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Diep.io Wiki

Spawners are a type of weapon that spawn Drones.


Spawners look like gray trapezoids and appear on certain Tanks and Bosses. Some may appear narrower or tapered such as the case for Mothership and Battleship respectively. Spawners can spawn different kinds of drones depending on the Tank (or represent the function of a class like Necromancer which cannot create drones directly).



  • The Battleship is the second (and to date only) class to use a small Drone spawner.


Weapons Ammunition
Autoturret TurretsPentabarrel Cannons (Deployerbarrel Deployers)
Trapbarrel LaunchersDoritobarrel Spawners
Bullet Bullets (Missile Missiles)Trap Traps
Drone Squarez Drones (Drone Battleship) (Factorytank Factory)
Features Mechanics
! NotificationsDiepio4Teams Minimap
BaseSpawnIcon Base (Base Drones)Ghfff Achievements
Console ConsoleScoreIcon Scoreboard
FiringIconAuto FireSpinIcon Auto SpinInvisIcon Invisibility
TankTanksLevUpIcon LevelsStatsIcon Stats (Hidden)
CloserIcon Arena ClosingDeathIcon Death Screen
General Information
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