Not many of you may know me but my name is Captain Hayden. I've been on the wiki for quite some time now and have seen nearly all of the eras it has been through. With a decline in updates however, I thought originally that this wiki would fade into blackness but instead, a new era has risen. With the combiniation of the conception wiki with their fresh ideas as well as the official game community, I thought what would be a good way to connect these two worlds and form one giant group of friends and fans? The answer was simple: Create a Discord.
No, this Discord will not be like the old one. My plans are much bigger for this Discord. In the future, I plan on hosting live events. Live events such as gaming sessions, trivia, etc. Unlike the old Discord however, I won't just dedicate all of the gameplay to just simply Diep.io. I want the community to play new content as well therefore, any IO games can be played together as a team server. If we can grow our community even more, we may even be able to create a special new clan! This can only be possible with your support.
Similarly to the Diep.io wiki, we'll also have Monthly Sandbox Discussions to talk about what improvements can be made to our Discord, and I will make sure to incorporate all of these descisions as best as I can.
On a final note, I think Discord can improve our future due to its many new features that the chat does not have. It's much easier to share media, you can play music that everyone in voice chat can listen to, there are many games you can play with our bot Tatsumaki, videos/YouTube advertisement can reach a greater scope of people and much more!
So please, definitely consider joining the Discord, as it has the opportunity to create a better future for tomorrow.