- Strong Against: If Skilled the Factory can beat any class in a one-on-one battle.
- Weak Against: However its limited Speed and Range makes the class quite vulnerable to Teams and groups of enemies. Any tanks considerably faster than 7 Movement Speed can ignore the Factory altogether.
As the Factory[]
“Players should keep Drones to themselves at all times”
When they’re not attacking anyone; moving with the drones in Star-Formation will protect the players from incoming projectiles whilst also hidind their bullets (and thus their location) from enemies.
“The drones have a rather low speed for drones, but they still make for a pretty strong force, both offensively and defensively (especifically in close-range); their capacity to ejecute both actions decreases the further away the drones’ position is from the player’s body”.
When they are in battle; the players should also move with their drones, as their increased fire-power can protect from heavy dmg. Whilst their similar speed permits for offensive maneuvers at the same time.
“Due to its low range, high dps and complex controls (orbits) the factory benefits from close range fights the most. As it can use its similar drone-body speed to simultaneously protect itself and attack at the same time. Avoiding being weak due to its slow drones altogether”.
Note: Ambushes are always welcome, no matter the class. The un-erase-ability of the Factory's drones. And the class' enhanced FoV let's it squash any non careful tanks.
Spammers, Snipers and Trappers[]
Players can aim for these tanks by hovering their cursor past them (hence using the “Far-Attract” effect of drones). And predicting where the enemy will be- to reach them in the least amount of time; block their bullets and pierce through their stream.
- Why does it work?
- It’s most useful to use both the Drones and their bullets to block and push through most enemy’s defenses. Since it combines both the Drone-Barrel’s and the Drone-Spawner’s DPS.
- All the Sniper’s Projectiles (including Predator’s) can be tanked via normal Far-Attract.
- All the focused spammers can outpace the drone's spawn rate. Because of this, another layer of protection is needed when fighting this tanks. The Drone's Bullets can make a pretty good job protecting the Factory's drones. The Bullet DPS acting like a 2nd Drone-Spawner. However, the Bullet DPS is directly dependent on the number of spawned drones. And none of the listed parts is able to overpower the focused spammer stream on its own. Which means that the Drones's HP is still withered over time. To keep the number of withered drones to a minimum, a [ ]::: (2x3) formation can limit the number of withered drones to 2 (Which are much simpler to replace than the usual 3 or 4 Drones of other formations); while further focusing the bullet's AoC at the same time.
- Notes
- Most Focused-Spammers have some amount of recoil in the opposite direction they shoot. Due to the Factory's low range and Drone-Speed these strategies are best paired with an ambush.
- Against long range snipers even thought one can't really ambush this classes, moving in their general direction with close-repel formation, will generally make you appear less threatening. Meaning that you probably won't really catch their attention until they're in your FoV (which will delay their flight). If you catch their attention- (if they start to continuously shoot at you) or you get in close-range; Far-Attracting your drones in the bullets direction will always end on a dead sniper. Unless another tank intervenes.
- Focused spammers can also be jawed: A trick the player can use against tanks that can't address every side simultaneously (i.e. the Sprayer or the Triplet).
Destroyer classes[]
- The Skimmer is exempted in these strategies:
It is the one case in which the spreading and Far-Repelling of the Factory's drones is more effective than fighting in close-range.
- Why does it work?
Similarly to other Overseer branches, it'll let you attack the destroyer from pmultiple angles at once; negate it ground. And limit its movements through the use of the Drone-barrel’s projectiles.
- Notes
- Faking location, in addition to the player's enhanced FoV- can prove quite useful when avoiding ambushes and cornering.
- As always- do not use Close-Repel for blocking. If ambushed, swing your drones in the bullet's direction instead (2 Drones are enough to negate a destroyer class projectile). And prepare to pursue the Destroyer through the strategies mentioned above.
Overseer classes[]
- The Battleship is exempted in these strategies:
Generally- Drone vs Drone Battles are always played through the repelling of drones. Well, in Factory's case, it is much better to do it in close-range. Not only will the player be- bringing their defense with them. But- with enough control, they'll be basically impossible to pressure. Use a combination of Left-click Effects to fence all the Overlord's attacks (Does also apply to Multi-Directional Claws), while advancing in the tank's direction at the same time. Do only destroy the drones that are going to hit. The objective here is to blast your way in the tank's direction, to fence rather than defend. Thus, there's no real need to destroy the drones that don't- pose immediate threat. As you'd lose time and they'd probably spawn near the Overlord protecting its body from your bullets.
- Why does it work?
- The players avoid being vulnerable because of the slow drones, by not Far-Repeling them altogether. But due to the Factory's high fire-power they also get to use their stat advantage.
- The enemy Overseer branches can't escape due to both parties having the same Movement Speed.
- The enemy Overseer branches can't push the factory away nor land any important hits due to the mentioned stat difference.
- The strategy, not relying on Far-Repel has the same effectiveness on every game mode.
- Notes
- To cut the amount of ground you need to cover- this strategy is probably best paired with ambush. Or by luring the overlord near your location.
- However it is only optional, because unless another tank intervenes a fleeing overlord will always end up cornered or its hp depleted by your bullets.
- This can also be used if caught off-guard or in a bad spot, since you can basically nullify any incoming attacks.
To anyone wanting to know how to kill rammers as factory- the easiest way is to lure them- by ignoring them altogether and attacking another user. (Making them think they've got the advantage because they can sandwich you). but ramming drones into them at the last second. Other than that is to learn sealing moves.
- Why does it work?
- Overall the factory will always have the power advantage; however, rammers are much simpler to control. To lure a rammer, is a simple way to give them what they want while twisting it to your advantage. (More complex strategies require more control).
- One needs about 4 Drones to kill the average rammer.
- Notes
- As soon as, or before the drone-rammer collision starts, change the drones’ trajectory so it diagonally crosses that of the enemy tank. This will keep the Rammer from going in between your drones.
- Do not depart from your drones unless it is part of your lure. But don't use close-repel either. (Keep moving and Far-repel instead).
- Moving with your drones is to keep your offense and defense with you.
- Given a sandwich players should always go in the rammer's direction. They either move or they die.
Bullet-Rammers/Fast Melee Tanks[]
This is a bit more complex. Bullet rammers are always somewhere in between a rammer and a bullet tank. They will usually try to ram you with their bullets, try to weaken your drones or- use their bullets to protect themselves and ram you with their bodies. However, many points of your typical rammer's gameplay does also apply to this tanks. (And like with rammers the Factory will always have the power advantage here).
- Here is what you need to do
- Far-Attract your drones in the rammers direction to protect yourself from the Bullet-Clouds and Hit-and-Run attacks whose goal is to weaken your drones.
- Another "lure" strategy, similar to the one described above does also apply to this types of rams. There's a difference tho, when they close in for the ram, you want to make a sharp turn. While moving your drones independently from your body; away from the Bullet's trajectory yet in collision course with the tri-angle's body at the same time. (In order to avoid unnecessary damage to your drones).
- Why does it work?
- Bullets are unidirectional if you force the rammer to change its trajectory at the last moment, any bullets the tri-angle may have been able to stack will depart from its body. It further reduces the reaction-time for the enemy tank- by making it go from a 7 Movement speed chase to a 21 Movement Speed collision, at close range with the drones; multiple objects involved.
- Notes
- If the Tri-angle seems particularly slow. It may be sporting a 05707770 or similar build. In these cases keep changing directions; while moving away from the dragon at the same time. As mentioned earlier, this lure will force the tank to constantly readjust its trajectory. And thus, keep it from properly forming a bullet-Cloud as it closes in to your position. If it decides to engage regardless, it’ll be reduced to a 0570 Rammer with occasional bullets. Dodge the ram and swing your drones in the opposite direction at the same time, at the last moment; to end the rammer’s run.
- For all cases as soon as, or before the drone-Dragon collision starts, change the drones’ trajectory so it diagonally crosses that of the enemy tank. This will keep the Dragon from going in between your drones.
Skimmer and Battleship[]
There’s a specific close-repel formation for both Battleship and Skimmer. It looks like [ ]: : : (where each “.” Represents a Drone and “[ ]” the Factory). With close-repel, your hold on the formation makes the drones point backwards, their bullets completely nullifying the Skimmer's small bullets or incoming Battleship's protectors. While the drones themselves protect your front from the skimmer's main bullets at the same time
- Why does it work?
- It provides immunity against either class given a one-on-one scenario.
- “None of the tanks can keep up with heir attack once the player gets in close-range”: As soon as you get in close range, the Skimmer / Battleship will be forced to use their full power onwards to protect themselves from the drone's bullets; Far-attracting your drones in the tank’s direction will completely overwhelm their defenses.
- The Battleship, can’t push factory’s drones away; the Battleship can't overpower the drone’s barrels; each of the drone’s bullets are stronger than a Battleship drone and the reload rate higher; there’re 6 drone barrels in relation to the Battleship’s 4 spawners at any given time, the drone’s spawn rate cannot be outpaced.
- The Skimmer's main barrel has similar fire-power to the Factory's own Drone-Spawner. However, it can't keep up with the Drone's bullets-stream as their added power nearly doubles the Factory's DPS.
- This formation covers the Factory’s hit-box completely. it's the reason the class gains near invulnerability to these classes with it.
- Notes
- This can be used to either close in for the kill or as an immunity card when escaping.
- The Far-Attract counterpart of this strategy proves particularly useful against Focused-Spammers.