it’s not actually very tragic
The Trapper is one of the most useless tanks in,, and But how did it become on of the most overlooked branches in all of these games? And how did it evolve into the huge branch it is today? Today or sometime we’ll be looking into the Trapper’s history, and how it sucks.
The Beginning ||[]
The Trapper was first introduced into on July 18, 2016. It had triangular ammunition that slowed down to a stop after a few seconds after being shot out of the Trapper’s Launcher. This new ammunition had more overall power, but also provided lots on knockback to the player that hit it, and itself. These traps also originally bounced off of the edges of the map.
It branched off of the Sniper at level 30, and could upgrade into the Gunner Trapper, the Tri-Trapper, the Overtrapper, and the Mega Trapper, as well as the Auto Trapper being added later. Here is a basic description of the Tanks:
- The Auto Trapper is exactly the same as the Trapper, but with an Auto Turret.
- The Gunner Trapper added 2 Gunner to the front, and the Trapper launcher moved to the back of the tank. The Launcher and it’s ammunition is also increased size, but less reload. The damage is not increased.
- The Overtrapper adds 2 partisan drone spawners, that had a cap of 6 drones, then 4, and now the 2 drones we have today. These drones act the same as the Hybrid’s drones.
- The Mega Trapper makes the Launcher produce bigger and more powerful traps, but with less reload.
Later the traps eventually did not bounce off of the edges of the map.
The Trapper Branch was never really changed since then for But on the other hand…
The Rebirth ||[]
With a new game on the horizon, was introduced. Not much is known about the early version, aside from this video:
The Sequel To - 2!? - YouTube
All I know about the Trapper is that in this version, it is likely still tier 3.
Actually when the Trapper was apparent in[]
The Trapper was not yet a tier 2 tank, and likely still branched off of sniper. There was a rework of Mega Trapper, however, which is the same as today’s Constructor, where clicking on a place will force the trap to stop at that place. The traps after stopping could still be pushed by bullets, however.
There was also the Fortress, implying that the Trapper became tier 2 and Tri-Trapper tier 3 at some point.
The Downgrade ||[]
The Trapper became a tier 2 tank in, and although better tier 4 tanks started to exist because of this, the Builder branch became popular. Remember the new Mega Trapper? Yeah. It also got a weaker version that it branched off of at tier 3. This also meant there were new classes that also branched off of it.
- Constructor was what the new Mega Trapper was renamed to, but the Mega Trapper became an individual tank, but it was a beta tester tank.
- Architect was the false auto tank, as it had bendable builder turrets, and they look like auto turrets, but really they were not. They all aimed at the courser, and any blocks shot out of it went to the location, regardless of the turret’s location relative to the tank. Also it had auto-spin automatically enabled.
- Conquerer was a weird Trap Guard with a builder turret in front and a Destroyer turret in back. Like I said, weird tank.
- Auto-Builder was the same as the Builder with an auto turret slapped onto it. Seems like a new Auto Trapper hmmmmm
There are also many tanks with the Trapper Launcher(s) on it, but this new Builder Branch casted the rest of the branch under it’s shadow.
The Revival? ||[]
Note: I’ll be talking about the that was deleted, and am not talking about, or the new version that Absol as well as other developers are working on after the Deletion Crisis.
In the Trapper branch had gotten hundreds of new classes, just to name a few:
- Coronavirus (yep it existed)
- Swarming trapper
- laborer (arras hexa trapper became tier 5)
- Mega trapper (BACK BABYYYYYY)
- Tera Trapper
- Giga Trapper
- Crab (rave)
- Outlaw
- Trapliner (so is Barricade Trapigun?)
- Trappory (Mini Guardian confirmo? I think N O)
- Mladic (I thought he was a boss)
There are literally hundreds, and the Woomy wiki only covers around 50. Sadge.
Although there are hundreds of trappers, a lot of players stick to either drones or straight bullet spamming (sometimes destroyers too), so these tanks are never really played. So in a way the branch is actually killed, and not revived.
-also the tanks lack viability too
Anyways, introduced lots of Trapper tanks, and the builder branch is now more in the Trapper’s shadow. Not much to talk about this anymore, moving on!
Why these tanks suck HARD[]
Although these tanks have higher damage per ammunition, the lowered reload and the very short range makes these tanks very weak (aside from builders). They lack offense, and their purpose of being defensive is not really fulfilled very well, if not at all, as in the traps bounce off of tanks, and the tanks receive high knockback. Even in Arras, these tanks barely do any damage because of the fact that fast moving ammunition deals more damage than slow moving ammunition. And to make things worse, Mega Trappers have EVEN MORE KNOCKBACK, if it wasn’t enough.
Anyways, end of rant.