, i think
[01:40] <The Tidal Wave> for all other polygons it's "n-sided shappe"
[01:40] <The Tidal Wave> shape*
[01:40] <Tacocat247> lel
[01:40] <Tacocat247> Next!
[01:40] <The Tidal Wave> predator
[01:40] <Tacocat247> Ok
[01:40] <Tacocat247> "The Predator is one of the two current choices that branch off the Hunter. The Predator can move the camera to seek other players in the direction the cursor is facing by clicking the right mouse button, or the Shift key. Predator may not upgrade any further. "
[01:40] <The named BOSS> Lelemental master donto forget pm or did they leave?
[01:40] <The named BOSS> Dont*
[01:41] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Carpet Warp is one of the two current options to escape from the hunter. Predators can move the camera to see other players on the direction by pressing the right mouse button or the Shift button. The predator can't go any further. 
[01:41] <Tacocat247> OK
[01:42] <Theelementalmaster> Carpet Warp
[01:42] <Tacocat247> So it didnt engrish that much
[01:42] <The named BOSS> "Carpet Warp"
[01:42] <The named BOSS> Seems legit
[01:42] <The named BOSS> Let
[01:42] <The named BOSS> Lele pm*
[01:42] <Tacocat247> New Tank: [[Predator|Carpet Warp]]
[01:42] <The Tidal Wave> idk
[01:42] <The Tidal Wave> now do conceptions
[01:43] <The Tidal Wave> plz
[01:43] <Tacocat247> OK
[01:43] <Tacocat247> Gimme a concept
[01:43] <The Tidal Wave> Archprophet
[01:43] <The named BOSS> Lancer
[01:43] <Tacocat247> Archprpohet
[01:43] <The named BOSS> Good job
[01:43] <Tacocat247> "The Archprophet is a Boss Tank that used to be killed at the nigh endgame of Fortress Mode, reachable by gathering 50 Arch Key Pieces by conquering 'Cathedral' ranked Dungeons. Now, he can only be battled and fought in the Tower of Gladii after a series of events have been performed. After these steps have been successfully completed, the Tower of Gladii gamemode will appear for 24 hours. The Archprophet is classified as a Legendary Boss. "
[01:43] <The named BOSS> GOOD JOB
[01:43] <Tacocat247> I still cant get over Carpet Warp
[01:43] <The named BOSS> "Archprpohet"
[01:44] <The named BOSS> Me neither
[01:44] <Tacocat247> Predator
[01:44] <Tacocat247> Pre-Dator
[01:44] <Tacocat247> Pre Dater
[01:44] <Tacocat247> Time Warper
[01:44] <Theelementalmaster> Carpet Warp
[01:44] <Tacocat247> There
[01:44] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "In the Pattern of Archprophet tank used to be killed almost at the end of a part of the castle mode, you can receive a payment of 50 code the most important parts of the conquest of the 'Cathedral' place of the earth. Now, it may simply be fought and fought in the tower Gladii after the activities have been completed. When these steps are completed, the Tower Gladii against displays for 24 hours. In Archprophet is classified as a legendary Boss. "
[01:45] <The Tidal Wave> sounds like Good202 wrote it
[01:45] <Tacocat247> [s]he did
[01:45] <Tacocat247> (xd) 
[01:45] <The named BOSS> ^
[01:45] <Tacocat247> Next is lacer
[01:45] <Tacocat247> "The Lancer is a tank created by ZathusTheMageV. It upgrades from the Basic Tank at Level 15. Art by Levi. "
[01:45] <The named BOSS> "Lacer"
[01:46] <The Tidal Wave> NO WIT
[01:46] <The Tidal Wave> WAIT
[01:46] <The Tidal Wave> Not ZathusTheMageV
[01:46] <The Tidal Wave> Zathsu
[01:46] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Shoes is a tank, created Zath us. This update of the database on the tank at 15. The Art Duties. "
[01:46] <Tacocat247> WHAT DA HELL
[01:46] <The Tidal Wave> lolwut
[01:46] <The Tidal Wave> "Shoes"
[01:46] <Tacocat247> SHOES!??
[01:46] <The Tidal Wave> (kek) 
[01:47] <Tacocat247> HOW THE HELL!??
[01:47] <Tacocat247> Alright next
[01:47] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[01:47] <The Tidal Wave> Astra
[01:47] <Tacocat247> "Carpet Warp"
[01:47] <Tacocat247> Ok
[01:47] <Tacocat247> "Astra is a boss tank added on June 16, 2017. It is the boss version of the Asterisk, a strangely shaped 4 sided polygon. Astra may look like a nest defender, but she can do a lot more than just defend. Astras weapons include four Streamliner Auto Turrets. "
[01:47] <The named BOSS> This is gonna be good
[01:47] <The Tidal Wave> eeheheheheh
[01:48] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Astra is your boss. The tank added: June 16, 2017. The head version of Asterisk, oddly shaped 4-sided polygon. Astra might look like a nest defender, but he can do much more than just protection. River Mouth Space weapon consists of four Spoiler, auto Tours. 
[01:48] <Tacocat247> "River Mouth Space weapon"
[01:49] <The Tidal Wave> "Astra is your boss"
[01:49] <Tacocat247> THE FUCK!?? (xd) 
[01:49] <Theelementalmaster> Astra is not my boss
[01:49] <The Tidal Wave> seems legot
[01:49] <Theelementalmaster> Shes dead
[01:49] <The Tidal Wave> legit*
[01:49] <Theelementalmaster> She died of death 
[01:49] <The named BOSS> Lele pm
[01:49] <Tacocat247> She died of tube lucus
[01:49] <Tacocat247> Next
[01:49] <The Tidal Wave> hmmm
[01:49] <The Tidal Wave> Knight of Doom
[01:49] <Tacocat247> "Knight of Doom is a light brown circle with a large blue Smasher shell that does not spin. The bottom half of his body (not the shell) is covered with a blue plate of armour. 4 lances stick out like the barrels of a Quad tank rotated 45 degrees. There is also a lance on the top of his body. He is no bigger than a level 15 tank, only at the size of 4 background squares. "
[01:49] <The named BOSS> *insert timer which displays "lelemental master pm" every 1 sec
[01:50] <The named BOSS> Here*
[01:50] <The Tidal Wave> dis gon b gud
[01:50] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Yogurt of the year is a light brown apartment with incredibly large blue paint does not skew. The lower half of the husk (shell) coated with blue crayons. 4 matches, sticks, four, Maillot, tank, rotate 45 degrees. There, in the upper part of the body the spear. No more than 15. The size of the tank level of 4 meters, the background. "
[01:51] <Tacocat247> "Yogurt of the year"
[01:51] <The Tidal Wave> how
[01:51] <Tacocat247> [giant]"Yogurt of the year"
[01:51] <Theelementalmaster> Yogurt of the year
[01:51] <Theelementalmaster> Taco
[01:51] <Tacocat247> Yes?
[01:51] <Theelementalmaster> Google translate is strohg
[01:51] <Iron7225> l
[01:51] <Theelementalmaster> strong
[01:51] <The Tidal Wave> "Incredibly large blue paint"
[01:51] <The named BOSS> "Yogurt of the year is a light brown apartment"
[01:51] <Iron7225> IlIlIllllIIIil
[01:51] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[01:51] <Tacocat247> NEXT!
[01:51] <The Tidal Wave> Now do Grevious
[01:52] <The named BOSS> Lelelellele master pm
[01:52] <Tacocat247> "He is a red tank with no barrel. He has a cybernetic eye. He has mechanical legs. He has one normal arm, which is a circle connected by a flexible barrel which does not shoot, on his right. He has 2 mechanical arms on his left, one has a thing that looks like this on it, but looks way more tech-ish which does not 1hko tanks, just deals a LOT of damage. The other mech arm has a Lancer spike with a LASER gun on it, which deals constant damage to tanks touching the laser. "
[01:52] <Tacocat247> YOGURT OF THE YEAR
[01:52] <The named BOSS> Oh this is gonna be gr8
[01:52] <The Tidal Wave> noice
[01:52] <Theelementalmaster> Now do Trapius's stage 1 design when ur done
[01:52] <The Tidal Wave> ehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehhehehh
[01:53] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "This red stupid spaceship Tank, without being Root. The Eyes of Cybernetics. Has mechanical Legs. Has a normal Hand, that it is a Circle, connected by a flexible shaft, does not pull, on the right. 2 mechanical Lever is on Your left, it is a Thing which can be found here, but it seems, more tech-ish, which is not 1hko Tanks, brings a LOT of Damage. Another skin of the Hand to Throw Spike to the LASER Cannon, the permanent Damage to the Reservoirs of Contact of the laser beam. "
[01:53] <The Tidal Wave> "Red stupid spaceship tank"
[01:53] <The named BOSS> Oh rilly
[01:53] <Theelementalmaster> This red stupid spaceship
[01:53] <Theelementalmaster> Sums up grevipus
[01:53] <Theelementalmaster> grevious
[01:53] <Tacocat247> What the fuck?
[01:53] <Tacocat247> (xd) 
[01:53] <The Tidal Wave> Grevious in a nutshell.
[01:53] <The Tidal Wave> Red stupid spaceship tank.
[01:53] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[01:53] <Spencer eats cats> you know when you are playing dominator and you just happen to be the only person on your team?
[01:54] <Tacocat247> OK next
[01:54] <The Tidal Wave> Trapius stage 1
[01:54] <Theelementalmaster> http://diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Concept:Trapius_(QWT0) Now do stage one of Trapius's design!
[01:54] <The Tidal Wave> @Spencer no
[01:54] <The named BOSS> the permanent Damage to the Reservoirs of Contact of the laser beam
[01:54] <Tacocat247> "Trapius fratures a circular orange tank body with a tri-spike at the top. The tri-spike has a black circle at the top. at the sides of the tank are 2 sprayer barrels. at the front, there is a trapezoid. part of it is red. below the trapezoid is a launcher. at the back, there are 2 spikes, one at the left, and 1 at the right. "
[01:54] <The Tidal Wave> this is hilarious
[01:54] <The Tidal Wave> "fratures"
[01:54] <The Tidal Wave> what?
[01:54] <Tacocat247> Agreed
[01:54] <Spencer eats cats> it happens to much
[01:54] <The named BOSS> Lele pm
[01:54] <The named BOSS> Etc
[01:55] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Sun-Butt is fracturing us. A round, orange body with three jumps at the top. Three-jump the black circle at the top. on the walls of the tank 2 spray gun barrels. on one side is a trapezoid. part red. under the trapeze, the starter. on the back there is 2 jumps, one left and 1 right. "
[01:55] <Tacocat247> "Sun-Butt is fracturing us."
[01:55] <The Tidal Wave> Sun-Butt
[01:55] <Theelementalmaster> OMFF
[01:55] <Tacocat247> This is getting hilarious 
[01:55] <The named BOSS> Sums up trapius 
[01:55] <The Tidal Wave> how
[01:55] <Theelementalmaster> BOSS
[01:55] <Theelementalmaster> NO
[01:55] <Tacocat247> SUN-BUTT
[01:55] <Theelementalmaster> YOUNRUONED IT
[01:55] <Tacocat247> WHAT THE FUCK
[01:55] <Theelementalmaster> GOD DAMN IT
[01:55] <Tacocat247> (xd) 
[01:55] <Theelementalmaster> ARE YOU FKIN KIDDING KE
[01:55] <Theelementalmaster> ME
[01:55] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[01:56] <The Tidal Wave> now
[01:56] <Tacocat247> Next!
[01:56] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[01:56] <The Tidal Wave> Avatar of Panzer stage 4
[01:56] <The Tidal Wave> seraph
[01:56] <Tacocat247> "Sun-Butt is fracturing us."
[01:56] <The named BOSS> I'M DYING
[01:56] <Tacocat247> "Forms a giant angel-like figure, the left side completely white and the other side a dark gray-ish color. Wears a yellow torn scarf and has two arms with hands at the end of them. The two eyes on the main body are golden and glowing. A halo floats above."
[01:57] <The Tidal Wave> again, dis gon be gud
[01:57] <Theelementalmaster> HAHAHAHAHAHA
[01:57] <Theelementalmaster> YESSSS
[01:57] <The named BOSS> Ele pm x1000
[01:57] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Monster is now ascended to angel levels danger-like in the potato, the left side is completely white, and on the other hand, dark gray-ish color. He was dressed in ragged yellow shawl and with two hands, with the hands in the end. Two eyes at the bottom of gold and diamonds. Hello, the court of Bosnia and Herzegovina condemned V. "
[01:58] <Tacocat247> "Monster is now ascended to angel levels danger-like"
[01:58] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Hallo
[01:58] <Tacocat247> *Good202 lurking in the shadows*
[01:58] <Tacocat247> Hi
[01:58] <The named BOSS> "Monster is now ascended to angel levels danger-like in the potato"
[01:58] <The Tidal Wave> lmao
[01:58] <Tacocat247> CARPET WARP
[01:58] <Tacocat247> SUN-BUTT
[01:58] <Tacocat247> (xd) 
[01:58] <Tacocat247> Next.
[01:59] <The Tidal Wave> The Spaceship
[01:59] <The Tidal Wave> Yours
[01:59] <Tacocat247> OK
[01:59] <Mr.BigWallofText3> What
[01:59] <Tacocat247> "Spaceship is a secret boss that was added on May 24 2017. Its complex attacks, design, and technology are too much for most tanks to handle. It spawns when every boss is defeated, excluding fallen bosses. "
[01:59] <The named BOSS> "This red stupid spaceship tank" "Sun-Butt" "Carpet warp" "Yogurt of the year"
[02:00] <Theelementalmaster> I foundation page
[02:00] <Theelementalmaster> a page
[02:00] <Theelementalmaster> found
[02:00] <Theelementalmaster> filled with Engrish worthy stuff
[02:00] <Theelementalmaster> http://diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Concept%3ASpace_War
[02:00] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "The shit is a secret boss Added 24. by may 2017. It paper attack, design and technology, many, most of the Obama to handle. Appears after each boss, with the possible exception of the fallen heads."
[02:00] <Theelementalmaster> this is gonna be good
[02:00] <The Tidal Wave> "The shit"
[02:00] <Theelementalmaster> The shir 
[02:00] <Theelementalmaster> shit
[02:00] <Tacocat247> XD
[02:01] <The Tidal Wave> "paper attack"
[02:01] <Theelementalmaster> Most of the Obama to handle
[02:01] <Tacocat247> "It paper attack, design and technology, many, most of the Obama to handle."
[02:01] <The named BOSS> "many, most of the Obama to handle"
[02:01] <Tacocat247> Obama cant handle this.
[02:01] <Tacocat247> Obama cant handle paper
[02:01] <The Tidal Wave> lmaoooo
[02:01] <Tacocat247> Next!
[02:01] <The Tidal Wave> Titanititan
[02:01] <Tacocat247> ok\
[02:01] <Theelementalmaster> :(
[02:01] <Theelementalmaster> i said http://diepio-conception.wikia.com/wiki/Concept%3ASpace_War first
[02:01] <Theelementalmaster> doe
[02:01] <The named BOSS> ?
[02:02] <Theelementalmaster> its filled with sentences we can engrish
[02:02] <Tacocat247> "One day, Dr. Lacus was messing around with some of his weapons, playing with them and putting them into different configurations. Archprophet had given him the week off due to him working day after day, night after night on many powerful forces of the Cult. Obviously he was bored, but he had no inspiration or idea for another death machine. So he decided to watch some TV and enjoy a bit of leisure. After all, the mad scientist's usual leisure activities included torturing small tanks, building death machines and hanging out with Boris, which he couldn't do on his days off. Anyways, The Transformers came on TV and suddenly, he had INSPIRATION! He returned to work early and immediately started to work on his newest, and possibly most complex project that even Archprophet could not comprehend. "
[02:02] <Theelementalmaster> ommmg
[02:02] <Tacocat247> This is gonna be good
[02:02] <Theelementalmaster> THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD
[02:02] <The named BOSS> ^^^^
[02:02] <The named BOSS> Ele pm pls?
[02:03] <The Tidal Wave> OMG
[02:04] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "One day, the female isis, hole, mess around, play with them and put them in different order bald man. Archprophet to give per hour of day, working day day day, night night, much to the worship god. Obviously, it's annoy, but I have no inspiration or ideas for another war mech. So I decided, a TV and a private. Finally, the mad scientist, the normal operation of the organizations participating small torture rezervuarus, construction, death, auto, Boris and walk, he can't do it this weekend. In any case, transformers TV and suddenly the inspiration came from him! He returned to work early in the morning and immediately started working on a new and, perhaps, most difficult project, but Archprophet can't understand. "
[02:04] <Theelementalmaster> The female isis
[02:04] <The Tidal Wave> "female isis"
[02:04] <The named BOSS> "One day the female isis, hole"
[02:04] <The Tidal Wave> (laugh5) 
[02:04] <Tacocat247> FEMALE ISIS 
[02:04] <Tacocat247> THE FUCK!??
[02:04] <Theelementalmaster> im going in
[02:04] <The Tidal Wave> this is Good202 worthy
[02:04] <Tacocat247> (laugh6) 
[02:04] <Theelementalmaster> google translate start up
[02:04] <The named BOSS> Ele remember pm
[02:04] <The Tidal Wave> oh god
[02:05] <The Tidal Wave> can't stop giggling like a madman
[02:05] <Theelementalmaster> Idk what to do
[02:05] <Theelementalmaster> Taco
[02:05] <Tacocat247> NEXT!
[02:05] <Theelementalmaster> Do this sentence
[02:05] <Tacocat247> ok
[02:05] <Theelementalmaster> A Supermassive Black forms when either 1:2 Black Holes merge, 2:A Black Hole eats 10 tanks. or 3:It eats a Neutron Star, a SBH is nearly twice the size of an AC and has a strong pull, it lasts for 1.5 hrs.
[02:05] <Theelementalmaster> 
[02:05] <The Tidal Wave> oh lawd
[02:05] <Theelementalmaster> I know it's gonna be tood
[02:05] <Theelementalmaster> good
[02:05] <The Tidal Wave> Panzer save us
[02:05] <Theelementalmaster> YOUR WELCOME
[02:05] <Theelementalmaster> Im expectifpnf
[02:05] <Theelementalmaster> "A supermassive asshole'
[02:05] <The named BOSS> Ele remember pm
[02:06] <The named BOSS> "Hanger:10k
[02:06] <The named BOSS> 
[02:06] <The named BOSS> This is what spawns "spaceships", they slowly shoot deadly lasers. spawn rate is 1 every 5 secs. Limit is 50,"
[02:06] <Tacocat247> Engrish: " Hail the big black doughnut, if 1:2, the black hoes merge, 2:Black hole 10 banks pay. or 3. you eat a neutron star and that very bad with a Star and SBKH almost two times. and has a strong trend that lasts 1.5 day of hour. "
[02:07] <The Tidal Wave> Hail the big black doughnut
[02:07] <Theelementalmaster> Black Hoes?
[02:07] <Tacocat247> Hail the big black doughnut
[02:07] <Theelementalmaster> (xd) 
[02:07] <The Tidal Wave> seems legit
[02:07] <The Tidal Wave> i mean
[02:07] <Theelementalmaster> So good292
[02:07] <Theelementalmaster> 202
[02:07] <The Tidal Wave> who doesn't like a big chocolate-covered doughnut
[02:07] <Tacocat247> Hail the big black doughnut
[02:07] <The named BOSS> "they slowly shoot deadly lasers. "
[02:07] <Tacocat247> Next! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[02:08] <The Tidal Wave> now do Booster Simulator
[02:08] <Theelementalmaster> OMG
[02:08] <Theelementalmaster> TIDAL
[02:08] <Theelementalmaster> ARE YOU CRAZY?
[02:08] <The named BOSS> "deadly lasers"
[02:08] <The Tidal Wave> YES
[02:08] <Tacocat247> ok
[02:08] <The named BOSS> DO IT
[02:08] <Theelementalmaster> GOOD202 AND GOOGLE TRANSLATE HAVE A BABY?
[02:08] <Tacocat247> Hail the big black doughnut
[02:08] <Theelementalmaster> FUCK YEAH
[02:08] <Tacocat247> "Booster Simulator is scratch conception gamemode. Kill a tanks, being a polygons, it rainbow and green polygons but orange pentagon. Tanks and polygons rewards experience and scores. Map of unlimited, white background. NOTE: Do not steal! "
[02:08] <The Tidal Wave> Let's see if 2 negatives make a positive
[02:08] <The Tidal Wave> go
[02:08] <Tacocat247> GISNIDJBC
[02:08] <Tacocat247> THIS WILL BE GOOS
[02:08] <Tacocat247> GOOSE
[02:09] <The Tidal Wave> already laughing my face off before the translation even happens
[02:09] <The named BOSS> ^
[02:09] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Bomber from dog simulator goat mode ass bullet. To kill a tank firing sloper 2000.3, "the Rainbow" and Darwinist of polygons, but the orange pentagon. Tanks, polygons and awards, experience and results. Unlimited map, on a white background. Note: do not shove up! "
[02:10] <Tacocat247> "Bomber from dog simulator goat mode ass bullet."
[02:10] <Tacocat247> (wat_
[02:10] <Tacocat247> (wat) 
[02:10] <Theelementalmaster> Ass Bullet
[02:10] <The Tidal Wave> OH GOD
[02:10] <Theelementalmaster> Explanatipn or shit
[02:10] <Theelementalmaster> fak
[02:10] <Theelementalmaster> I can't even spell
[02:10] <Tacocat247> "Darwinist of polygons"
[02:10] <The Tidal Wave> "do not shove up"
[02:10] <The Tidal Wave> i was wrong
[02:10] <Tacocat247> N-N-N-N-NEXT!
[02:10] <The Tidal Wave> 2 negatives do not make a positive
[02:10] <The Tidal Wave> pffffffft
[02:10] <Tacocat247> But its funny as hell
[02:11] <Tacocat247> N-N-N-N-NEXT!
[02:11] <The Tidal Wave> (laugh) (laugh2) (laugh3) (laugh4) (laugh5) 
[02:11] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[02:11] <The Tidal Wave> hmmm
[02:11] <The named BOSS> That's it
[02:11] <Tacocat247> WE NEED MORE (xd) 
[02:11] <The Tidal Wave> ^^^
[02:11] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[02:11] <The Tidal Wave> hmmm
[02:11] <Theelementalmaster> IK
[02:11] <Theelementalmaster> IK
[02:11] <The Tidal Wave> what
[02:11] <Tacocat247> OwO
[02:11] <The named BOSS> This will be immortalized
[02:11] <Theelementalmaster> Don't tell Trapioki or I'll kill you in your sleep
[02:11] <Theelementalmaster> Choosing "I am Sorry" will make your tank cyan and you are now on a team in where you cant hurt trapioki but can defend trapioki, when you kill a player against trapioki you get a 15 second speed boost, reload boost and a regen boost. This will last until trapioki dies or everyone against trapioki died at least once, also if you're auto trapper this is the automatic choose for you, a notifaction will pop up saying "You made the right choice" when the battle begins.
[02:11] <Theelementalmaster> 
[02:12] <The named BOSS> On my wall
[02:12] <The Tidal Wave> Mega War Machine after that
[02:12] <The Tidal Wave> DO IT BOSS
[02:12] <The Tidal Wave> IMMORTALIZE THIS GOLD
[02:12] <The named BOSS> Well some of it
[02:12] <Theelementalmaster> taco r u doing in
[02:12] <Tacocat247> Engrish: " Select "Forgive" the tank and now it's blue team where are you hurt trapioki but to protect trapioki, if you kill a player against trapioki 15 seconds you get a Boost-increases download speed and increase regen. It continues to trapioki to die, or against trapioki farts bullets at least once, trapper, if you have a car cars for You to choose notifaction horse and said, "you made the right choice" when the war begins."
[02:12] <Theelementalmaster> it
[02:13] <Tacocat247> "It continues to trapioki to die, or against trapioki farts bullets at least once"
[02:13] <Theelementalmaster> FUCMONG HELL
[02:13] <The Tidal Wave> oh lord
[02:13] <Tacocat247> "Trapioki farts bullets"
[02:13] <Theelementalmaster> NO
[02:13] <Theelementalmaster> TACO
[02:13] <Tacocat247> [s]Kill meh
[02:13] <The Tidal Wave> ozun better not malfunction
[02:13] <Theelementalmaster> STOP
[02:13] <Tacocat247> Thats how it came out
[02:13] <Theelementalmaster> OZUN
[02:13] <Theelementalmaster> PLEASE
[02:13] <Tacocat247> I swear
[02:13] <The Tidal Wave> ok ok ok.
[02:13] <The named BOSS> , trapper, if you have a car cars for You to choose notifaction horse and said, "you made the right choice" when the war begins."
[02:13] <The Tidal Wave> Mega War Machine.
[02:13] <The Tidal Wave> The collab.
[02:13] <Tacocat247> k
[02:13] <The named BOSS> You to choose notifaction horse
[02:13] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Wat
[02:13] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Is happening
[02:14] <Teamerz> taco is translating conception designs with google translate
[02:14] <Teamerz> from english to engrish
[02:14] <The Tidal Wave> it's gold
[02:14] <The Tidal Wave> I suggested Booster Sim
[02:14] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Lol
[02:14] <The Tidal Wave> double the gold
[02:15] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "All Terrain Vehicle, which is known as the concept of mega dice roll with you. It's your boss. You which is equivalent to big machine. It is you, the second part (in special containers). It will appear in game mode, except for the Maze. Only spawn twice a month. At this point the screen begins to flicker black and these words appear on the screen: "
[02:15] <The named BOSS> Look at my wall
[02:15] <Tacocat247> I thought Astra was my boss
[02:15] <Theelementalmaster> FFA autocorrect 
[02:15] <Theelementalmaster> FAK
[02:15] <Theelementalmaster> FFS
[02:15] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Mega dice roll
[02:15] <Mr.BigWallofText3> ?!
[02:16] <Tacocat247> I shakk maj your theme bettr., 
[02:16] <Theelementalmaster> The Guardian Of The Guardian Of The Pentagons (G.O.T.G.O.T.P For Short) Is An A.I Controlled Boss With A 1 In 800,000 Chance To Spawns Every 5 Seconds. (Uberly Extra Extraordinarily Rare Idk). It spawn guardians with amount of drones spawned from guardian.
[02:16] <Theelementalmaster> Do it
[02:16] <The named BOSS> Ele pm or I will tell trapioki 
[02:16] <Theelementalmaster> No
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> Theyre not even real
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> they don't xist
[02:17] <The named BOSS> Whatever
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> we don't exost
[02:17] <The Tidal Wave> can i please have my mouse back
[02:17] <Teamerz> [[User:trapioki]]
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> exist
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> TEAMER
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> STOP
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> GOD DAMNNIT
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> I HATE EVERYTHINF
[02:17] <The named BOSS> YAS 
[02:17] <Teamerz> i only linked something
[02:17] <Teamerz> jeez.
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> IVE ALREADY HAD A FUCKING HORRIBLE DAY
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> AND NOW RHI
[02:17] <Theelementalmaster> GOD
[02:17] <Tacocat247> Engrish: " (I don't give a fuck. And G. O. T. S. Quickly penetration Panel, Protection, Protective, A Probability Of 1 In 800,000-Boss, Octopus, Every 5 Seconds To Check A. (Uberly Extra Rare Ldk). Bob, why the Guards of the plane, the number of games. "
[02:17] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Everythingf
[02:18] <The Tidal Wave> now what do we do
[02:18] <The Tidal Wave> which one
[02:18] <Tacocat247> MORE
[02:18] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[02:18] <Tacocat247> [giant]MORE!!!
[02:18] <The Tidal Wave> hmmm
[02:18] <Tacocat247> WAIT
[02:18] <Tacocat247> IDEA
[02:18] <Tacocat247> SMASHER
[02:18] <The Tidal Wave> WHAT
[02:18] <The Tidal Wave> EH
[02:19] <The Tidal Wave> DO ITTTTTT
[02:19] <Theelementalmaster> Back to normalmtanks
[02:19] <Tacocat247> IMA DO IT
[02:19] <Theelementalmaster> (smasher) :Lemme Smash
[02:19] <Teamerz> do sassafras while you're at it
[02:20] <Theelementalmaster> Copy and paste like a quarter of the quotes
[02:20] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Sassafras: Seduce me!
[02:20] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Actual quote
[02:20] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "The most impressive is one of the five existing in the framework of modernization of the tank and it can go to Mexico. Unlike other up house, information is only available if the player chooses to upgrade to 15 level, but, instead of having to wait until level 30. You can also restore the mines, stunning cars, or train. "
[02:20] <Tacocat247> "The most impressive is one of the five existing in the framework of modernization of the tank and it can go to Mexico. "
[02:20] <Theelementalmaster> Omg
[02:20] <The named BOSS> Ele pm or I will tell-
[02:20] <Theelementalmaster> Smasher can go to Mexico returns
[02:20] <Tacocat247> "and it can go to Mexico. "
[02:20] <Theelementalmaster> Omg
[02:20] <Theelementalmaster> Its back
[02:20] <Tacocat247> XD
[02:21] <The Tidal Wave> oh mein gott
[02:21] <Theelementalmaster> DO HYBRDI
[02:21] <Theelementalmaster> HYBRID
[02:21] <Tacocat247> OK
[02:21] <The Tidal Wave> DEFENDER NEXT
[02:21] <The named BOSS> I want one more conception engrished 
[02:21] <Tacocat247> ONE AT A TIME
[02:21] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[02:22] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "The hybrid has a 4-Level baby, and is one of the three updates carrots are not Destructive. This Gun Spawner, which can cause more than two uncontrolled traveling circus. "
[02:22] <Theelementalmaster> TACO
[02:22] <Theelementalmaster> wat
[02:22] <Tacocat247> "carrots are not Destructive"
[02:23] <The Tidal Wave> good lord
[02:23] <The named BOSS> Elemental
[02:23] <The named BOSS> *cracks knuckles*
[02:23] <Tacocat247> "The hybrid has a 4-Level baby"
[02:23] <The Tidal Wave> what
[02:23] <Tacocat247> MAH GAWD
[02:23] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[02:23] <Tacocat247> next
[02:23] <The Tidal Wave> now defender
[02:23] <Tacocat247> K'
[02:23] <The named BOSS> Can i pick one?
[02:23] <The Tidal Wave> after mine
[02:23] <The named BOSS> A conception?
[02:23] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Hybrid can have up to two uncontrollable circuses
[02:23] <The named BOSS> Yeah after tidal 
[02:23] <Theelementalmaster> I hate hybrid now
[02:23] <Theelementalmaster> Down with the circus 
[02:24] <Tacocat247> XD
[02:24] <Theelementalmaster> Corrupt X is evil :(
[02:24] <The Tidal Wave> duh
[02:24] <Theelementalmaster> Nooooooooo
[02:24] <The Tidal Wave> i mean "corrupt" X
[02:24] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Defender is your boss. Please check the Chapter clicker. Added 23. Aug 2016. The deflector boss boss boss boss boss has opportunity to rise to 10-13 octopus after the server is running, and 15-23 minutes after the death of the previous boss. "
[02:25] <Tacocat247> THIS IS GREAT (xd) 
[02:25] <Theelementalmaster> FFS
[02:25] <The Tidal Wave> "boss boss boss boss boss"
[02:25] <The named BOSS> [small] elemental will kill me if I say it out loud
[02:25] <Theelementalmaster> WHO IS MY BOSS
[02:25] <Tacocat247> " to rise to 10-13 octopus"
[02:25] <Tacocat247> I picked my boss
[02:25] <Tacocat247> Astra
[02:25] <Theelementalmaster> mah boss is an octopus who is wus and can make a woman blush
[02:25] <Tacocat247> Next!
[02:26] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Predator
[02:26] <Theelementalmaster> No
[02:26] <Theelementalmaster> Boss
[02:26] <Tacocat247> We already did that
[02:26] <Tacocat247> BOSS, pick
[02:26] <The named BOSS> Any conception?
[02:26] <The Tidal Wave> yes
[02:26] <Tacocat247> Grevious was fucking spectacular.
[02:26] <Mr.BigWallofText3> !
[02:26] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Zathsu
[02:26] <Theelementalmaster> taco
[02:27] <Theelementalmaster> try this
[02:27] <Mr.BigWallofText3> >:D
[02:27] <Tacocat247> ?
[02:27] <The Tidal Wave> BOSS first
[02:27] <Theelementalmaster> Transltae it back for back 5 times and make it bak to English 
[02:27] <Tacocat247> Wait
[02:27] <Theelementalmaster> For Super Engrish
[02:27] <Tacocat247> Wait
[02:27] <Mr.BigWallofText3> .
[02:27] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Hi
[02:27] <Tacocat247> OK
[02:28] <Tacocat247> I got a long one
[02:28] <Mr.BigWallofText3> ..
[02:28] <Theelementalmaster> (Lenny) 
[02:28] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Ye
[02:28] <The named BOSS> From me
[02:28] <Tacocat247> And it will take a while
[02:28] <Mr.BigWallofText3> (SHINY) 
[02:28] <The named BOSS> Elemental don't hurt me
[02:28] <The Tidal Wave> what did BOSS choose
[02:28] <Mr.BigWallofText3> (shiny) 
[02:28] <The Tidal Wave> you wish.
[02:28] <The Tidal Wave> Is it TEM's profile
[02:28] <Tacocat247> You'll see.
[02:28] <The named BOSS> No
[02:29] <The Tidal Wave> QWT0's?
[02:29] <Theelementalmaster> O G OKS
[02:29] <Theelementalmaster> PLS
[02:29] <Theelementalmaster> YESSS
[02:29] <Theelementalmaster> S
[02:29] <Theelementalmaster> S
[02:29] <Theelementalmaster> SHARK HEAD
[02:29] <The named BOSS> Maybe
[02:29] <Tacocat247> Engrish :" First, two necromancers, and other Ultimancer auto-start rules, then the car ultimancer the city centre, so that the operator back to the fire, and within 3 seconds, then invisible. after another ultimancer need to stop the rotation Director is involved, one hundred ultimancer until Wednesday, if all goes well, ultimancer will be the center QWT0, however, only 5% of the work, and if not, the center ultimancer loses 75% HP available. "
[02:29] <The Tidal Wave> yup.
[02:29] <The Tidal Wave> ok now
[02:29] <The Tidal Wave> who's next
[02:29] <Tacocat247> Teckts
[02:29] <Theelementalmaster> RITUAL BY:Good202
[02:30] <The named BOSS> Elemental 
[02:30] <The Tidal Wave> oh
[02:30] <The Tidal Wave> Zathsu's profile
[02:30] <Tacocat247> k
[02:30] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Yes?
[02:30] <Theelementalmaster> (rage) 
[02:30] <The named BOSS> Pm
[02:30] <Mr.BigWallofText3> (doge)
[02:30] <Tacocat247> "Hello. I am your average wikia goer with the special power of having high tolerance of anybody on the internet (surprising, I know). I fight for what I think, like any good citizen should. I was once the active replacement of the Founder, but now that is Master Ursuul. I am back due to the merge, but Master Ursuul is still the official leader you should go to for matters relating to the wiki. I just stand around and look cute... :3 "
[02:30] <Mr.BigWallofText3> (angrydoge)
[02:30] <Tacocat247> (rage) 
[02:30] <The named BOSS> My profile
[02:30] <Tacocat247> ([/b]rage)
[02:30] <The named BOSS> Wait 
[02:30] <Tacocat247> wait
[02:30] <Mr.BigWallofText3> (rage) 
[02:30] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Oh ok
[02:31] <Theelementalmaster> Ok
[02:31] <Theelementalmaster> So
[02:31] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Good day. I have the diameter of the wikia people with special powers, they have a high resistance to every person on the Internet (it is not strange, I know). I will fight for what I think, that every good citizen should. I was once, that in exchange for the assets of the Founders, but now, when Professor Ursuul. I came back for the merge, but I'm Glad i got Ursuul. l is still the official leader, you should go for the solution of questions related to the wiki. I am sexy.... :3"
[02:32] <The Tidal Wave> what is that last sentence
[02:32] <Theelementalmaster> "I am sexy.... :3"
[02:32] <Theelementalmaster> Is that a seductive zathsu
[02:32] <Tacocat247> Yes.
[02:32] <The named BOSS> I have idea
[02:32] <Tacocat247> Wait
[02:32] <Mr.BigWallofText3> I have a feeling that was meant to happen xD
[02:32] <Tacocat247> " Bomber dog Aries goat case, the axis of the bullet. To kill a tank shooting sloper 2000.3, "rainbow" Darwinism and polygons, but the juice of the Pentagon. Tank, polygon, and rewards, experience and results. Unlimited cards, on a white background. Note: do not try! , "
[02:32] <The Tidal Wave> where is that from
[02:33] <The Tidal Wave> Booster sim?
[02:33] <Tacocat247> Yes
[02:33] <The named BOSS> THE ONE BEFORE
[02:33] <Tacocat247> Ima double engrish the Zathsu quote
[02:33] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Yea
[02:33] <Theelementalmaster> Taco
[02:33] <Spencer eats cats> hello
[02:33] <Theelementalmaster> Later
[02:33] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[02:33] <The named BOSS> NOOOOOOOO 
[02:33] <Theelementalmaster> can j do my old profiles conception wiki profile
[02:33] <The Tidal Wave> QWT0?
[02:34] <Theelementalmaster> yes
[02:34] <Tacocat247> Engrish x2: "Good afternoon. I have a boring Wikia people with special abilities, they have a high resistance to every person on the Internet (weird, I know). I will fight for what I believe any law abiding citizen should. I was once, in exchange for the assets of the founders, but now, as i got raped by Professor Ursuul, I came to win money, but I'm glad I was able Ursuul. I'm still the official leader, you have to go in order to solve the problems related to the Wiki. I am sexy.... :3"
[02:34] <The Tidal Wave> still sexy.
[02:34] <Theelementalmaster> the last sentence stabds
[02:34] <Theelementalmaster> stands
[02:34] <Teamerz> "i got raped by professor ursuul"
[02:34] <Tacocat247> Wot
[02:34] <The Tidal Wave> ahahhahahahahahahahahaahahah
[02:34] <The named BOSS> ", but now, as i got raped by Professor Ursuul,"
[02:34] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Dammit this was planned
[02:35] <The Tidal Wave> (kek) 
[02:35] <Theelementalmaster> rip
[02:36] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[02:36] <Mr.BigWallofText3> One more time
[02:36] <Theelementalmaster> NOO
[02:36] <The Tidal Wave> x3?
[02:36] <Tacocat247> *engrishing
[02:36] <Theelementalmaster> MANY MORE TIMES
[02:36] <The named BOSS> Ohhhhhh elemental
[02:36] <Theelementalmaster> WHAT
[02:37] <Spencer eats cats> (kek) 
[02:37] <The named BOSS> Guess what quotes are going on my wall
[02:37] <The named BOSS> All of the engrish)
[02:37] <The named BOSS> That includes
[02:37] <The Tidal Wave> all of them?
[02:37] <The Tidal Wave> good.
[02:37] <The named BOSS> Yes
[02:37] <Tacocat247> Engrish x3: 'Good Afternoon. I'm bored Wikia people with special abilities have a high resistance to every person on the Internet (weird, I know). I will fight for what I believe that every law needs loyal citizens. Once I instead of the property of the founders, but now, as I raped the teacher Ursuul, I came to gamble money, but I'm glad I'm able Ursuul rape tape. I'm the official leader, you have to go to the questions related to the wiki. I had sex.... :3"
[02:37] <The Tidal Wave> ....
[02:37] <Theelementalmaster> DAFUQ
[02:37] <Theelementalmaster> so
[02:37] <Tacocat247> OK, this is getting out of hand 
[02:37] <Theelementalmaster> ursuul raped zathsu
[02:37] <Tacocat247> Ima stop
[02:38] <Theelementalmaster> and zathsu got revenge
[02:38] <Theelementalmaster> NOOOOOO
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> (laugh5) 
[02:38] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Another.
[02:38] <Tacocat247> FINE
[02:38] <Mr.BigWallofText3> (lenny) 
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> (lmao)
[02:38] <Theelementalmaster> The last sentence changed
[02:38] <The Tidal Wave> ozun you better be recording all this.
[02:39] <Tacocat247> She is
[02:39] <Teamerz> welp that escalated quickly
[02:39] <The Tidal Wave> now translate one more time
[02:39] <Mr.BigWallofText3> *ozun has a comically big recorder*
[02:39] <The Tidal Wave> then we move on to sth else
[02:39] <Teamerz> one more time sounds like just the right amount of overkill
[02:40] <Mr.BigWallofText3> [big] Yes.
[02:40] <Tacocat247> Engrish x4: "Good Day. I miss the Man Wikia with special Abilities, have a high Tolerance with respect to any Person on the Internet (it's weird, I know). I fight for what I believe, that all of the Applications on the right Page, as loyal Citizens. Once I am in Possession of the Founder, but now that I have raped, Ursuul Professor and myself, I came here to play. Acquired Currency Squill. But I am glad that I was able to Ursuul Violation of the Track. I am official Guide, You will on the Issues concerning the Wiki. I've had Sex.... :3"
[02:40] <Theelementalmaster> So
[02:40] <Tacocat247> "but now that I have raped, Ursuul Professor and myself"
[02:40] <The Tidal Wave> oh goddd
[02:40] <Theelementalmaster> DAFUQ
[02:40] <The Tidal Wave> (xd) 
[02:40] <Theelementalmaster> HOW RHE FAQ
[02:40] <The Tidal Wave> alright.
[02:40] <Tacocat247> THE STAKES ARE TOO DAMN HIGH
[02:40] <Teamerz> l0l
[02:40] <Theelementalmaster> Ok
[02:40] <Tacocat247> Again?
[02:40] <Teamerz> yes pls
[02:41] <Theelementalmaster> Ues
[02:41] <The Tidal Wave> (yes) 
[02:41] <Mr.BigWallofText3> [big] yes
[02:41] <Theelementalmaster> Ok I had to refresh chst
[02:41] <Theelementalmaster> it was lagging
[02:41] <Theelementalmaster> bad
[02:41] <Spencer eats cats> (pingas)
[02:41] <Spencer eats cats> aw
[02:41] <Tacocat247> (rage) 
[02:42] <The Tidal Wave> mate i lost my cursor.
[02:42] <The Tidal Wave> you can't possibly (rage) more than i am.
[02:42] <Spencer eats cats> (doge)
[02:42] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[02:42] <The Tidal Wave> it's rage
[02:42] <Spencer eats cats> i bet i spelt it wrong lol
[02:42] <Tacocat247> ([/b]rage)
[02:42] <Teamerz> just do the engrishening already
[02:42] <Tacocat247> OK, ima continue with the Zathsu profile engrish
[02:43] <Theelementalmaster> NOOW
[02:43] <Tacocat247> Engrish x5: "Good Afternoon. Special skills Bayanposta jump on people (which is weird) on the Internet for everyone, high tolerance, I don't know. On the right side, I believe that all applications that are loyal citizens, who are fighting for what. Designers, I have no so much time ago, but now i raped ursua boastful a teacher, a mother, myself. I have come here to play. The Money You Earn Blue Star. But the track in violation of ursua, pursuant'm glad I did. Wiki-related to the official squirt questions, which I have heard. Sexy Zathsu.... :3"
[02:43] <Theelementalmaster> WHOS URSUA
[02:43] <The Tidal Wave> ok, ursuul became ursua.
[02:44] <The Tidal Wave> maybe Ursula
[02:44] <Theelementalmaster> the last sentence changed 
[02:44] <The Tidal Wave> gods no
[02:44] <Tacocat247> K next!
[02:44] <Tacocat247> Again or another quote?
[02:44] <Teamerz> agein
[02:44] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Again
[02:44] <The Tidal Wave> enough of zathsu
[02:44] <Teamerz> do it until it doesnt make sense at all
[02:44] <Tacocat247> ^
[02:44] <The Tidal Wave> do Ursuul now
[02:44] <Tacocat247> ok
[02:44] <Theelementalmaster> no
[02:44] <Theelementalmaster> I said mine later doe first
[02:45] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[02:45] <Tacocat247> "Greetings & Salutations dear fellows, I am Ursuul. I’m a Bureaucrat here, & I head this Wiki as its leader. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, et cetera, then feel free to leave a message here. I try to answer all of my messages, especially messages on my Talk Page, but I am quite forgetful so feel free to message me twice."
[02:45] <Teamerz> next thing you know rape is introduced in that paragraph
[02:45] <Mr.BigWallofText3> (lenny) 
[02:46] <The named BOSS> Hey
[02:46] <Tacocat247> Engrish: 'Correspondence correspondence dear citizens. I Ursuul.. A bureaucrat, wiki, and put her head to pen. There are questions, problems, feel free to suggestions and shit, poop is here. I'm working on the answer all the squirt, especially the day is a discussion on a message to my page, but I'm doing it, feel free to message me with a few."
[02:46] <Tacocat247> "feel free to suggestions and shit, poop is here."
[02:46] <Tacocat247> I T W A S D E S T I N E D
[02:47] <Teamerz> agein.
[02:47] <The Tidal Wave> ok now do TEM's suggestion
[02:47] <Theelementalmaster> here come my derpy version
[02:48] <Tacocat247> Engrish x2: "Technical, Technical, Dear Citizens. I Ursululululu.. чинуша, Vicky and put the Head on the Handle. You have Questions, Problems, please make Offers and Shit, Shit here. I'm working on, in Response to all of these Sprays, especially for the Day of the Discussion of Publications on my Page, but I Do it, don't sex, send me a Message." "don't hesitate, Suggestions and Shit, Shit here". 
[02:48] <Teamerz> "ursululululu"
[02:48] <The Tidal Wave> russian how
[02:48] <Tacocat247> "don't sex, send me a Message."
[02:48] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Dont sex
[02:48] <Teamerz> one more time and we have rape 
[02:48] <Theelementalmaster> dont invoke the teamerz guys
[02:49] <Teamerz> ?
[02:49] <Teamerz> wdym invoke the teamerz
[02:49] <Teamerz> im already here
[02:49] <Theelementalmaster> ok
[02:49] <The named BOSS> [[User:The named BOSS]] look under taco's section
[02:49] <The named BOSS> And ele pm
[02:49] <Theelementalmaster> Too laye
[02:49] <Theelementalmaster> late
[02:50] <Theelementalmaster> i refreshed
[02:50] <Tacocat247> Engrish x3: "Next, Next, Dear Citizens. I steal souls. bureaucrat, Wiki and put the head on the handle. You have questions, problems, you can make an offer, shit, shit. I worked as the answer to all these sprays, in particular, the day the discussion of the publications on my website, but I'm doing this, not rape porno's, send me a message." "be afraid, shit, shit.""
[02:50] <The named BOSS> There
[02:50] <The named BOSS> Ele pm
[02:50] <Teamerz> "not rape porno's"
[02:50] <The Tidal Wave> we have rape.
[02:50] <Teamerz> called it
[02:50] <Tacocat247> Ursululululu turned into " I steal souls."
[02:50] <The Tidal Wave> @BOSS needs more
[02:50] <The Tidal Wave> add every single one 
[02:50] <Tacocat247> OK NOW QWT0's
[02:50] <Theelementalmaster> o no
[02:50] <Theelementalmaster> Warnonf
[02:50] <The named BOSS> Ele pm
[02:51] <Theelementalmaster> Good202 is about to vandalize 
[02:51] <Theelementalmaster> Get ready for the result
[02:51] <The named BOSS> And BTW 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> "The shit is a secret boss Added 24. by may 2017. It paper attack, design and technology, many, most of the Obama to handle. Appears after each boss, with the possible exception of the fallen heads., "
[02:51] <The Tidal Wave> what
[02:51] <The named BOSS> Feel free to add things under your section taco
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Hello
[02:51] <Tacocat247> 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> I am QWT0, your totally average Ultimate Necromancer.
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Analysis Edit
[02:51] <Tacocat247> 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Name:QWT0
[02:51] <Tacocat247> 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Organic?:Is an android but has organic skin.
[02:51] <Tacocat247> 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Type of Tank:Ultimancer
[02:51] <Tacocat247> 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Divine Status:Good, and a Guard of the Gates to the Heavens. Also is godly.
[02:51] <Tacocat247> 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Alpha:7.23454345x3+5
[02:51] <Tacocat247> 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Necromantic Skill:1024754613575000% (MAX)
[02:51] <Tacocat247> 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Age:875 Thousand Millenia
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Guards Of the Gate
[02:51] <Tacocat247> 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> And probably this guy, he is a champion.
[02:51] <Tacocat247> Currently Working On:Clayten
[02:51] <Tacocat247> 
[02:51] <Tacocat247> "The True God of the Prime Plane" 
[02:51] <Theelementalmaster> Ohh no
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> Syip
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> no
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> Nevermind
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> No.
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> no
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> STOP
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> NO
[02:52] <Tacocat247> Im doing it
[02:52] <The Tidal Wave> too l8.
[02:52] <The named BOSS> And that's going on Wall
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> N
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> NO
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> FUCK
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> ILL LEAVE
[02:52] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Hello, I QWT0, kitchen, media, Finally, the Necromancer. Analysis of the Name of:QWT0 Bio?:It is the android, but the skin biological. Type of aquarium:Ultimancer Aunt Status:Well, and Protect the gates of heaven. Even the holidays. Alfa:7.23454345x3+5 Nigrománticos Capacity:1024754613575000% (MAX) Age:875 Thousands of years, the Guards at the Doors And, probably, this guy is a champion. Currently working on:Clayten "the True God at the centre of attention" "
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> IM LEAVING
[02:52] <The named BOSS> Yes
[02:52] <Theelementalmaster> I TO,D YOU
[02:52] <Tacocat247> Hey
[02:52] <Tacocat247> It doesnt have Rape.
[02:52] <Teamerz> not yet.
[02:53] <Tacocat247> (grin2) 
[02:53] <Tacocat247> (200%)
[02:53] <The named BOSS> RE ENGIRSH IT
[02:53] <Theelementalmaster> Dont keep going
[02:53] <Theelementalmaster> NO
[02:53] <Tacocat247> Forgot that was removed
[02:53] <Tacocat247> I will not go
[02:53] <Tacocat247> *going
[02:53] <Tacocat247> NEXT!
[02:53] <The named BOSS> Aw
[02:53] <Tacocat247> Im re-engrishing this
[02:53] <Teamerz> rengirsh
[02:53] <Teamerz> >:(
[02:53] <Tacocat247> "Sun-Butt is fracturing us. A round, orange body with three jumps at the top. Three-jump the black circle at the top. on the walls of the tank 2 spray gun barrels. on one side is a trapezoid. part red. under the trapeze, the starter. on the back there is 2 jumps, one left and 1 right. , "
[02:53] <The Tidal Wave> BOSS's whole hall of embarressment.
[02:54] <Tacocat247> Engrish x2: "Praise the Sun-Butt. We have an example of the difference. In the upper part of the three horses, the round, orange body. 3-the upper part of the black around the dance. tank, 2 cannons on the walls of the barrel. of the trapezoid. part of the red. a-line, according to the topic. 2 horses, 1 on the side of the left and right mouse button. , "
[02:54] <The named BOSS> Hell yes
[02:54] <The Tidal Wave> praise the sun butt.
[02:54] <Tacocat247> "In the upper part of the three horses"
[02:55] <Tacocat247> gtg in a bit
[02:55] <The Tidal Wave> now x2 Titanititan.
[02:55] <Tacocat247> One more engrish
[02:55] <Tacocat247> ok
[02:57] <Tacocat247> ""One day, the female isis, hole, mess around, play with them and put them in different order bald man. Archprophet to give per hour of day, working day day day, night night, much to the worship god. Obviously, it's annoy, but I have no inspiration or ideas for another war mech. So I decided, a TV and a private. Finally, the mad scientist, the normal operation of the organizations participating small torture rezervuarus, construction, death, auto, Boris and walk, he can't do it this weekend. In any case, transformers TV and suddenly the inspiration came from him! He returned to work early in the morning and immediately started working on a new and, perhaps, most difficult project, but Archprophet can't understand. "
[02:57] <Tacocat247> Engrish
[02:57] <The named BOSS> That's it
[02:57] <Tacocat247> no its not
[02:57] <The Tidal Wave> good202.
[02:58] <The Tidal Wave> his profile, if he has one.
[02:58] <The named BOSS> I'm going ham with the engrish QWT0
[02:58] <Tacocat247> "One day, one woman ate ISIS hole, make, play with them, and put them in the same order, balding man. Archprophet give the hour, day, day, day, day, evening, night, many to serve God. Of course it's boring, but I have no inspiration and ideas for the next war machine. So I decided, a TV and a private. Finally, one mad scientist, the normal functioning of organizations involved in small rezervuarus of torture, construction, death, auto, Boris and leave, he can't do it this weekend. In any case, processors, tv-and suddenly the inspiration came out! He went back to work early in the morning and immediately began working on a new and, perhaps, the most difficult process, but Archprophet can understand. "
[02:58] <Theelementalmaster> If you post it I will never go into chat again -_-
[02:58] <Theelementalmaster> ate isis hole?
[02:58] <Tacocat247> wot
[02:58] <The Tidal Wave> "next war machine"
[02:58] <The Tidal Wave> another one??/
[02:59] <Tacocat247> OH GLORIOUS
[02:59] <Tacocat247> WAR MACHINE 5732897429837328972893798427398
[02:59] <Tacocat247> gtg
[02:59] <Tacocat247> Bye
[02:59] <The Tidal Wave> bye
[02:59] <Theelementalmaster> Bye
[02:59] <The Tidal Wave> gonna leave for noe
[02:59] <The Tidal Wave> now
[02:59] <The Tidal Wave> gonna try to fix my mouse
[03:00] <Theelementalmaster> One more thing I'll do
[03:02] <The named BOSS> Ele
[03:02] <Theelementalmaster> Well, Tamato was not always such a glam
[03:02] <Theelementalmaster> I was once a dull crab
[03:02] <Theelementalmaster> Now I know I can be happy as a clam
[03:02] <Theelementalmaster> Because I am a beautiful child
[03:02] <Theelementalmaster> Did your grandmother say, "Listen to your heart"?
[03:02] <Theelementalmaster> "Who are you inside?"
[03:02] <Theelementalmaster> I need three words to tear her argument
[03:02] <Theelementalmaster> Your grandmother was lying
[03:02] <Theelementalmaster> Dere
[03:02] <Theelementalmaster> bai
[03:03] <The named BOSS> Bai
[03:03] <The named BOSS> Pm
[03:03] <The named BOSS> Pm ele
[03:04] <The named BOSS> (Lots of text incoming)
[03:05] <The named BOSS> K nvm Bai 
[03:08] <Mr.BigWallofText3> D:
[03:08] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Oh noes
[03:08] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Chat is ded??
[03:08] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Noooo
[03:09] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Chat is ded.
[03:09] <Mr.BigWallofText3> :(
[03:09] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Well i guess i leave.
[03:10] <The Tidal Wave> Good news folks
[03:10] <The Tidal Wave> my mouse is back
[03:10] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[03:10] <The Tidal Wave> fail
[03:13] <Spencer eats cats> back
[03:45] <The Tidal Wave> chat so dead it decomposed
[04:02] <The Tidal Wave> hi again boss
[04:02] <The Tidal Wave> my mouse is back
[04:05] <Skye Sim> Yo
[04:05] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[04:05] <Skye Sim> That was fast
[04:06] <Skye Sim> Apparently Ursuul won't be as active here
[04:06] <Skye Sim> Because of Vanguard
[04:08] <The Tidal Wave> yeah
[04:09] <The Tidal Wave> so our god emperor is now Zathsu
[04:09] <Skye Sim> 8.26.3 Chapters 10-12
[04:09] <Skye Sim> GAAAHHHH
[04:09] <The Tidal Wave> what
[04:09] <Skye Sim> Ctrl Z Strikes AGAIN
[04:10] <The Tidal Wave> rip
[04:10] <The Tidal Wave> what were you doing
[04:10] <The Tidal Wave> writing a book?
[04:10] <Skye Sim> No
[04:10] <Skye Sim> Homework
[04:11] <The named BOSS> Rip
[04:11] <The Tidal Wave> ultra rip then
[04:11] <The Tidal Wave> also i have my mouse back
[04:11] <The named BOSS> Oh so
[04:11] <The named BOSS> *fires laser at tidal*
[04:12] <The Tidal Wave> y u always do dis T_T
[04:12] <The Tidal Wave> *gets hit*
[04:12] <The named BOSS> *Omega flies up into air*
[04:13] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[04:13] <The Tidal Wave> nvm
[04:14] <The named BOSS> *fires more lasers at tidal*
[04:16] <The Tidal Wave> *disintegrates*
[04:16] <The named BOSS> Aw
[04:16] <Skye Sim> Oh Spencer was here
[04:17] <Skye Sim> Anyone want to play 2 teams?
[04:17] <The named BOSS> Mobile 
[04:18] <Skye Sim> Oh
[04:18] <Skye Sim> Tidal?
[04:18] <Skye Sim> Chap?
[04:19] <The named BOSS> Tidal
[04:20] <Skye Sim> Oi Tidal
[04:20] <The Tidal Wave> ?
[04:20] <The Tidal Wave> sorry for the late reply
[04:21] <Skye Sim> 2? teams
[04:21] <The Tidal Wave> i gotta eat now
[04:21] <The Tidal Wave> maybe when i come back
[04:21] <Skye Sim> Oh ko
[04:21] <Skye Sim> AAAARGH
[04:27] <The Tidal Wave> back
[04:27] <The Tidal Wave> did you ctrl z again
[04:28] <Skye Sim> Wait
[04:28] <Skye Sim> Sorry had to get to Assassin
[04:28] <Skye Sim> I'll give the link when I die
[04:29] <Skye Sim> Which may be soon
[04:29] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[04:30] <Skye Sim> OK here
[04:30] <Skye Sim> diep.io/#CA8613DEBB302103FCB7
[04:30] <Skye Sim> I'm red
[04:30] <The named BOSS> Bored
[04:31] <The Tidal Wave> join 2 teams then
[04:31] <Skye Sim> He's mobile
[04:32] <The named BOSS> I AM MOBILE
[04:32] <The named BOSS> FEAR ME
[04:32] <Mr.BigWallofText3> ?
[04:32] <Mr.BigWallofText3> !
[04:32] <Skye Sim> diep.io/#CA8613DEBB302103FCB7
[04:32] <Skye Sim> 
[04:32] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Chat is not ded?
[04:33] <Skye Sim> Nope
[04:33] <Mr.BigWallofText3> :D
[04:33] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Soo
[04:33] <Mr.BigWallofText3> Ah cripe gtg
[04:34] <Skye Sim> Bye
[04:34] <Skye Sim> Who are you, Tidal?
[04:35] <The Tidal Wave> Wall-Knight
[04:35] <The Tidal Wave> going for glass octo
[04:35] <Skye Sim> Ok
[04:35] <Skye Sim> Ranger for me
[04:36] <Skye Sim> Yo
[04:39] <Skye Sim> This is the kind of server I like
[04:40] <Skye Sim> Not too aggressive or passive
[04:40] <The Tidal Wave> actually
[04:40] <The Tidal Wave> changed my mind
[04:40] <Skye Sim> Oh
[04:40] <Skye Sim> Ok
[04:40] <The Tidal Wave> not glass octo
[04:40] <The Tidal Wave> 0/7/0/0/7/5/7/7
[04:41] <Skye Sim> Oh I thought you meant you left
[04:41] <Skye Sim> I changed too
[04:41] <Skye Sim> Overlord
[04:43] <The Tidal Wave> i think i saw you
[04:43] <The Tidal Wave> Eclipse right?
[04:43] <Skye Sim> Yea
[04:43] <The Tidal Wave> yeah i saw you.
[04:44] <The Tidal Wave> Overseer?
[04:44] <Skye Sim> Yep
[04:44] <Skye Sim> Oh brb lunch
[04:44] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[04:44] <The named BOSS> Tidal
[04:44] <The named BOSS> I want a good fight bring the frenemy over here or something
[04:46] <Skye Sim> What's your name, BOSS?
[04:46] <The named BOSS> Mobile is my name
[04:46] <Skye Sim> Oh
[04:46] <Skye Sim> ok
[04:46] <Skye Sim> lol
[04:54] <Zathsu> Hello.
[04:54] <Skye Sim> Hi
[04:54] <Skye Sim> We're here: diep.io/#CA8613DEBB302103FCB7
[04:54] <Skye Sim> 
[04:54] <Zathsu> Eh, wait
[04:55] <The Tidal Wave> hi zath
[04:55] <The Tidal Wave> i'm gonna tell you sth hilarious
[04:55] <The Tidal Wave> hi FB
[04:55] <The Tidal Wave> So
[04:55] <FallenBooster> lol hi
[04:55] <The Tidal Wave> Taco was messing around with google translate
[04:55] <Skye Sim> Yes?
[04:56] <The Tidal Wave> He was turning descriptions of tanks into Engrish
[04:56] <Zathsu> Lol
[04:56] <Skye Sim> Engrish?
[04:56] <The Tidal Wave> yes
[04:56] <The Tidal Wave> THEN
[04:56] <Zathsu> Yeah, its a thing.
[04:56] <Skye Sim> THEN?
[04:56] <Zathsu> LIke really broken and messed up English.
[04:56] <Skye Sim> Ah
[04:56] <Skye Sim> Ok what happened
[04:56] <The Tidal Wave> Someone (WallOfText i think) suggested translating your profile
[04:56] <Skye Sim> Me?
[04:56] <The Tidal Wave> @Zathsu
[04:56] <Zathsu> LOL
[04:56] <Skye Sim> Oh
[04:56] <The Tidal Wave> Then
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> this is the best part
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> ait
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[04:57] <Skye Sim> Drumroll....
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> I just stand around and look cute... :3
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> that sentence
[04:57] <Skye Sim> Yes?
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> became
[04:57] <Zathsu> Yes
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> I am sexy... :3
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> THEn
[04:57] <Zathsu> xD
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> I had sex... :3
[04:58] <The Tidal Wave> and i think
[04:58] <Zathsu> (grin) 
[04:58] <The Tidal Wave> somethink turned into
[04:58] <The Tidal Wave> something*
[04:58] <The Tidal Wave> "Got raped by master Ursuul
[04:58] <The Tidal Wave> then
[04:58] <The Tidal Wave> "Raped master Ursuul"
[04:58] <The Tidal Wave> then
[04:58] <The Tidal Wave> "Raped Ursuul and me"
[04:58] <The Tidal Wave> etc etc
[04:59] <Skye Sim> Brb
[04:59] <The Tidal Wave> check BOSS's wall
[04:59] <Zathsu> He has the hall of embarassment, yes
[04:59] <Zathsu> I know
[05:00] <Zathsu> Oh I see
[05:01] <Zathsu> Some of the translations are there lol
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> there was Titanititan's backstory
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> guess what "Dr. Lacus" became
[05:04] <The Tidal Wave> go on.
[05:04] <The Tidal Wave> guess.
[05:05] <Zathsu> Well Im busy editing wait lol
[05:06] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[05:08] <Zathsu> And besides, dont like guessing because answers are literally like infinite xD
[05:09] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[05:09] <The Tidal Wave> i'll tell ye
[05:10] <The Tidal Wave> somehow
[05:10] <The Tidal Wave> "Dr. Lacus" became "female isis"
[05:10] <The Tidal Wave> don't ask
[05:10] <The Tidal Wave> also
[05:11] <Zathsu> Lol
[05:11] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[05:11] <The Tidal Wave> never mind the "also"
[05:13] <Zathsu> Alright.
[05:13] <The Tidal Wave> i think "Predator" turned into "carpet something" but i couldn't remember what.
[05:16] <Zathsu> Welcome, Banana
[05:24] <Zathsu> :|
[05:45] <The Tidal Wave> dead
[05:47] <Skye Sim> yup
[05:50] <Spencer eats cats> hello
[05:51] <Skye Sim> Oh hey
[05:52] <Skye Sim> Wise One
[05:53] <Skye Sim> Now waht
[05:53] <Skye Sim> What
[05:54] <Spencer eats cats> wise one?
[05:55] <Skye Sim> Jut saying
[05:55] <Spencer eats cats> lol
[05:57] <Spencer eats cats> i kinda want an update where you can play as auto turrets again
[05:58] <Skye Sim> ?
[05:59] <Spencer eats cats> like on auto trapper, it has an auto turret on top of it
[05:59] <The Tidal Wave> no
[05:59] <The Tidal Wave> would be too op on an auto 5
[06:00] <The Tidal Wave> like
[06:00] <The Tidal Wave> 1 person moves
[06:00] <Spencer eats cats> i mean, if you press H you can control an auto turret, although not auto 5 because you can already control those
[06:00] <The Tidal Wave> the other 5 gun down a single target
[06:13] <Banarama> hi
[06:14] <Skye Sim> Hi
[06:18] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[07:08] <Skye Sim> Bye Tidal
[09:03] <The Tidal Wave> hoo boy
[09:03] <The Tidal Wave> super dead chat
[09:08] <ItzDracius> hi
[09:10] <ItzDracius> AHHH
[09:10] <ItzDracius> 4th place
[09:10] <ItzDracius> https://prnt.sc/g3cdwc
[09:10] <ItzDracius> kill me now
[09:13] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[09:13] <The Tidal Wave> wow
[09:13] <ItzDracius> Yeah
[09:13] <The Tidal Wave> impressive
[09:13] <ItzDracius> and today i just got into 2nd
[09:13] <The Tidal Wave> noice
[09:13] <ItzDracius> against my "idol"
[09:13] <ItzDracius> lol
[09:14] <ItzDracius> it's a weekly competition
[09:14] <The Tidal Wave> what score is this
[09:14] <The Tidal Wave> mobile diep?
[09:14] <ItzDracius> bejeweled 3
[09:14] <ItzDracius> lightning mode
[09:14] <The Tidal Wave> oh
[09:14] <ItzDracius> but the goal is to get the highest multiplier
[09:14] <ItzDracius> i got 11x on the image
[09:14] <ItzDracius> today i got 13x
[09:14] <The Tidal Wave> impressive
[09:15] <ItzDracius> oh
[09:15] <ItzDracius> and i surpassed the guy who got the world record for quest mode
[09:15] <ItzDracius> so thats cool i guess
[09:16] <ItzDracius> quote from the leader
[09:16] <ItzDracius> "One new participant nearly blew the rankings open by ploughing onto the podium:
[09:18] <The Tidal Wave> you?
[09:18] <The Tidal Wave> the new participant
[09:19] <ItzDracius> yeah
[09:19] <ItzDracius> since i just joined
[09:20] <ItzDracius> two days ago
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> woah
[09:20] <The Tidal Wave> most impressive
[09:21] <ItzDracius> i actually beat my personal record because of my competitiveness
[09:21] <ItzDracius> personal records*
[09:21] <ItzDracius> since i've had many
[09:21] <The Tidal Wave> nice
[09:22] <ItzDracius> thats good for a day
[09:22] <ItzDracius> tomorrow
[09:22] <ItzDracius> again
[09:22] <ItzDracius> oh wait
[09:22] <ItzDracius> i forgot
[09:23] <ItzDracius> i have a new profile picture
[09:23] <ItzDracius> refresh the page
[09:24] <ItzDracius> back
[09:24] <ItzDracius> and it still uses the same colors
[09:30] <The Tidal Wave> nice
[09:48] <The Tidal Wave> i have new avatar too
[09:48] <The Tidal Wave> reload
[09:54] <ItzDracius> cool
[10:50] <The Tidal Wave> now what
[10:50] <The Tidal Wave> do we wait for people
[10:52] <ItzDracius> ...
[10:54] <Skye Sim> Nice pfp Tidal
[10:54] <Skye Sim> And Drac
[10:55] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[10:55] <The Tidal Wave> thanks
[10:55] <Skye Sim> Now what
[10:56] <ItzDracius> thanks
[10:56] <ItzDracius> I GOT 4th place
[10:56] <ItzDracius> IN A WEEKLY COMPETITION
[10:56] <ItzDracius> KILL ME
[10:56] <Skye Sim> What happen?
[10:57] <Skye Sim> What competition
[10:58] <ItzDracius> Bejeweled 3 competition
[10:58] <ItzDracius> i got 2nd place a while ago
[10:58] <Skye Sim> Oh cool
[10:58] <ItzDracius> the 4th place was yesterday
[10:58] <ItzDracius> https://prnt.sc/g3cdwc
[10:58] <Skye Sim> Oh
[10:58] <ItzDracius> heres the image
[10:58] <Skye Sim> YAY
[10:58] <Skye Sim> Good job
[10:59] <ItzDracius> also
[10:59] <ItzDracius> the three above me are admins on the server
[10:59] <ItzDracius> the only 3 admins
[10:59] <ItzDracius> lol
[10:59] <Skye Sim> Oh
[10:59] <The Tidal Wave> heh
[10:59] <The Tidal Wave> anyways
[10:59] <The Tidal Wave> Skye
[10:59] <The Tidal Wave> wanna 2 teams
[10:59] <ItzDracius> brb
[10:59] <ItzDracius> in about 5-10 mins
[11:00] <Skye Sim> OK tidal
[11:01] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[11:01] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[11:01] <The Tidal Wave> diep.io/#D2C4B62CBB30C4B61F3A
[11:01] <Skye Sim> So today I was a Ranger, Spike, Overlord, Ranger, Overlord, Spike and Ranger
[11:01] <Skye Sim> In 2 teams
[11:03] <Skye Sim> YAY
[11:03] <Skye Sim> brb
[11:10] <The Tidal Wave> brb dinner
[11:14] <Skye Sim> Me too
[11:16] <ItzDracius> back
[11:20] <The Tidal Wave> back
[11:20] <Coloyolo> (rip) Chat died
[11:20] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[11:20] <Coloyolo> hi ttw
[11:20] <Coloyolo> changed your avatar?
[11:20] <The Tidal Wave> mhm
[11:20] <Coloyolo> cool
[11:21] <Coloyolo> coolyool
[11:21] <ItzDracius> me too
[11:21] <FallenBooster> back
[11:21] <FallenBooster> betch
[11:22] <ItzDracius> i cannot believe this
[11:22] <FallenBooster> lol
[11:22] <ItzDracius> https://prnt.sc/g3cdwc
[11:22] <ItzDracius> i got 4th place
[11:22] <ItzDracius> well originally 3rd
[11:22] <FallenBooster> ok
[11:22] <ItzDracius> but someone overtooke me in like 2 hours
[11:22] <ItzDracius> overtook*
[11:23] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[11:27] <Coloyolo> chat died
[11:29] <Coloyolo> murp
[11:29] <ItzDracius> lol
[11:29] <Coloyolo> derp
[12:03] <The Tidal Wave> where's AC
[12:03] <The Tidal Wave> he should be here
[12:13] <The Tidal Wave> test
[12:19] <ItzDracius> ...
[12:19] <ItzDracius> ded chat
[12:19] <The Tidal Wave> so ded
[12:42] <The Tidal Wave> back
[12:42] <The Tidal Wave> still dead i see
[12:45] <Teamerz> yep
[01:15] <The named BOSS> Oooooh 
[01:15] <The named BOSS> Tidal
[01:15] <The named BOSS> New profile pic or whatever
[01:16] <The named BOSS> And itzdracius to if I'm not mistaken (I most likely am mistaken)
[01:16] <ItzDracius> Yeah.
[01:16] <ItzDracius> I changed my profile picture.
[01:50] <The Tidal Wave> so dead
[02:08] <The Tidal Wave> test
[02:08] <The Tidal Wave> still dead
[02:10] <The named BOSS> Teamzzzzz
[02:10] <The named BOSS> Teamz 
[02:10] <The named BOSS> teamz
[02:11] <The named BOSS> Fight me
[02:14] <The named BOSS> Bored 
[02:14] <The Tidal Wave> he's probably afk
[02:16] <Teamerz> sure i am
[02:17] <The Tidal Wave> pretty much
[02:22] <TBOO-Y> just came from an FFA server, got teamed on by a Hybrid and an Overlord at the same time
[02:22] <TBOO-Y> and chat is dad
[02:22] <TBOO-Y> dead*
[02:22] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[02:22] <TBOO-Y> hi
[02:22] <TBOO-Y> I'm bored so...
[02:23] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#6CA4A3EEBB305ABD391021B5
[02:24] <The Tidal Wave> oww
[02:26] <TBOO-Y> .-.
[02:26] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[02:31] <TBOO-Y> .-.
[02:33] <The Tidal Wave> ouch.
[02:34] <TBOO-Y> lel
[02:34] <The named BOSS> Tidal?
[02:35] <The named BOSS> TBOO-Y?
[02:35] <The named BOSS> Anyone?
[02:35] <The Tidal Wave> finally.
[02:35] <The named BOSS> ???
[02:35] <The Tidal Wave> killed TBOO-Y after dying to him like 20 times.
[02:36] <TBOO-Y> lol yeah
[02:36] <TBOO-Y> Bullet Speed is important
[02:36] <The named BOSS> Bored
[02:36] <TBOO-Y> join the Sandbox
[02:36] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#6CA4A3EEBB305ABD391021B5
[02:36] <The Tidal Wave> he mobile
[02:36] <The named BOSS> I MOBILE
[02:37] <The Tidal Wave> is that teamz
[02:37] <Teamerz> indeed.
[02:37] <The named BOSS> Teamz
[02:37] <Teamerz> no
[02:38] <The named BOSS> Yes
[02:38] <TBOO-Y> oh ok
[02:38] <The named BOSS> You know what I'm going to say
[02:38] <Teamerz> and you know what im going to say aswell
[02:39] <The named BOSS> ...
[02:39] <TBOO-Y> lol crashers reduced me so much
[02:44] <TBOO-Y> Theres basically nothing that counters a Factory so I'm just gonna choose Penta like a complete fag
[02:45] <Teamerz> ow
[02:45] <Teamerz> lol tboo-y
[02:45] <The Tidal Wave> finally
[02:45] <Teamerz> there ARE counters to factory
[02:45] <TBOO-Y> none I can see
[02:46] <The Tidal Wave> killed it with glass battleship
[02:46] <TBOO-Y> that's because he was fighting me .-.
[02:46] <The Tidal Wave> ow
[02:47] <Enpanzran> Hi.
[02:47] <Enpanzran> Nice new Speeder Image.
[02:47] <The Tidal Wave> thx
[02:47] <The named BOSS> Hi
[02:48] <The Tidal Wave> wanna join sandboz
[02:48] <The Tidal Wave> it's newark
[02:50] <TBOO-Y> the main reason I lose in a high RoF fight is that I don't know whether to focus on the bullets to dodge or the person to shoot
[02:50] <TBOO-Y> i cant focus on both
[02:51] <The named BOSS> Bored
[02:51] <TBOO-Y> so i either die quickly from bullets or i have stormtrooper aim
[02:52] <Enpanzran> Sorry, I am gonna play Red Alert 3.
[02:52] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[02:53] <TBOO-Y> K
[02:54] <Enpanzran> The Shock Therapy Mod + Steam Version combines very well.
[02:56] <Teamerz> eh
[02:56] <Teamerz> 2v1'd
[02:56] <TBOO-Y> SRY
[02:56] <TBOO-Y> oops caps
[02:59] <TBOO-Y> boi
[02:59] <TBOO-Y> why u press O when I'm about to kill you
[03:00] <The Tidal Wave> ehehehehheheheheehehhehehhehehehehehehh
[03:00] <TBOO-Y> this proves Triplet > Sprayer
[03:00] <The Tidal Wave> nah, just proves that i have stormtrooper aim.
[03:00] <TBOO-Y> k
[03:00] <TBOO-Y> dude
[03:00] <Teamerz> triplet > sprayer isnt correct
[03:00] <TBOO-Y> Sprayer is SUPPOSED to have that aim
[03:01] <Teamerz> nor is triplet < sprayer
[03:01] <TBOO-Y> its a joke dude
[03:01] <TBOO-Y> .-.
[03:01] <Teamerz> well what i just said isnt a joke
[03:01] <Enpanzran> It's a way of annoying the attacker or not giving them points for killing you.
[03:01] <Enpanzran> I use O too.
[03:01] <TBOO-Y> its corresponding to what i said which was a joke therefore you responding to that is a new topic
[03:02] <TBOO-Y> but i agree, all tanks are equal pretty muc
[03:02] <TBOO-Y> not so much the tank but the player
[03:02] <The Tidal Wave> explain overlord'
[03:02] <TBOO-Y> but see, there are things called matchups
[03:02] <TBOO-Y> Penta
[03:02] <The named BOSS> Triple Shot is great
[03:02] <TBOO-Y> >:)
[03:02] <The named BOSS> If you know how to play it
[03:02] <The named BOSS> It can beat triplet
[03:02] <TBOO-Y> I explain Overlord in one word
[03:02] <The Tidal Wave> i just use it for farms
[03:02] <TBOO-Y> Yes ik just move back 
[03:03] <The Tidal Wave> that one word for overlord is...
[03:03] <TBOO-Y> but heres how to explain Overlord being equal in JUST ONE WORD.
[03:03] <TBOO-Y> Penta
[03:03] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[03:03] <The Tidal Wave> ?
[03:03] <The Tidal Wave> let's see
[03:03] <TBOO-Y> Pentashot fucks over Overlord
[03:03] <The Tidal Wave> what tank is what other tank's weakness
[03:03] <The named BOSS> Who here thinks triple Shot is shit?
[03:03] <The Tidal Wave> not me
[03:03] <The named BOSS> Not me
[03:03] <Luigi1006YT> Noot me
[03:04] <Luigi1006YT> :^)
[03:04] <TBOO-Y> honestly, what you are saying is that a nerfed Basic Tank can beat Triplet
[03:04] <The Tidal Wave> What's the weakness of uh, hybrid?
[03:04] <The named BOSS> "Nerfed"
[03:04] <TBOO-Y> Bullet Penetration
[03:04] <TBOO-Y> lets do a test to prove
[03:04] <The named BOSS> It is a pentashot with 2 less barrels and much better bullet dmg and pen
[03:04] <TBOO-Y> ill do a test
[03:05] <TBOO-Y> ok
[03:06] <TBOO-Y> Basic Tank kills Square in 2 shots, Triple Shot does it in 3
[03:06] <TBOO-Y> Penta Shot does it in 3 also
[03:06] <TBOO-Y> however'
[03:06] <TBOO-Y> Triple Shot does more damage then Penta
[03:06] <TBOO-Y> Ok
[03:06] <TBOO-Y> Theres the test
[03:06] <TBOO-Y> feel free to do it yourself
[03:07] <TBOO-Y> it has better dmg and pen then Penta but not MUCH better, its a little better
[03:08] <The named BOSS> Eh
[03:08] <TBOO-Y> heres where I'm disappointed in the dev
[03:08] <The named BOSS> But still, it's a their below, cut it some slack
[03:08] <The named BOSS> Teir 
[03:08] <TBOO-Y> Tier
[03:08] <The named BOSS> Teir
[03:08] <The named BOSS> Jwjskqmaka 
[03:08] <The named BOSS> Tier
[03:08] <Teamerz> "much better dmg and pen"
[03:08] <TBOO-Y> You need to put your own fails on your profile
[03:08] <Teamerz> check yer facts.
[03:08] <The named BOSS> ._.
[03:08] <TBOO-Y> BOSS you need to put that on ur prof XD
[03:09] <The named BOSS> Nah
[03:09] <The named BOSS> :^)
[03:09] <Luigi1006YT> :^[giant])
[03:09] <The named BOSS> ^
[03:09] <TBOO-Y> no
[03:09] <Luigi1006YT> plz dont kill me
[03:09] <TBOO-Y> >:(
[03:09] <Luigi1006YT> *hides behind rock*
[03:09] <The named BOSS> Anyways
[03:10] <TBOO-Y> I'm doing a dmg and pen test with Triplet and Triple Shot to calculate the gap
[03:10] <TBOO-Y> hi
[03:10] <The Tidal Wave> back
[03:10] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[03:10] <TBOO-Y> ok
[03:10] <TBOO-Y> Penta has better dmg and pen then Triplet, Triple Shot has more then Triplet and Penta but just BARELY
[03:11] <TBOO-Y> Also
[03:11] <The Tidal Wave> ?
[03:11] <TBOO-Y> Triplet destroys Square in 4 shots
[03:11] <TBOO-Y> with no upgrades'
[03:11] <TBOO-Y> so...
[03:11] <The named BOSS> Triple Shot rules!
[03:11] <TBOO-Y> no
[03:11] <Luigi1006YT> since when did boos not find me behind this rooc
[03:12] <The named BOSS> I did find you but I'm not going to do anything about it yet
[03:12] <Luigi1006YT> wait wha
[03:12] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#6CA4A3EEBB305A4C6910BC49
[03:12] <Luigi1006YT> *gets up and runs*
[03:12] <Luigi1006YT> AAAAAAAAAA
[03:12] <The Tidal Wave> what
[03:12] <The Tidal Wave> he hasn't even done anything yet
[03:13] <The Tidal Wave> hey TBOO-Y
[03:13] <The Tidal Wave> what tests can we do
[03:13] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[03:13] <The Tidal Wave> let's test damage
[03:13] <The Tidal Wave> i be a 3/10/10/10 spike
[03:13] <The Tidal Wave> you shoot at me with a 0/0/0/7/7/7/7/5 bullet tank
[03:13] <TBOO-Y> ok
[03:13] <TBOO-Y> sure
[03:14] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[03:14] <TBOO-Y> 20 hits
[03:14] <The Tidal Wave> now test twin
[03:14] <The Tidal Wave> ?
[03:14] <TBOO-Y> ok'
[03:15] <The Tidal Wave> a lot more than 20.
[03:15] <Luigi1006YT> *runs to a brick wall*
[03:15] <TBOO-Y> 39
[03:15] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[03:15] <Luigi1006YT> *gets behind the brick wall*
[03:15] <The Tidal Wave> nearly double
[03:15] <The Tidal Wave> now sniper
[03:15] <TBOO-Y> yeah
[03:16] <The Tidal Wave> also 20 and a squar
[03:16] <TBOO-Y> 21???
[03:16] <The Tidal Wave> square*
[03:16] <TBOO-Y> yeah
[03:16] <TBOO-Y> machine gun
[03:17] <The Tidal Wave> a lot more than 20.
[03:17] <Luigi1006YT> latency test
[03:18] <TBOO-Y> 42
[03:18] <The Tidal Wave> so twin damage > m-gun damage
[03:18] <The Tidal Wave> now what can we test
[03:19] <The Tidal Wave> or do we just fight
[03:21] <TBOO-Y> fight
[03:24] <The Tidal Wave> guh lag
[03:26] <The Tidal Wave> *waits for taco and ac*
[03:26] <Luigi1006YT> k
[03:31] <TBOO-Y> .-.
[03:32] <TBOO-Y> nuuuu
[03:33] <TBOO-Y> anyone want to play 2 teamz?
[03:33] <TBOO-Y> 
[03:33] <TBOO-Y> ok then ill play alone :(
[03:39] <The named BOSS> https://youtube.com/watch?v=VdhEEbh58Hg
[03:39] <The named BOSS> Holy crap
[03:44] <The Tidal Wave> bored
[03:44] <The named BOSS> Same
[03:52] <Luigi1006YT> best hiding spot
[03:52] <The named BOSS> *picks up rock*
[03:53] <The named BOSS> *throws it at luigi*
[03:53] <Luigi1006YT> *dodges*
[03:53] <Luigi1006YT> :3
[03:53] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#6CA4A3EEBB305A0A9910B654
[03:53] <TBOO-Y> fight though
[03:54] <The named BOSS> *picks up Luigi*
[03:54] <Luigi1006YT> O~O
[03:54] <The named BOSS> *flies up into air, with luigi*
[03:54] <The named BOSS> Don't look down
[03:55] <TBOO-Y> Kovan & Electro-Light - Skyline the music I'm listening to
[03:55] <Luigi1006YT> *closes eyes*
[03:55] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#6CA4A3EEBB305A0A9910B654
[03:55] <The named BOSS> *puts Luigi on top of omega*
[03:55] <The named BOSS> *very high up in the air*
[03:56] <Luigi1006YT> *tries to get off*
[03:57] <The named BOSS> If you fall, that is certain death
[03:57] <Luigi1006YT> oh.
[03:57] <Luigi1006YT> T-T
[03:57] <The named BOSS> So I advise you hold on to something 
[03:57] <The named BOSS> Like a armor plate
[03:57] <The named BOSS> An
[03:57] <TBOO-Y> .-.
[03:58] <The named BOSS> What?
[03:58] <Luigi1006YT> *holds on the armor plate*
[03:58] <The named BOSS> *the omega zooms into the distance, with Luigi on it*
[03:59] <The named BOSS> What, TBOO-Y?
[03:59] <TBOO-Y> nothing
[03:59] <The named BOSS> K
[04:00] <TBOO-Y> OMG
[04:01] <TBOO-Y> I just managed to get the Predator to shootlike in the old days
[04:01] <Luigi1006YT> i'm still holding on the armor thingymajig
[04:01] <TBOO-Y> big bullets first then small
[04:02] <TBOO-Y> I'm waiting lol
[04:02] <Luigi1006YT> boos here or no
[04:03] <TBOO-Y> (eh) 
[04:03] <TBOO-Y> diep.io/#6CA4A3EEBB305A0A9910B654 join pls
[04:03] <TBOO-Y> but actually fight lol
[04:03] <The named BOSS> *the omega slows down and lands*
[04:03] <The named BOSS> *next to a big city*
[04:04] <Luigi1006YT> finally.
[04:04] <TBOO-Y> k
[04:04] <TBOO-Y> alone again .-.
[04:05] <Luigi1006YT> *climbs down omega*
[04:06] <The named BOSS> *a few metal claws come from the omega and grab luigi*
[04:07] <TBOO-Y> Mario climbs up Omega and punches Luigi off, killing Luigi*
[04:07] <TBOO-Y> (xd) 
[04:07] <Luigi1006YT> not funny
[04:07] <Luigi1006YT> *anyway*
[04:07] <Luigi1006YT> w-what are these claws?
[04:08] <The named BOSS> *they drag Luigi back on the omega*
[04:09] <Luigi1006YT> ...
[04:09] <TBOO-Y> Hi there
[04:09] <Luigi1006YT> *autistic screaming*
[04:09] <TBOO-Y> luigi
[04:09] <The named BOSS> *a few lasers aim at Luigi*
[04:09] <TBOO-Y> do you have 12 subs on yt?
[04:10] <Luigi1006YT> no i only have 6 subs
[04:10] <The named BOSS> Brb
[04:10] <TBOO-Y> oh ok
[04:11] <TBOO-Y> brb
[04:12] <Luigi1006YT> *back to rp*
[04:12] <Luigi1006YT> OW!
[04:13] <Luigi1006YT> .-.
[04:20] <The Tidal Wave> suddenly the chat is left barren.
[04:23] <Tacocat247> suddenly Tacocat joins/
[04:26] <Tacocat247> Hi.
[04:26] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[04:26] <Tacocat247> Google Translate?
[04:26] <The Tidal Wave> not yet
[04:27] <Tacocat247> I got some good ideas.
[04:27] <Tacocat247> "Has god mode, infinite HP, Regen, Bullet Penetration/Damage/Reload, the bullets go 40 times as fast as arena closer bullets and are 400 times as big as arena closers AND deal 90000 tiles of knockback plus of setting ALL of the stats of the entities hit by bullets to 0. Also this tank has barrels every 0.5 degrees. " ~ TBOO
[04:28] <Tacocat247> This will be the first one
[04:28] <The Tidal Wave> ooohhhh
[04:28] <The Tidal Wave> wait until more people
[04:28] <Tacocat247> K
[04:30] <Tacocat247> Hi
[04:31] <The named BOSS> You are going to engrish that?
[04:31] <The Tidal Wave> yes.
[04:31] <Tacocat247> yes.
[04:31] <Tacocat247> 
[04:31] <The Tidal Wave> do it
[04:31] <Tacocat247> k
[04:31] <Tacocat247> BOSS, record this shit
[04:31] <The Tidal Wave> gon be good202 worthy
[04:31] <The named BOSS> Wait what?
[04:32] <Tacocat247> (Put it on your user)
[04:32] <The named BOSS> Mk will do
[04:33] <The Tidal Wave> latency test
[04:33] <The named BOSS> Taco?
[04:33] <The named BOSS> I,can't put this on my wall
[04:34] <The named BOSS> I can't just put empty space on MY WALL
[04:35] <Teamerz> you can
[04:35] <Teamerz> .3.
[04:35] <Tacocat247> F my internet
[04:35] <Tacocat247> Anyways
[04:35] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "I is God. infinite XP with boob, regen, tear of the ball/damage/cool down, the ball 40 times faster than arena ball, with 400 pleats, as big as the arena is open and Internet-90000 tiles, differences in the configuration of all the properties of the objects, which are balls 0. Also this tank barrels, each with a capacity of 0.5 degrees."
[04:36] <The Tidal Wave> lolwut
[04:36] <Tacocat247> ^
[04:36] <Tacocat247> "I is God."
[04:36] <Tacocat247> Good202 worthy 
[04:37] <Tacocat247> Next!
[04:37] <The Tidal Wave> someone's wall
[04:37] <Tacocat247> Factory
[04:37] <Tacocat247> "The Factory is a Tier 4 tank which is one of the six current upgrade choices of the Overseer. It may not upgrade any further. The Factory spawns Factory Drones using its Spawners. The Factory may spawn new players out of its Spawner as a result of the 19/11/16 update, but this update is only effective on Team game modes. "
[04:38] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Planetary 4 stage tank, which is one of four ongoing updates of the presidential election. Can't update. The plant produces Factory wires in its dynamics. Plants can create new cars in their lawn upgrade 19/11/16, but it is only effective teams, game modes. "
[04:39] <The Tidal Wave> "presidential election"
[04:39] <The Tidal Wave> 
[04:39] <The Tidal Wave> ok then
[04:39] <Tacocat247> Also six turned into four
[04:39] <Teamerz> "plants can create new cars in their lawn"
[04:39] <The Tidal Wave> "plants can create cars"
[04:39] <The Tidal Wave> might as well call this the Good202-inator
[04:41] <Tacocat247> Next!
[04:41] <Tacocat247> Hunter
[04:41] <Tacocat247> "Using its two Barrels, the Hunter has an increased DPS(Damage Per Shot) when compared to its predecessor, the Sniper. One Barrel shoots a small Bullet while the other shoots a normal-sized one, both moving at the same velocity. The smaller Barrel has a slight spread. The tank’s Bullet speed is slightly decreased. This tank’s Barrels barely have any recoil at all. "
[04:42] <The Tidal Wave> after hunter do your message wall
[04:42] <The Tidal Wave> error message on your wall
[04:42] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Using two drums, the Carpet to increase DPS(damage-Shot), in comparison with its predecessor, Carpet. The gun shoots a Bullet a little ghost, and the other shoots at him in full scale, it moves at the same speed. A small Keg of little common. Tank Ball speed decreases only slightly. This tank is a Barrel, almost does not affect at all. "
[04:43] <Tacocat247> The tank has a gender
[04:43] <Tacocat247> "This tank is a Barrel, almost does not affect at all."
[04:43] <Tacocat247> " A small Keg of little common. "
[04:43] <Tacocat247> I shajj maek youe yjeme bettrr
[04:44] <Tacocat247> Next!
[04:44] <The Tidal Wave> uh
[04:44] <The Tidal Wave> wait
[04:44] <Tacocat247> "Welcome to my message wall! Here, you can ask me anything! If want a template, you came to the right place! If you want an image,I can make one for you! If you want to see other stuff, see my page! Also, you are reading error message! Small note: Will Complete after merge. Some links and templates are broken. "
[04:44] <The Tidal Wave> yes that
[04:46] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Welcome to my bullet gun show! Here you can ask me, for shit! If you want to use a wing, you're in the left palace! If you want the orange ,I can do you! If you want to find other things that you can see on my leg! Also, read the enter my message space! A small Note: after the completion of the buster. Some of the phones and moms are broken."
[04:47] <Tacocat247> MY [big]GOD (xd) 
[04:47] <The Tidal Wave> ahhaahahahahahaahhahaahhahahahah#
[04:47] <Tacocat247> "Some of the phones and moms are broken."
[04:48] <The Tidal Wave> "here you can ask me for shit"
[04:48] <Tacocat247> "If you want to use a wing, you're in the left palace!"
[04:49] <Tacocat247> Next!
[04:49] <Tacocat247> B O O S has ur soul syndrome 
[04:49] <Tacocat247> Should i engrish Zathsu's page quote more?
[04:50] <Teamerz> yes
[04:51] <The Tidal Wave> yes
[04:51] <Tacocat247> Engrish x5: "Good Afternoon. Special skills Bayanposta jump on people (which is weird) on the Internet for everyone, high tolerance, I don't know. On the right side, I believe that all applications that are loyal citizens, who are fighting for what. Designers, I have no so much time ago, but now i raped ursua boastful a teacher, a mother, myself. I have come here to play. The Money You Earn Blue Star. But the track in violation of ursua, pursuant'm glad I did. Wiki-related to the official squirt questions, which I have heard. Sexy Zathsu.... :3"
[04:51] <Tacocat247> TIME TO ENGRISH MORE
[04:52] <The Tidal Wave> boss has Ursululululululu syndrome
[04:52] <Teamerz> lol.
[04:53] <Tacocat247> Engrish x6: "Good Afternoon. Special abilitiy shit post. I have to jump on people (which is strange) for all high tolerance, I don't know. On the right side, I am sure that all the programs that is, loyal citizens who are fighting for something. Designers, I have not so much time ago, but now I zorlayan ursua teachers, obscene, mother, Sam. I came here to play watch porn. Earn Money As A Blue Star. But a way contrary to ursua, so I'm glad I did. Wiki links to the official spray one of the questions that I've never heard of. Sexy Zathsu.... :3"
[04:53] <Tacocat247> "I have to jump on people (which is strange)"
[04:53] <Tacocat247> Again?
[04:53] <Teamerz> "i came here to play watch porn"
[04:54] <The Tidal Wave> special ability shit post
[04:54] <The Tidal Wave> seems egit
[04:54] <The Tidal Wave> legit*
[04:54] <Teamerz> idk where this is going
[04:54] <Teamerz> but sure
[04:54] <Tacocat247> Dis gon be gud
[04:54] <The Tidal Wave> "i came here to play watch porn"
[04:55] <The Tidal Wave> *zath joins chat*
[04:55] <Tacocat247> Engrish x7: "Good day to you. Special abilitiy diarrhea, that's fast. I need to go inside other people (which is strange, because of the high level of tolerance, I don't know. On the right side, I am sure that these programs are loyal citizens who are struggling for whatever reason. Designers, not so long ago, but now zorlayan teachers ursua, forbidden, mother, alone. I came here to play and to watch porn. To Earn Money, Than The Blue Stars. But unlike ursua, so I'm glad I did. Official Wiki spray is one of the questions that I've never heard of. Sexy Zathsu.... :3"
[04:56] <Tacocat247> " I need to go inside other people "
[04:56] <Tacocat247> [giant]" I need to go inside other people "
[04:56] <Tacocat247> Wow
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> now it's diarrhea instead of shitposting
[04:57] <Tacocat247> Thats fast
[04:57] <Teamerz> l0l
[04:57] <The Tidal Wave> this sounds like it's planned
[04:57] <Tacocat247> Next!
[04:57] <Tacocat247> Times 81
[04:57] <Tacocat247> *8!
[04:58] <Teamerz> ikr
[04:59] <Tacocat247> Engrish x8: "Good day to you. Private abilitiy supersonic diarrhea. What you need, there's other people to go inside of (which is weird), because, at the highest level of tolerance, I don't know. On the right side, I am sure that these programs are loyal citizens, no matter what, regardless of the cause. Designers for a very long time, but now the teacher is ursua, prohibition, mother, yourself. I'm here to play games and watch porn. To Earn Money, Blue Letters. But, in contrast to ursua, so happy. The official wiki of spray one of the questions I've never heard of. Russian Shoes.... :3"
[04:59] <Teamerz> "russian shoes"
[04:59] <Teamerz> wh-
[05:00] <Tacocat247> (xd) 
[05:00] <The Tidal Wave> supersonic diarrhea
[05:00] <Teamerz> l0l
[05:00] <Tacocat247> x8?
[05:00] <The Tidal Wave> x9
[05:00] <Tacocat247> Yeh
[05:00] <Teamerz> x9.
[05:00] <Tacocat247> yeh
[05:00] <Teamerz> do et.
[05:00] <Tacocat247> \_o_/
[05:01] <Tacocat247> Engrish x9: "Good evening. Individual binary faster supersonic shared eating diarrhea. All you need, there are other people who are experiencing (which is weird), because it is at the highest level of tolerance, I don't know. On the right side, I am convinced that these programs, in accordance with the law, the citizens, no matter what it is, regardless of the reason. Designers very long time, but now the teacher ουρσούα, prohibition, mother, yourself. I'm here to play games and watch pornography with your mom. In Order To Make Money, With Blue Letters. However, unlike ουρσούα so happy. The official wiki of spray one of the questions I've ever heard. I wear Chinese Shoes.... :3"
[05:02] <The Tidal Wave> eating diarrhea
[05:02] <The Tidal Wave> (nope) 
[05:02] <Tacocat247> (gtfo) 
[05:02] <Teamerz> "im here to play games and watch p-" who
[05:02] <Teamerz> made this
[05:02] <The Tidal Wave> ok stahp
[05:02] <Tacocat247> Google Translate
[05:02] <Tacocat247> :)
[05:02] <Tacocat247> Alright next!
[05:02] <Teamerz> one moar time.
[05:02] <Teamerz> cos 10.
[05:02] <Tacocat247> KK
[05:02] <The Tidal Wave> after tht
[05:02] <Teamerz> and after that move on to somehting else lmao
[05:03] <Tacocat247> ok
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> after that:
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> Hello meatbags... I am a fun banana! I'm currently an admin, which means I manage wiki stuff!
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> 
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> I can work on revamping pages, exciting projects and contests, and more.
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> 
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> That's good since I like to write crappy speeches, post shitty memes, and other creative farts!
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> 
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> I like to quickscope, ram, and otherwise rekt players. See you in the arena!
[05:03] <The Tidal Wave> from Banarama's profile
[05:03] <Tacocat247> Engrish x10: "Good evening. Custom Options quickly supersonic usually diarrhea. All that you have, there are other people who feel (surprisingly), because at the highest level of tolerance, I do not know. On the right side, I believe that these programs in accordance with the law, the citizens, however, that, regardless of the reason. Designers for a very long time, but now ουρσούα the teacher, the prohibition, the mother, alone. Here I am, playing games and watching pornography and mom. How To Earn Money Online With Blue Letters. However, the difference of ουρσούα so happy. The official Wiki-spray one of the questions that I've never heard of. I have been wearing sport shoes chinese noodles.... :3"
[05:04] <The Tidal Wave> enough
[05:04] <Tacocat247> Yeah ima stop
[05:04] <Tacocat247> 
[05:04] <The Tidal Wave> do banana bork's profile
[05:04] <Tacocat247> *Banarama
[05:05] <Teamerz> ok so it went from
[05:05] <Teamerz> "I am cute" to "i have been wearing sport shoes with chinese noodles"
[05:05] <Tacocat247> (xd) 
[05:05] <Teamerz> 10/10 google translated
[05:05] <Teamerz> can be trusted.
[05:05] <Tacocat247> Engrish: "Hello, meatbags... I am a fun orange! At the moment I am administrator, so I'm running things, Vicki! Can work on the upgrade page, interesting missiles and elections, and much more. That's good, because I love to write nonsense, post shit memes and other creative farts! I love to quickscope, memory, and other players. We see in the sand!"
[05:06] <The Tidal Wave> orange
[05:06] <The Tidal Wave> ok?
[05:06] <Tacocat247> x2?
[05:06] <Teamerz> sure
[05:07] <Tacocat247> "Post shit memes and other creative farts!"
[05:07] <Teamerz> sounds about right
[05:07] <Tacocat247> Engrish x2: "Hi, the bags with the dick... I'm cheerful with Oil. In this moment I'm the administrator, so I run, things, Agueda! Working on updating the page interesting, missiles and elections and many others. It is good, because I like to write stories, a post of shit, memes, and other creative farting! I like quickscope, memory and other players. Before the meeting on the arena!!!"
[05:08] <Teamerz> the first sentence.
[05:08] <Teamerz> why.
[05:08] <Tacocat247> Totally google
[05:09] <The Tidal Wave> bored
[05:09] <Tacocat247> Me 2
[05:11] <Zathsu> Hello! :D
[05:11] <Teamerz> hi zathsu
[05:11] <Tacocat247> Hi
[05:11] <Tacocat247> :3
[05:11] <Teamerz> hows lif
[05:11] <The Tidal Wave> eehehehehehheheheheheehehheehehheehe
[05:12] <The Tidal Wave> zath
[05:12] <Teamerz> oh no dont show her the engrishment
[05:12] <Zathsu> What
[05:12] <The Tidal Wave> why not
[05:12] <Teamerz> idk
[05:12] <The Tidal Wave> eh nvm then
[05:12] <The Tidal Wave> bored
[05:12] <Teamerz> basically zathsu, taco translated your profile in google translate like 10 times back and forth
[05:13] <Teamerz> every time it ends up with rape or porn
[05:13] <Zathsu> Amazing
[05:13] <Zathsu> xD
[05:13] <Teamerz> also
[05:14] <Teamerz> at one point it went from
[05:14] <Tacocat247> Do you want to see it? (i hope she says no)
[05:14] <Teamerz> "i am cute" to "i wear sport shoes with chinese noodles"
[05:14] <The Tidal Wave> somehow.
[05:15] <Zathsu> If you wanna show me lol
[05:15] <Tacocat247> OK
[05:15] <Teamerz> show her
[05:15] <Teamerz> tho
[05:15] <Teamerz> the last version isnt the worst imo
[05:15] <Tacocat247> Engrish x10: "Good evening. Custom Options quickly supersonic usually diarrhea. All that you have, there are other people who feel (surprisingly), because at the highest level of tolerance, I do not know. On the right side, I believe that these programs in accordance with the law, the citizens, however, that, regardless of the reason. Designers for a very long time, but now ουρσούα the teacher, the prohibition, the mother, alone. Here I am, playing games and watching pornography and mom. How To Earn Money Online With Blue Letters. However, the difference of ουρσούα so happy. The official Wiki-spray one of the questions that I've never heard of. I have been wearing sport shoes chinese noodles.... :3"
[05:17] <The Tidal Wave> as you can see
[05:17] <Tacocat247> Here is another one
[05:17] <Tacocat247> Engrish x5: "Good Afternoon. Special skills Bayanposta jump on people (which is weird) on the Internet for everyone, high tolerance, I don't know. On the right side, I believe that all applications that are loyal citizens, who are fighting for what. Designers, I have no so much time ago, but now i raped ursua boastful a teacher, a mother, myself. I have come here to play. The Money You Earn Blue Star. But the track in violation of ursua, pursuant'm glad I did. Wiki-related to the official squirt questions, which I have heard. Sexy Zathsu.... :3"
[05:17] <The Tidal Wave> Good202 Translate never fails to amuse.
[05:18] <Zathsu> LMAO
[05:18] <Tacocat247> YOU ACTUALLY READ IT!?? (xd) 
[05:19] <Teamerz> wait..
[05:19] <Teamerz> this would be the perfect thing to base the fanfic off of
[05:19] <Tacocat247> NO
[05:19] <Tacocat247> [big][b][c="red"][shadow="red"]THE FANFIC ALREADY EXISTS
[05:19] <The Tidal Wave> ...teamz?
[05:19] <Teamerz> ?
[05:19] <Tacocat247> You just saw a section of it
[05:19] <The Tidal Wave> should i tell taco?
[05:20] <Zathsu> We dont need translations to make a fanfic
[05:20] <Tacocat247> Tell me anything.
[05:20] <101cooler> hey guys
[05:20] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[05:20] <Teamerz> tell taco wot
[05:20] <Tacocat247> Hi
[05:20] <Zathsu> Welcome, cooler
[05:20] <101cooler> hey zathus
[05:20] <The Tidal Wave> @Teamz the one with TEM.
[05:20] <Teamerz> wut.
[05:20] <Teamerz> wot happened with tem
[05:20] <Tacocat247> I already know about that *shudder* situation.
[05:20] <The Tidal Wave> oh.
[05:21] <Teamerz> ohhh
[05:21] <Teamerz> that
[05:21] <Teamerz> meh
[05:21] <Teamerz> tell anyone you want tbh
[05:21] <Zathsu> LOL
[05:21] <Zathsu> Oh that
[05:21] <101cooler> Yeah thats never gonna leave my mind
[05:21] <Teamerz> zathsu u must b getting used to it after all those times
[05:22] <Zathsu> yeh ikr
[05:22] <Teamerz> at one point u wont feel anything at all :0
[05:22] <The named BOSS> WHO THE-
[05:22] <The named BOSS> WHAT-
[05:22] <Zathsu> Thats not a good sign
[05:22] <The named BOSS> BOOS?
[05:23] <Teamerz> y is that
[05:23] <Zathsu> idk
[05:23] <The Tidal Wave> i see you stopped ursuuling
[05:23] <The Tidal Wave> hi banana
[05:23] <Teamerz> well tel lme then
[05:23] <Teamerz> if you do know
[05:23] <Zathsu> Bit Heroes quote of the day:
[05:23] <Zathsu> "Shiver me timbers! You be covered in booty that belongs to me!"
[05:24] <The named BOSS> *starts shooting lasers in random directions*
[05:24] <Zathsu> I unlocked Raid 3 the other day
[05:24] <Teamerz> raid 3 huh
[05:25] <Zathsu> Its the last Raid for now
[05:25] <The named BOSS> So, the dark lord, hyper lord...
[05:25] <Zathsu> Until they add a Zone 6 and therefore a Raid 4 unlocked by beating it
[05:25] <Teamerz> who's getting raided
[05:25] <The named BOSS> And Captain Woodbeard or something?
[05:26] <Zathsu> Yeah lol BOSS, first raid you fight THE LORD OF EVIL AND DARKNESS. The second one you fight THE LORD OF LIGHT AND COLOR.
[05:26] <Zathsu> Then the third one is just... pirates... and their stuff is stronger than both of the others
[05:26] <Teamerz> that makes a lot of sense
[05:26] <The named BOSS> Lmao
[05:26] <Teamerz> wait
[05:26] <Teamerz> but y does it matter if hes the lord of color
[05:26] <Teamerz> if hes the lord of light hes automatically the lord of color
[05:26] <Teamerz> cos all colors come from light
[05:26] <Teamerz> >:0
[05:26] <The named BOSS> Whatever 
[05:27] <The named BOSS> *fires laser at teamz*
[05:27] <Teamerz> ow.
[05:27] <101cooler> wait when did you guys get bit heros
[05:27] <Teamerz> a "bit" ago
[05:27] <The Tidal Wave> not me
[05:28] <Teamerz> jk i didnt
[05:28] <The named BOSS> *fires more lasers at teamz*
[05:28] <Teamerz> ow ow ow
[05:28] <Teamerz> r00d
[05:28] <101cooler> im on kongregate
[05:28] <The named BOSS> *fires hundreds of lasers at teamz*
[05:29] <Teamerz> *dies and splits*
[05:29] <Teamerz> OW
[05:29] <The named BOSS> Oh
[05:29] <Tacocat247> Well hi there
[05:29] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[05:29] <Tacocat247> My name is fillygroove
[05:29] <The named BOSS> *fires anti hivemind lasers at one*
[05:29] <Tacocat247> What does it mean?
[05:29] <The Tidal Wave> can we ro
[05:29] <The Tidal Wave> rp*
[05:29] <Teamerz> <.<
[05:29] <Tacocat247> M8. I come from an empire.
[05:29] <Tacocat247> My name don't mean shit.
[05:29] <The named BOSS> Well I'm a spaceship
[05:29] <Tacocat247> -oh sorry hi,
[05:30] <Teamerz> Well I'm a clone
[05:30] <Zathsu> I play Bit Heroes
[05:30] <Teamerz> q-q
[05:30] <Zathsu> Sorry, got caught up in its chat, cooler
[05:30] <Tacocat247> lol
[05:30] <The named BOSS> *fires laser at taco*
[05:30] <101cooler> im playing bit heros right now just started
[05:30] <Zathsu> Whats your name
[05:30] <Zathsu> I'll friend you
[05:30] <Tacocat247> Jeff
[05:31] <Tacocat247> :^)
[05:31] <Tacocat247> jk
[05:31] <The named BOSS> I also have bit heros
[05:31] <The named BOSS> On mobile
[05:31] <The named BOSS> *fires more lasers at taco*
[05:31] <Zathsu> I just synced mine to my Kongregate account
[05:31] <Zathsu> So now I can play on PC and mobile
[05:31] <101cooler> 101cooler again
[05:31] <Tacocat247> *Nothing happens since i live in Zathsu's housr*
[05:31] <Tacocat247> *house
[05:31] <101cooler> oby
[05:32] <Zathsu> I'm level 103 :D
[05:32] <101cooler> whats ur user
[05:32] <Zathsu> Hyurandi
[05:32] <Zathsu> Its a name I used for a while in other games
[05:32] <Zathsu> Like RotMG
[05:32] <The named BOSS> *fires lasers at zathsu's house*
[05:33] <Zathsu> I live in Teamerz's house
[05:33] <Teamerz> ye
[05:33] <Zathsu> Since Im his 'slave'
[05:33] <Teamerz> she only has a room lol
[05:33] <Zathsu> or whatever
[05:33] <Teamerz> zathsu ur the one who repairs it
[05:33] <The named BOSS> Whatever
[05:33] <The named BOSS> Teamz fight me for real
[05:34] <Teamerz> in wot form
[05:34] <Zathsu> Now you can destroy big dungeons using me, Cooler lol
[05:34] <The Tidal Wave> 360k
[05:34] <The named BOSS> I don't know
[05:34] <Teamerz> >.>'
[05:34] <Teamerz> den i wont fight you :3
[05:35] <The named BOSS> 30k or around there?
[05:35] <The named BOSS> I don't know
[05:35] <Teamerz> thats not a form lmao
[05:35] <Teamerz> thats just the amount of clones i have merged in one
[05:35] <The named BOSS> Whatever
[05:35] <The Tidal Wave> 360k
[05:35] <The named BOSS> ^
[05:35] <The named BOSS> In teamerTeamerz form
[05:35] <The named BOSS> Jajajahqjana
[05:35] <The named BOSS> Teamerz&
[05:35] <Teamerz> no srsly .3.
[05:36] <The named BOSS> *
[05:36] <The named BOSS> What do you mean though?
[05:36] <Teamerz> well i have many forms from previous RPs and universes that i have been part of
[05:36] <Teamerz> especially from 2015
[05:36] <The Tidal Wave> your most powerful
[05:37] <Teamerz> >.>
[05:37] <The named BOSS> You pick teamz
[05:37] <Teamerz> no u.
[05:37] <The Tidal Wave> if neither of you are gonna pick then i pick
[05:37] <The Tidal Wave> i pick for both of you
[05:38] <The named BOSS> No
[05:38] <The Tidal Wave> only teamz
[05:38] <Teamerz> im not teh one deciding.
[05:38] <Teamerz> even tho i know more forms than u
[05:38] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[05:38] <The Tidal Wave> 20m teamerz it is
[05:39] <Teamerz> dats still not a form
[05:39] <The named BOSS> The form you use most often then
[05:39] <The Tidal Wave> 20m teamerz fused
[05:39] <Teamerz> well the one i use most often nowaday is normal
[05:39] <Teamerz> so ig its gonna be that
[05:39] <The Tidal Wave> and you're not gonna fight as a result.
[05:39] <Teamerz> obvi im gonna fight
[05:40] <Teamerz> else why would i ask for which form i should use
[05:40] <The named BOSS> That makes too much sense 
[05:40] <The named BOSS> Whatever
[05:40] <The named BOSS> Fight
[05:40] <The named BOSS> FIGHTT 
[05:40] <The Tidal Wave> ROUND 1.
[05:40] <Teamerz> *leaps up to boss and starts scratching the ship with 100 afterimages*
[05:40] <The Tidal Wave> FIGHT.
[05:41] <The named BOSS> *fires multiple anti hivemind lasers at teamz*
[05:42] <Teamerz> *all the afterimages disappear and i lay on top of one of the cannons*
[05:42] <Teamerz> oh thats clever.
[05:42] <Teamerz> *takes out cannon and throws it into the distance while dashing away from the other ones*
[05:42] <The named BOSS> *multiple drones come out and fire lasers at teamz*
[05:43] <The named BOSS> Wait
[05:43] <Teamerz> that tickles
[05:43] <Teamerz> ;(
[05:43] <Teamerz> *grabs drones and starts throwing them at each others*
[05:43] <The named BOSS> What will happen when one of us wins? Does the loser have to do something for the winner or whatever?
[05:43] <The named BOSS> *the explode when they hit each other*
[05:44] <The Tidal Wave> heh
[05:44] <Teamerz> nah we'll just add a point on the winner's score
[05:44] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[05:44] <Teamerz> *punches a hole into the spaceship*
[05:44] <Teamerz> :3
[05:44] <The Tidal Wave> what's teh current score
[05:44] <Teamerz> dunno
[05:44] <Teamerz> lets just start from 0
[05:44] <The Tidal Wave> 0-0
[05:44] <The Tidal Wave> ok 
[05:44] <The Tidal Wave> BOSS VS Teamerz
[05:44] <The Tidal Wave> 0 - 0
[05:45] <The named BOSS> *flame explodes from the hole into teamz face*
[05:45] <Teamerz> ow
[05:45] <Teamerz> looks like i got roasted a bit
[05:45] <Teamerz> eh.
[05:45] <Teamerz> *runs inside the ship and starts destroying the systems*
[05:46] <The named BOSS> *the omega starts zapping teamz*
[05:46] <The named BOSS> *and turrets are firing anti hivemind lasers at temz*
[05:46] <Teamerz> o shet
[05:46] <Teamerz> *grabs a piece of the armor plating to cover myself from the lasers*
[05:46] <Teamerz> these zaps are making me twitch, stahp it
[05:46] <Zathsu> What even
[05:46] <Zathsu> Im playing BH and Im missing a lot
[05:47] <Zathsu> Is any of it relevant >_>
[05:47] <Teamerz> nah just me fighting boss again
[05:47] <Teamerz> *drills a way around the turrets and starts detaching them and throwing them at each others*
[05:47] <The named BOSS> *the omega starts self destructing*
[05:48] <The named BOSS> *and a white plated robot thing tackles teamz*
[05:48] <Teamerz> stahp tackling me >:c
[05:48] <Teamerz> *grabs the robot and throws it around the spaceship*
[05:49] <The named BOSS> *it fires a huge anti hivemind laser at teamz*
[05:49] <Teamerz> well thats inconvenient.
[05:50] <Teamerz> *places the armor plate that i took earlier in front of me while running away*
[05:51] <Teamerz> *starts burrowing through the ship*
[05:51] <The named BOSS> *air locks and crap close, and the robot ecsapes the exploding omega somehow*
[05:51] <101cooler> Zathus your character is so op all battles are gg
[05:51] <Teamerz> is there a self destruct countdown
[05:52] <Teamerz> i dont want to have a heart attack when it ahppens
[05:52] <Teamerz> *keeps destroying parts of the spaceship from inside*
[05:52] <The named BOSS> *a huge explosion happens near teamz*
[05:52] <Teamerz> *gets blasted out of the spaceship and splits after dyinginging*
[05:52] <Teamerz> oh.
[05:53] <Teamerz> its just that.
[05:53] <The Tidal Wave> BOSS VS. Teamerz
[05:53] <The Tidal Wave> 0 - 1
[05:53] <Teamerz> *both of the clones land face first on the ground*
[05:53] <Teamerz> dirt
[05:53] <Teamerz> tastes bad
[05:53] <Teamerz> *spits dirt out*
[05:53] <Teamerz> :c
[05:53] <The named BOSS> Does that mean I win one?
[05:53] <The Tidal Wave> ROUND 1
[05:53] <The named BOSS> He technicaly died
[05:53] <The Tidal Wave> Teamerz wins!
[05:53] <Teamerz> but u did too
[05:53] <The Tidal Wave> but you self-destructed
[05:53] <Teamerz> and im now 2 persons
[05:53] <Teamerz> so its even better lol
[05:54] <The named BOSS> *the robot lands near teamz and pokes them*
[05:54] <Teamerz> <.<
[05:54] <The named BOSS> Not dead
[05:54] <The Tidal Wave> 0 - 0
[05:54] <Teamerz> *one of them smashes the robot's head off and the other removes the anti hivemind lasers*
[05:54] <Teamerz> *they quickly dash away after that*
[05:54] <The Tidal Wave> Teamz wins!
[05:54] <The Tidal Wave> 0 - 1
[05:55] <The named BOSS> *the robots chest opens up to reveal a core thing and it taps it's foot*
[05:55] <The Tidal Wave> Round 2?
[05:55] <The named BOSS> Still not dead
[05:55] <The Tidal Wave> ok
[05:55] <The Tidal Wave> tell me when it's dead
[05:55] <Teamerz> oh good
[05:55] <The Tidal Wave> 0 - 0
[05:55] <Teamerz> *one of them goes back and sticks a katana in the core*
[05:55] <Teamerz> *the other one keeps sprinting away*
[05:55] <The named BOSS> *it falcon punches one of them, and the core has sparks coming from it*
[05:56] <Teamerz> ow.
[05:56] <Teamerz> i guess.
[05:56] <Teamerz> *the clone grabs the core and attempts to rip it out*
[05:56] <The named BOSS> *it struggles and backs away*
[05:57] <The Tidal Wave> SUDDEN DEATH
[05:57] <The Tidal Wave> 2 MINUTES LEFT
[05:57] <Teamerz> *the clone starts pummeling the core*
[05:57] <Teamerz> DIE ALREADY >:C
[05:58] <The named BOSS> *it picks up the teamz nd throws it off a cliff*
[05:58] <Teamerz> *the clone dashes back up the cliff and lands next to the robot*
[05:58] <Teamerz> hey that could've hurt my back
[05:58] <The Tidal Wave> 1 minute
[05:58] <Teamerz> *more pummeling the core*
[05:58] <Zathsu> *eating popcorn on the sidelines*
[05:59] <The named BOSS> *it picks up the teamz and biffs it at zathsu*
[05:59] <The Tidal Wave> TIME'S UPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!
[05:59] <The Tidal Wave> STATUS CHECK:
[05:59] <The Tidal Wave> BOSS
[06:00] <Teamerz> *dashes in mid-air before reaching zathsu and trips on the ground*
[06:00] <Teamerz> ow.
[06:00] <The Tidal Wave> 1 robot surviving out of 1 Omega spaceship
[06:00] <The Tidal Wave> TEAMERZ
[06:00] <Teamerz> 2 clones of 360k teamerzs
[06:00] <The named BOSS> Dangit 
[06:00] <The Tidal Wave> startes with 1 teamerz
[06:00] <The named BOSS> Screw this
[06:00] <The Tidal Wave> ended with 2 teamerz
[06:00] <The named BOSS> *robot back flips off the cliff*
[06:00] <The Tidal Wave> TEAMERZ WINS ROUND 1!
[06:01] <Teamerz> >.>'
[06:01] <The Tidal Wave> 0 - 1
[06:01] <Teamerz> *the clone goes to the edge of the cliff and looks at the robot*
[06:01] <Teamerz> what are you doing :(
[06:01] <The named BOSS> I'm leaving!
[06:01] <Teamerz> R00D.
[06:01] <The named BOSS> I don't like this kind of fight
[06:01] <Teamerz> wdym
[06:02] <The named BOSS> I only like blowing up shit and killing lots of teamz with anti hivemind stuff
[06:02] <The named BOSS> And beating up guardian Y
[06:02] <Teamerz> then you need a bigger spaceship :3
[06:02] <The named BOSS> Okay
[06:02] <Tacocat247> Hi.
[06:02] <The Tidal Wave> hi
[06:03] <The named BOSS> *rushes over to zathsu, after climbing back up cliff*
[06:03] <Teamerz> <.<'
[06:04] <The named BOSS> *waits for Zathsu to come back online*
[06:04] <Zathsu> What
[06:04] <Zathsu> I check this every like minute
[06:05] <Zathsu> And just dont say anything if I cant add to the discussion
[06:05] <Tacocat247> *remaking Launchpad Theme*
[06:05] <The named BOSS> *picks up Zathsu and holds them over head*
[06:05] <The named BOSS> WOAH
[06:05] <Zathsu> Honestly not a fan of BH on PC
[06:05] <Zathsu> Its the same thing of course, but the interface and using a mouse is harder to me
[06:05] <Teamerz> *lays on couch*
[06:06] <Zathsu> Probably just because I have been playing on mobile for so long
[06:06] <The named BOSS> *throws Zathsu off cliff*
[06:06] <Teamerz> ey its not nice to harm bystanders
[06:06] <The named BOSS> Idc 
[06:07] <The named BOSS> I blew up cites before
[06:07] <Zathsu> I have plot armor anyway
[06:07] <Teamerz> *runs in opposite direction of the robot and then leaps back up to it while throwing a punch forward, releasing a huge shockwave*
[06:08] <The named BOSS> *it flies into the distance with a team rocket effect*
[06:08] <Teamerz> owell
[06:08] <Teamerz> that took some energy
[06:08] <Teamerz> *starts eating chips*
[06:10] <The named BOSS> *and comes back holding an entire skyscraper, flying in the air using a jetpack*