I’m a pretty lucky guy, you know?
I’ve found about 10 shiny squares, 2 shiny triangles, 2 shiny pentagons, 3 shiny sentries, and 1 jewel in the timespan of about.. eh about ~2 months, as well as 1 gem some months earlier. I’ve been getting comments about how often I find these, and I think it’s about time I explain how I do it.
The rare polygons you can find[]
Before we talk about the ways you can find a Rare Polygon, let’s talk about what polygons there are so you can know what to look out for them.
Note that all rare polygons are slightly larger than their normal counterpart, and I will not include Epilepsy polygons due to supposedly being removed.
Unique polygons[]
These polygons are not variants of another more common polygon, but rather their own type.
- Jewel, a light yellow hexagon that is a little smaller than a normal pentagon. It is as rare as a legendary polygon.
Shiny Polygons[]
Also known as green polygons, these polygons are the most common rare polygons. These green bois have about a 1/50,000 chance of spawning

- Shiny Triangle, a green triangle.
- Shiny Beta Pentagon, a large green pentagon.
- Shiny Alpha Pentagon, a huge green pentagon.
Legendary Polygons[]
These polygons are a lot rarer than a shiny polygon, but still are relatively common. These teal bois have about a 1/1,000,000 chance of spawning.

- Legendary Pentagon, a teal pentagon.
- Legendary Beta Pentagon, a large teal pentagon.
- Legendary Alpha Pentagon, a huge teal pentagon.
Shadow Polygons[]
These polygons are incredibly rare, with their exact rarity being unknown. These black bois have the special ability to turn invisible. These polygons are unconfirmed, however there is enough evidence of their existence.
- Shadow Square, a black square.
- Shadow Triangle, a black triangle.
- Shadow Beta Pentagon, a large black pentagon.
- Shadow Alpha Pentagon, a huge black pentagon.
Rainbow Polygons[]
Rainbow Polygons are incredibly rare, and have a <1/2.5b chance of spawning, according to CX. These polygons change color frequently, as the name suggests.
In green state
In red state
In purple state
- Rainbow Triangle, a triangle that changes color.
- Rainbow Pentagon, a pentagon that changes color
- Rainbow Beta Pentagon, a large pentagon that changes color.
- Rainbow Alpha Pentagon, a huge pentagon that changes color.
Shiny Sentries[]
According to the wiki, sentries are polygons, so they are also here. These green bois have very specific spawning conditions. These include:
-Siege exclusive
-Spawns with waves
-Only spawns in waves with elite crashers
-1/200 if all other requirements are met
In addition to being larger, tougher, give more EXP (about 30k), these polygons also have more DPS than their more common counterparts.
“It Doesn’t Exist. It’s just in your head.”[]
There is also a .gif with the quote “it doesn’t exist. It’s just in your head,” likely responding to epilepsy polygons, before shadow shapes likely replaced them. This is all speculation, and is up for debate, this is just my take on it.

“It doesn’t exist. It’s just in your head,” a quote made, likely responding to the “broken police lights” being removed.
The fact that there is a gap also hints that the replacement polygons are invisible, hinting that the shadow polygons are in fact real.
The ways you can find one[]
So, you can approach this 2 ways, the “it’ll come to me” way, and the “I’ll come to it” way.
The “it’ll come to me” way is pretty self-explanatory, you pretty much just go on with your life, and eventually you’ll stubble upon a rare polygon. Not the most in-depth method, but you can do things that you want to do at the same time, such as getting 1m, screwing around with spike bounce, etc. etc.
The “I’ll come to it” way is much harder, however, since you only really get some score, roughly 200k I guess? There are are two modes that are ideal for this method, Siege, and Assault.
Let’s start with Siege, then explain Assault, since doing Assault is more complicated.

In Siege, you’ll have to make a loop around the map, since the map is smaller, it is more efficient. Just avoid bosses and that’s pretty much it.

In assault, you also make a loop around the map, but this time outside of the maze. Make sure to get the top corners of the map as well. It is also possible to farm in the nest due to the frequent polygon spawns.
There is also a method where you constantly open new sandboxes in hopes for the polygons that are in it when you spawn are rare, but it is incredibly boring and not very complicated.
Reliable tanks to use[]
There are many reliable tanks you can use, and many of them involve spamming bullets in many directions. Here are just the tanks I like to use
- Machine gun
- Sprayer
- Octo Tank
- Cyclone
- Barricade
- Streamliner
- Skimmer
- Penta Shot
- Spreadshot
Rando other things to note[]
- Polygon spawns are based off of the amount of players in the room, so find a game with lots of activity.
- Destroying one is very greedy, so it is recommended to protect it so others can witness the rare event.
- Farming like this also gives you lots of score.
- It is recommended to have low or no bullet speed so you don’t destroy a rare polygon off-screen.
yeah finding one isn’t that complicated
SIDE NOTE: this list is actually so outdated. Just read Arras:Rare Polygons instead.