Diep.io Wiki

Seriously. Source Editor is infinitely better than Visual Editor. Don't believe me? Read on.

I used to be a Visual Editor-only kinda guy, clicking the Source Editor button on occasion to add templates and whatnot. After all, I only knew a little bit of wikitext and found Visual Editor "easier to understand." And then one day I realized Ursuul told me I should use Source Editor and I decided I would give it a try. After a few weeks of usage, I found that he was right:

1. It's faster. Instead of having to go to Source for a template, then back to resume editing, you're already in Source! This makes it way easier to add tags, links, templates, images, and a host of other things. It's also easier to pick out errors, such as external links (where internal links should be used), and edit templates.

2. It's smarter. Unlike the Source Editor accessible via the Visual Editor, enabling Source Editor under Preferences color codes everything. Links are blue, templates are tan, text formatting is dark pink, general formatting is light purple, etc. This makes it incredibly easy to pick out specific things and change/fix them, instead of scrolling through walls of uniformly colored text.

3. It's full of bonus features. For example, you can quickly preview changes, add various symbols, use find and replace, and easily add/remove categories. Also, you can view hidden comments buried by <!-- -->s.

4. It's skill inducing. Seriously. You never know when having at least a basic knowledge of wikitext could come in handy. For example, templates are wikitext only—no Visual editor tools to help you out. Watcha gonna do then, eh?

So, go here right now and enable Source Editor. You can now...