Diep.io Wiki

Hi, it's NeverhawkNeverhawk here! This is my first blog post, and I hope you like it! Today, I will be ranking the Elite Crashers bosses from arras.io, based on their power, from weakest to strongest. For this page, I will NOT be including the Delta Crashers, or the Delta Skimmer. Also, I will be talking about the Elite Crashers in normal modes, as bosses, not as a player in Retrograde, or the Winter Mayhem ultra-buffed versions. And also I would not be including... OK, I think you get the idea.

Elite Crashers are basically just stronger versions of the Crasher and the Sentry, as their name suggests. The Elite Spawner even spawns the sentries as minions. They all have a pink, triangle body, just like a Crasher would, with the exception of the Elite Skimmer, which has a orange triangle base. I'm just giving you a good idea of what an Elite Crasher is. If you have never seen one before, or don't know about it, I recommend you play the Siege gamemode of arras.io, or read the Elite Crasher page on this wiki. When you have done that, or just knew about them from the start, it's time to start ranking them.

9. Elite Skimmer[]


The Elite Skimmer.

So, starting with the weakest one, is the Elite Skimmer. I'm honestly not even sure if this counts as an Elite Crasher, because it doesn't have many of the characteristics that a normal Elite Crasher would have. Starting off, this boss has a orange-colored base, just like a Triangle. In fact, before the Siege Overhaul, this boss was considered a "Strange" boss, but I'm not really sure about it now, since "Strange" bosses really no longer exist (as the Summoner is now a Mystical boss, and the Nest Keeper is now a Nester boss). I'd just think of it as an "Elite" boss for now, though maybe not an "Elite Crasher" boss.

The Elite Skimmer has 3 Hyper Skimmer Missile Deployer Auto Turrets mounted on each side, that shoot Hyper Missiles (otherwise known as the "Hyper Skimmer Missile"). Those missiles have 4 cannons arranged like a Fighter, minus the front cannon. I don't know about the Delta Skimmer, as there isn't enough information on those yet, but as I said, we are NOT going there. Anyways, the missiles are relatively easy to dodge, as this boss aims before shooting, and the missiles themselves aren't exactly fast. However, the missiles can 1- or 2-shot a tank, if they strike its mark. The only thing to watch out for when battling this boss is the small bullets its missiles leave behind, as they can create a field of small bullets that can slowly chip away your health. As a counter for this problem, you can use a Sniper-class tank, such as the Ranger or the Predator, from nicely outside the bullet field created by the missiles. In my opinion, this is the easiest boss to solo kill in arras.io, thus ranking it at the bottom of this leaderboard (arras.io reference).

8. Elite Spinner[]


The Elite Spinner.

So now, getting into the real Elite Crashers. Though this tank might seem extremely strong at first, due to its massive amounts of bullets, however the bullets are weak, and can be easily soloed by a single high-DPS tank such as a Redistributor, or a crowd-control type of tank such as the Penta Shot. It would be unwise to use focus-fire tanks such as the Streamliner, for its fast bullets will hit you, as there won't be any bullets shielding you from enemy fire. That's only when it's alone, only when it's alone it is weak. When attacking with other bosses as well, it becomes very dangerous, as it provides cover fire for the other bosses, and in return the other bosses shields the Elite Spinner with their bodies, particularly noticeable when with Nester bosses or Celestial bosses, due to their large size. This boss was added with the Siege Overhaul, and I really think it's meant to be like a boss that accompanies other bosses, not for fighting alone. I also am not sure if this Elite Crasher spawns in gamemodes other than Siege, as I have never seen the Elite Spinner, or the Elite Trap Guard for that matter, outside of Siege. Maybe it's a bug, I honestly don't know. What I do know, is that this boss is laughably weak alone, however doubles the deadliness when it's accompanied by other bosses. When you see one, it's a good idea to kill it. And fast.

7. Elite Spawner[]


The Elite Spawner.

Yes, yes, I know. Honestly, I had a tough time deciding the 2nd weakest[1] Elite Crasher just because... Well, the arras.io developers actually did a good job balancing the Elite Crashers, didn't they? A challenge, but solo-killable, with enough skill and a good tank. I considered putting the Elite Destroyer here, however that boss has a secret weapon, which we'll get to when we get to the Elite Destroyer. The reason I ranked this boss third-weakest on this leaderboard was because its only defense mechanism mounted on this boss is a Twin Auto-Turret, and that's not a strong weapon. I know, it has a ton of Sentry minions, but they're slow, and the sentries' traps, swarms and bullets are dodgeable with skill, especially if you have another tank distracting it for you, or you're in Siege and the boss is attacking the Sanctuaries. However, I don't recommend fighting this boss alone unless you are a very skilled player, as it is difficult to dodge all the bullets and traps while at the same time attacking the boss. The best way to fight this boss, is instead to get another player, preferably a fast tank such as a Booster, to distract this boss and its minions, while using a high-DPS tank such as a Streamliner to bring down its health. Although it will take time, it is also possible to use a Tri-Angle branch tank to dodge the bullets while attacking it as well. The best tanks for this solo-kill method are the Surfer, the Auto-Tri-Angle, and the Fighter. Note that you have to be very skilled to use the Fighter when dueling this boss. Using the Auto-Tri-Angle is probably the easiest and best way to solo this boss, as the Auto-Turret mounted on its body can automatically aim and shoot the boss for you. Make sure the Auto-Turret is actually targeting and shooting at the boss, instead of shooting at some random Polygon or something. Onto the next one.

6. Elite Gunner[]


The Elite Gunner.

Ah yes, the Elite Gunner. The Elite Gunner is a boss in arras.io (obviously), but it has something (or doesn't have something) that all of the other bosses have. It's Auto-Spin, so this boss is the only boss in arras.io that doesn't Auto-Spin, at least after the update from quite a long time ago (before that update it auto-spinned like all other bosses, pretty much making its Gunner Auto-Turrets useless). This boss is really hard to solo alone (I just defined solo), but similarly to the Elite Spawner, it's pretty easy to kill with another player. The best strategy for this boss is to get someone to distract the boss, while you attack the boss, FROM THE SIDE. Don't attack it from right behind, as the Elite Gunner has a Engineer Pillbox Launcher Cannon or something like that. It's a cannon that shoots Engineer Pillboxes. Yup, those things, the Builder traps with Auto-Turrets on them! Also, for the "Distracting the Boss" tank, using a very fast tank doesn't work, as the Elite Gunner will constantly move around trying to hit the distracting tank, making you unable to damage the boss. Instead, a tank like Penta Shot or the Machine Gunner, as they can easily out-penetrate the bullets, thus taking 0 damage. I hope that made sense, I'm terrible at explaining stuff.

I don't really have anything else to write about, except that it's probably the most joked-about boss in arras.io on this wiki. Well, maybe a year or a two ago.

5. Elite Battleship[]


The Elite Battleship.

Yeah, deciding this one was extremely hard. This one and the Elite Destroyer seemed pretty evenly matched, but I thought that the Elite Battleship was just slightly weaker. This boss has 3 Auto-Turrets mounted on top of the triangle body, but that's almost nothing; this boss has NINE Crasher drone spawners, and they swarm in on the player, or if it's Siege, the Sanctuary. The Crasher drones don't do much damage, maybe even less than a regular Crasher, however there is 25+ of them swarming on you, which can quickly chip away at your health and kill you. The best way to fight this boss is probably to use a Penta Shot to destroy the drones while damaging the actual boss at the same time. Another possible way is to use a Ranger, and snipe at the boss from far, keeping the Elite Battleship at the corner of your screen. I haven't tried this way yet, so I'm not exactly sure if this strategy will work or not, if you try it out and it works, let me know![2]

By the way, Fun Fact: The Elite Battleship, maybe even all of the Elite Crashers, were probably based off the Battle Carrier from the The Tale of Diep. This is just an assumption, but this might be true, as the Nest Keeper was based off the Leviathan. I mean, just look at the two bosses and compare them! They look almost identical, what do you think?

4. Elite Destroyer[]


The Elite Destroyer.

Yes, just as I told you above, fellow readers, here is the Elite Destroyer. This is my personally least favorite Elite Crasher, as it had ruined so many Mothership rounds, caused too many 1 million score denials, and biggest of all, WHY DOES THIS THING HAVE TO HAVE DRONES??? Okay, I have to chill.

The Elite Destroyer is, in my opinion, the third strongest Elite Crasher. It has 3 "Devastator" cannons, that fire absurdly large bullets that is almost a 100% one-shot to any tank. It also has a Triplet Auto-Turret mounted on top of the boss. The Devastator bullets are really slow and quite easy to dodge, and the Triplet Auto-Turret is a threat but you can out-fire it, with a bit of skill. If it only had those weapons, it would've ranked No. 5 on this leaderboard, or even lower. What makes this boss dangerous is its drones. They are just like the Overlord's drones, both strength and design, but colored pink, like a Crasher. This boss does not have any visible Drone Spawners, making it the only boss that has concealed weapons. The best way to counter this boss, is to use a Ranger or a Stalker and snipe the Elite Destroyer from far away, keeping the boss at the corner of your screen.

3. Elite Sprayer[]


The Elite Sprayer.


The old design of the Elite Sprayer.

The second strongest Elite Crasher, I bet you know what's next?[3] This boss is fairly powerful, pretty much the buffed version of the Elite Spinner you saw earlier. It has 6 Sprayer Auto-Turrets, two on each side of the body, and a "Snowstorm" mounted on top of the body (which is just a Machine Triple). The results: A bullet hell area around the boss. Pretty much the only way to kill this boss is to get a good team of high-DPS tanks (like the Redistributor) and crowd-control tanks (such as the Penta Shot) and spam bullets at it. It'll die, eventually.

Something worth noting, is that this boss used to be much weaker, with only 3 Sprayer Auto-Turrets, one on each side. Its design got completely reworked at some point, making it about three times as strong. To date, this is the only Boss in arras.io that has had their design completely reworked.

2. Elite Trap Guard[]


The Elite Trap Guard.

The last Elite Crasher... I wonder what's coming next?

So we are on the last true Elite Crasher, the Elite Trap Guard. It's no wonder this boss is Siege-exclusive; this boss, like the Delta Crashers, would be way too overpowered for normal gamemodes. This boss has 3 Trap Launchers, one for each side, and flanking each Trap Launcher is an Auto-Turret, so six Auto-Turrets in total. Mounted on top of the body, is a Tri-Trap Guard (I made the name up[4]), which is basically just 3 Trap Guards merged into one tank, or a Flank Guard and a Tri-Trapper fused into one tank.[5]Well, I'm terrible at explaining, so just look at the picture. This boss is stronger than it looks, and it has both good attack and defense, making it the hardest true Elite Crasher to beat. The Elite Trap Guard should be countered more like a weak Terrestrial than an Elite Crasher; Dodge the traps, and use a Sniper-type tank to slowly chip away its health. Or, if you have a large team, just spam bullets at it.

This is one of the two bosses that was added in the Siege Overhaul, the other being the Elite Spinner. I don't know what else to say about this boss, so lets move on to the....

1. Legionary Crasher[]


The Legionary Crasher.

"The Elite Crashers were all but disciples for what you have awoken... What have you done?"

Okay, so we took a big jump in strength from the Elite Trap Guard to the Legionary Crasher. Like, an ENORMOUS one. This boss is literally the third strongest boss in all of arras.io, after the Eternals (Kronos and Ragnarok). This boss is (obviously) exclusive to the Siege Gamemode, as it's just blatantly overpowered to appear in gamemodes other than that. Even then, it takes more than ten players to kill this boss. This boss has.... Honestly, this boss just has too much[6]. Too much bullets. Too much minions. Too much of everything, which is what makes this boss great! Skipping the technical parts (just go to the page on the wiki or look at the picture, there's a reason I put that render there), the best and possibly the only way to defeat this boss is to get a good team of at least ten high-DPS tanks, such as the Penta Shot or the Machine Gunner, and shoot shoot shoot. Yup, that's like the only way. Be cautious of the Elite Legions though - Wait, did I not mention the Elite Legions? Well, they're just buffed versions of the Elite Crashers, but they don't respawn, and they die instantly if the Legionary Crasher dies. I'm not even really sure if they still exist in Siege or not, or if all of them always spawn at the same time, because there just isn't enough information about them. If you get any info, be sure to tell me!


I think we can safely say that the Elite Crashers are the weakest bosses in arras.io[7] (except for the Legionary Crasher, but that's more of a Final Boss than an Elite Crasher), and that the Elite Skimmer is not a true Elite Crasher. Here's the leaderboard, ranked most powerful to least powerful (for people that just read the Conclusion):

  1. Legionary Crasher
  2. Elite Trap Guard
  3. Elite Sprayer
  4. Elite Destroyer
  5. Elite Battleship
  6. Elite Gunner
  7. Elite Spawner
  8. Elite Spinner
  9. Elite Skimmer

If you haven't noticed, the part after the "Elite" in each of the Elite Crashers is the tank the boss was based off of. The sole exception is the Elite Spinner, which is based off of the Cyclone. I added those links in there in the leaderboard so you can check out the tanks that the bosses were based off of. Who knows, you might get over 1 million score with them!

And that's about it. I hope you liked this, this is my first blog post (ever on Fandom, or even on the entire Internet), so I'm sorry if this was a bit low-quality, but at least it has good content[8] (might be the first "Real" blog post this wiki has had in a while). Anyways, thank you for reading this and here's a nice family photo of the Elite Crashers!



If you see an Elite Gunner with the name "Aniketos", please do not attack or kill that boss, or else I will have to pay 25 Gamma Pentagons to this guy. Thank you.


  1. 2nd weakest, and not the 3rd weakest, because I don't really count the Elite Skimmer as a true Elite Crasher. Honestly don't know why I'm making this a reference, but I thought it'll be a bit too long if I just use paratheses.
  2. If it doesn't work, also let me know please.
  3. If you don't know, it's OK. It's the Elite Trap Guard.
  4. Actually I didn't, someone on the wiki did. You can see at Arras:Elite Crasher. My point is that it's not a real thing, or maybe it is in Arms Race...
  5. I feel like there's a Dreadnought tank like this...
  6. If you want to learn more, the page for the boss in the wiki can is here.
  7. Perhaps the Mysticals will have a fair chance against some of the more powerful Elite Crashers.
  8. At least in my opinion, feel free to give me constructive criticism.

Tagged with: Arras.io, Bosses, Rankings, Elite Skimmer, Elite Crashers, Legionary Crasher