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Auto Gunner

Since GellyPop made one, I just couldn't resist making one on my favourite tank :3

Same format, different tank, different advice, more scientific names.

"A master annoyer, it'll track you and annoy you with tiny bullets, then dump a whole load in your face, and before you know it, you're gone! Simple and effective."

The Auto-Gunner is quite an innovative tank. The first of the Automaticus sub-species of tanks, it inspired an entire new generation. Many see this tank as the Triplus Barrelus (or the Triplet)'s rival, and they're quite right. The Auto-Gunner is an annoying bullet spammer. It's also one that you'll rarely see being used, because so many prefer the Triplet. Expect the Triplet and the Auto-Gunner to both have their devoted users who never change. But what differences does it have to the stable powerful Triplet, and why bother using it?

The Basic Things[]

The Auto-Gunner is an upgrade from the, well, Artillus Quadruplex, more commonly known as the Gunner. Strangely enough, it also upgrades from the Automaticus Tri, more commonly known as the Auto-3. When upgraded to, an Auto Turret pops out on the body, meaning even more tiny spammy bullets to throw at people! Yay! It has tiny bullets that go really fast and do insignificant damage, but have surprisingly high power for their diminutive stature, and are so small they can go straight past other bullets without taking any hits. The Turret is basically another one of these with better, bigger bullets, and slightly lower reload. Five annoying undodgeable insignificantly damaging bullet spam-o-matics. Nice Triplet rival, I say. It's much better as a killer and a tank that you'll always want up front compared to the Triplet, but is severely lacking in defense in comparison.

Choosing Your Strategy[]

The Artillus Automaticus works only as a shooter, since it has no recoil. Upgrading Bullet Damage, Health, and Penetration is a must as this class, because otherwise your bullets are going to do... Literally NothingTM. Putting a few points into Reload and Bullet Speed is recommended as well, but it's not necessary to max them out because the Auto-Gunner already has quite a bit to begin with. The Turret can be used in a variety of ways, from a tracker to a killer.

Best Thing to Remember[]

Whatever strategy you use to claim your way towards the leaderboard as an Auto-Gunner, remember that the most important stats you need are Bullet Damage/Penetration/Health. This helps for both your offense and defense. As offense, you need these for your bullets to actually do any killing. As defense, you need them to be able to destroy other things.


Glass Auto-Gunners typically have all their bullet stats maxed out, with any remaining points put into Movement Speed. In the world of arras.io, some may opt for 7 in all bullet stats instead of 8, and 5 in Movement Speed to be able to run. Always go full aggro with these guys. If you see enemy bullets, run towards them. If you see your turret lock onto an enemy, run towards them. Just spam bullets in their direction and they'll go down. Try to avoid their bullets, but if you know you can't, just rush them with all you've got and maybe you won't die.


Tracker Auto-Gunners are a bit more organized. They work quite like Glass, but with less bullet stats (maybe 6 in each and 5 reload and speed), and a bit more in health and movement speed. They use everything around them as a pointer but stay still and quiet most of the time, until their Turret gives them a target - they try to stay out of sight until they have an opportunity to approach, then they strike with their quite powerful bullets, moderately boosted health and quite quick movement speed. A good all-rounder. The Override function lets Trackers hide even more in the world of arras.io by disabling the turret for a bit.


These Auto-Gunners do the impossible: ram. They'll have a traditional ram build, but often with some points in reload to fool others into thinking they're bullet users, then they strike! Or they'll attempt to fool nobody at all and just ram. They're trolls and usually easy to deal with. Which makes getting kliled by them that much more infuriating.

Other Types[]

Utilizing other builds for the Auto-Gunner is a choice, especially for when you get tired of playing the standard builds of Glass and Tracker. It's your choice from here on. Find a build you like, practice, and stick with it, and you'll master it in no time.

Best Training Grounds[]

Found a build that suits you? Great! Got a place to practice? No? Well, here you go!

  • FFA (Free For All): Recommended. Auto-Gunners are more solo tanks. You'll be able to use other tanks as distractions, come up close, and have plenty of targets to track and practice on. This mode also generally has more variety than team, which is filled with Penta Shots and other annoying tanks that don't let you get up close and practice.
  • Survival: Levelling up is easier due to increased XP multiplier factor. Despite the limited time making it hard to get to Auto-Gunner, the Gunner is quite a powerful tank to begin with in Survival, and the Auto-Gunner is just that with an extra Turret.
  • 2 Teams: With the inclusion of a base and some teammates to help you, levelling up should be easier. Auto-Gunners, however, are not suited to team modes, and are unable to get up close in the clouds of bullets caused by the many Penta Shots and Octo Tanks.
  • 4 Teams: Almost the same with 2 Teams, but the bases are only at corners.
  • Domination: XP multiplying factor is increased. The inclusion of win conditions can limit your playtime as an Auto-Gunner, but this tank is a dream to have on your team when attempting to cap an enemy Dominator. The amount of bullets there will be will let you practice dodging, and there will be plenty of enemies to use as target practice. It's definitely got more 1v1s than the other team modes.
  • Tag: Arena gets smaller as time passes by. Has increased XP multiplier factor so levelling up is easier. The amount of enemies you'll fight vary, and variation is always good as an Auto-Gunner. Due to the team switching, 1v1s appear to be more frequent in Tag, which is good for the Auto-Gunner.
  • Maze: The addition of Maze walls is an additional challenge, but you can use these to your advantage by trapping people between a wall and a bucket of bullets. FFA factors apply here, although a game lasts for 5 hours before closing and resetting. GOTTA GO FAST!
  • Sandbox: Since Sandbox are private games, you have to give people the party link for them to join. The cheats can hurt and help, since you can instantly level up, but people can ruin your game with Arena Closers and Motherships and other similarly overpowered tanks. You have to trust people with this one. Otherwise, just stage as many 1v1s against whatever you want as many times as you want.

Dealing with Enemies[]

Once you've decided what build to use and where to train, you'll have to know your enemies. You have a regular FoV so enemies can easily get the drop on you. Your Turret is a major pointer and always be slightly focused on it. You also have little to no recoil, so movement is especially easy with the Artillus Automaticus.

Snipers (Distan Shotimus family)[]

"Now you see me, now you don't, now y - oh, oops, you're dead."

They've got the advantage. A higher FoV means that they can track you, and their semi-automtatic bullets can go straight through your stream - and you. Pester them with a stream. Flick it a tiny bit to your sides to make the Sniper have to move. Escape under cover of your stream.

If you're at close range, that changes everything. Keep up the pressure on them, avoid their bullets. Chase them. They'll go down eventually. You have no recoil, so chasing them is especially easy.

Destroyers (Humungus Bulletus family)[]

"YOUR PUNY BULLETS STAND NO CHANCE AGAINST MY BULLET! I have yet to meet one who can outsmart big bullet."

Your cousins from the other side of the family are like food to you. Just make sure you can avoid their bullets and keep yours focused on them, and they'll go down really quickly.

Rammers may give you more trouble. You may need to anticipate their movements and make sharp turns to avoid being rammed. Generally, the closer they are to your bullets, the harder it will be for them to approach you with your knockback, and the closer they are to their doom - but so are you!

If facing a Missile user, don't be afraid to shoot down ammo that comes too close to you. If you absolutely need to, you can try shooting their somewhat weak Missiles down, but that's not advised.

Twins (Dualus Barrelus family)[]

"Got a problem? Throw bullets at it. Still here? Throw more bullets at it. If that ain't working, throw 'em some more." These guys don't know that enough is enough.

These guys have better bullets, but you have more. Here it's really a chance of luck. Can enough of your bullets ghost through theirs and force themselves down your enemy's throat? Are you able to break your enemy's bullets? Do they break yours?

Try shooting at the sides of the Twin branch in hopes that they'll run into those bullets. Don't give up the pressure. With a bit of persistence, moving, and tactics, victory will be yours. Dualus Barrelus that have barrels on multiple sides are generally easier targets, since, due to an evolutionary deficit, their barrels are generally weaker than their single-directional ancestors. Keep moving, try to pop some shots in some other directions or through noticeable holes in their bullets. It can sometimes come down to luck. I honestly have no advice on when to retreat with this matchup. That's something you'll need to learn by yourself, sadly.

Against enemy Gunners, this battle gets more complicated. Your bullets will just ghost through each other's over and over, so don't try to defend. Move, attack, attack, attack.

Trappers (Constructus Wall family)[]


They're almost always building a wall. My advice? Shoot it down. They'll turn and face you. Just move somewhere else, and kill them where they have no traps. This is even easier to do with the lesser reload of the Constructicus Fort, or the Mega Trapper. The Constructicus Perimiter, or the Tri-Trapper, however, covers more sides but has weaker traps overall. It can't cover all its sides. The Constructicus Remoti, or the Overtrapper, used to give the Auto-Gunner trouble with six drones, but now it has just two and it'll die before those drones do anything. Constructicus Artillus, or the distant relative the Gunner Trapper, may give you trouble with their better bullets, but you have more. Five to two. You should overpower them, especially with Glass. The Constructicus Artillus cannot construct and attack at the same time. The Constructicus Automaticus, or the Auto-Trapper, can do both at the same time, but is thus weak to assaults from a different side to the wall. Just beware of its bullets. Five to one. Both Turrets. You may as well both not have Turrets.

Smashers (Smashus Annoyance family)[]

"I'm a go-kart look mum no barrels I'm a go-kart a deadly ramming go-kart"

These tanks think they're go-karts and will just run into your stream of death. They're like ram Destroyers but with no recoil.

The Smashus Stealthi (Landmine) is unseen, but spraying bullets constantly in front of you won't let that fool you. It'll quickly be exposed and meet the same fate as the others.

To deal with the Smashus Automaticus (Auto Smasher)'(s) dual cannon in the world of arras.io, spam it to death. And the tank will follow.

Overseers (Remoti Triangulus family)[]

"The next order I shall shove down my pointer is to have these doritos of death deletos you."

Run. Your bullets for once fail you by being too weak to down their Drones. If you have a cheap kill opportunity against the tank itself, delete it instantly, but otherwise distract it with your bullets and just run under the cover.

Remoti Perpendiculus (Underseers) and their bigger brethern, Remoti Undyingus (Necromancers) seem easy to take out, but their sheer numbers can and will overwhelm your guns.

Remoti Swarmus (Cruisers) Drones do die to you, and you should be able to kill them, provided you get past their initial Drone wall.

Factories (Replica Minionus family)[]

"This single Minion has more health than the three of us combined."

These are basically ranged Overseers to an Auto-Gunner. Run. Away.

Since Factories are hard to control, you will probably be able to see if the Factory is struggling to aim, in which case that's basically a free kill. Always be on your guard, since you never know if there's the evil troll who's pretending to be something they aren't behind that tank.

Machine Guns (Reloader Bulletus family)[]


Machine Guns have weak bullets that you can easily out-penetrate. Sprayers have weak bullets that stack and eventually delete yours. Try it with Machine Guns. Don't against Sprayers, or you'll just be wasting your time.

Flank Guards (Rotatus Barrelus family)[]

These are just like facing one barrel at a time. It gets easier, because the higher you go along the family, the less powerful the barrels will generally be.

The ramming Triangulus Mimicus (or Tri-Angle) branch will trouble you a bit and are impossible to outrun in any case considering their speed. Keep your bullets focused on them, be unpredictable with your movements, and don't give up, and they'll go down eventually.

Crashers (Triangulus Boosters)[]

"Looks like free EXP."

Your Turret eliminates these while you eliminate Pentagons. If your Turret is locked on to a Pentagon, reverse the roles and delete the Crashers.

While fighting a tank, this can become more of a problem. Quickly flick your guns at the Crashers if your Turret is targeting the enemy tank to take out the pesky triangles. The Override key can re-target your Turret in the world of arras.io, but that's risky and not exactly recommended.


"I will build a wall and shoot at things, three times over! I have three sides. You have one. Three outnumbers, outguns, and out-awesomes one."

The bosses have endless powerful ammunition to throw at you. The Auto-Gunner isn't a boss hunter. The four ammunition-reliant bosses will endlessly stall your bullets, if not outright kill you, and the fallen speedy one will chase you down to the depths of the Nest. It's hard to last against them, but you can dip in and steal a kill with the high firepower of the Auto-Gunner.

In The End[]

Do you think the Auto-Gunner is a worthy bullet spamming tank in the world of diep? Do you think it's able to compete against the current tanks in the world of diep? And most importantly, do you enjoy playing it? Leave your thoughts down below!

See Also[]